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Billy Jean on Beer Bottles

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'blowing bottles, Michael Jackson' to 'blowing bottles, Michael Jackson, billy jean' - edited by lucky760

Martin Freeman in New Series 'Fargo'

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

chingalera says...

What in the FUCK are ya going off about??! Then ya spam my fucking profile again with yer bullshit??Some serious thick-skulled hate in ya boy, pretty much sullied on ya and your gross exaggeration and continual misinterpretation of meaning in the words I care to type....Wanna discuss your issues with me?! I didn't hijack this thread,YOU DID. Fuck with me some more and let's take this shit to the public forum how about it? I'm not singling you out for hate billy,on the fucking contrary... I'd like to get some feedback from others who have to read your bullshit because the threads' not about global warming anymore..

newtboy said:

Check the chronology, that came AFTER the claim that he made the ad hom, as an effort to explain what ad hom is.
A clue to the personality behind any passionate, ego-driven enemy of reasonable discourse? Beware of anyone who names themselves 'annoying little f*cking thing', as you can be sure they are only trying their hardest to be annoying, not informative or understanding.

Billy Joel and Jimmy Fallon Form 2-Man Doo-Wop Group

overdude says...

Sure is nice to hear Billy Joel still sound so unmistakably like Billy Joel... unlike his counterpart Elton John, who now sounds nothing like Elton John.
Doesn't seem fair that tremendous amounts of alcohol, cocaine, and cigarettes (at least in Billy Joel's case) can affect two people so differently.

I guess getting old truly can suck sometimes.

Billy Connolly Is Not A "Hobbit" Fan

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'conan, billy connolly, the hobbit, parkinson disease' to 'conan, billy connolly, the hobbit, parkinsons disease' - edited by calvados

Billy Connolly Is Not A "Hobbit" Fan

poolcleaner says...

Life is a horror show but let's make the best of it and laugh. Sometimes the worst of things are the funniest; laughter itself being functionally horrific. That's called harmony. Understanding harmony, I still refuse to relinquish my anger. So I am angry that Billy suffers.

But I smile and laugh, because that is life.

And I laugh at my own inability to give up my own suffering -- my anger; to not let go of old wounds and to let rage consume my being and redirect tendrils of hostility in inappropriate, pseudo-harmony; evenly distributed to all.

It's comedy gold from a philosophical perspective.

Reporter mistakes Samuel L Jackson for Laurence Fishburn!

ChaosEngine says...

You know what?
Samuel L Jackson does kinda look like Laurence Fishburne. They've also played some similar roles (Morpheus, Mace Windu?)

Guess what else? Elijah Wood looks a bit like Tobey Maguire.

And Summer Glau looks like Olivia Wilde.

And Reese Witherspoon looks like ... well, pretty much every hollywood blond apparently.

People look like other people, and funnily enough, a huge defining factor in your look is your skin tone. I personally have often been compared with a young Harrison Ford*..... Billy Dee Williams.... not so much....

*not actually true.

Bad Santa - Woken up by christmas song

How to Use a Box of Aluminum Foil Correctly

Lockheed F-35 vs F-18 Super Hornet

bcglorf says...

I dislike ads like this. I class this in the emotional billy club style of argument and not the informative and persuasive kind.

One side is presenting it's own argument and version of the truth and stating that if they are right, then isn't it obvious that of course they must be right? Boo.

I'm not entirely sold on the pro F-35 counter argument, but the basic statement is that newly developed fighters always show a much higher cost per unit because research costs are so high it takes a long time for production runs to bring cost per unit down.

Truthfully I think both are missing the point, and the future is clearly and unavoidably drones. Whether we like the idea of skies dominated by unmanned aircraft or not is going to become as relevant as whether we like nuclear weapons or not. They both exist and are superior weapons so you either field them or step back and out of the way of the people that DO field them.

Come Snuggle with Cute Girls at the Snuggery!

chingalera says...

SO my question would be, where can I place my wood in the event of full-staff encroachment and how many dildos does big-head-Betty here keep ready for after work??
OH, and when we snuggle can we talk dirty to each other??

@gorillaman-The only problem I see is the growing niche for such a service-It screams western culture's developmental-disability at an all-time high. The fact that Billy here needs the comfort of another human and has to PAY for it tells me that Mum n Dad most likely FUCKED a key imprint stage in his development, ALLLL the fuck up!

Orz said:

From the Snuggery website:
Q. What if I become sexually aroused during my session?
A. Don't worry, it happens! Although sexual activity is not permitted, arousal is perfectly normal and should not make anyone feel uncomfortable.

I'm sure at last one person is going to feel uncomfortable in that situation.

>>>Huge iPhone Security Flaw<<<

chingalera says...

May we suggest the most glaring (common sense with a view trumping the most gracious of mortality odds) 'security flaw' inherent in ANY similar device (including off-brand/hype models) with functionality requiring two thumbs, a pair of eyes, and a challenge to their users of navigating the useless shit whilst performing mundane tasks such as saaay, crossing a street, waiting in line for groceries, operating a motor vehicle much less, operating your legs while not looking at the GROUND? Who needs any of this engineered obsolescence garbage anyway?...The cunts who want you under their thumbs, that's who and if they are LUCKY(all indications point to this a inevitable)-you or someone you just texted die crossing a street using some ineffectual device, car wreck while the manufacturer staffs lobbyists while crunching quarterly loss numbers.

Incorporating distraction into large populations who can afford these ancillary toys is KEY to these cunts who compete to make available these consumer grey-matter-killers and it has been the goal of providing you with the convenience of your own self-importance and slow death from the OUTSET.

Use less of the shit (civil and economic disobedience), stop fawning-over it and selling it without compensation to your friends (because after all, you have nothing else to communicate about of substance or meaning since yer skills have fallen-off a bit after the in-crowd hi-jack feeds on trashing or band-wagoning the latest devices every week..(gotta have one gotgaotta have the best)) HINT: THEY ALL HOBBLE YOUR MIND, THEY ALL SUCK-

EVERYONE do the experiment collectively (don't use their services for a month and threaten to drop service altogether) and YO, maybe develop some lasting relationships along the way....remember "eye contact!?"

Watch how miraculously interesting, stress-free and simply satisfying your unnecessarily complicated, dull-fucking life changes overnight and adds 10 more quality years to it when you numb or otherwise mitigate your use of this and all tech connected by satellite or cable. Ssuddenly, the emperor has no billy-club, a birthday suit, and the obvious becomes clear:..He's a FUCK THAT CONTROLS YOU WHO SHOULD BE ON AN INTERNATIONAL SEX-OFFENDERS DATABASE.

Bill Nye Explains Juno's Earth Fly-By

How to make an Angry American

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'cheney, bush, war, lying, caught' to 'cheney, bush, war, lying, caught, billy vegas show' - edited by xxovercastxx

GWAR covers Billy Ocean

Darkhand says...

I love it that the guy with the giant foam phallus and balls talks about the song demeaning women

Makes Billy Ocean look like a real turd in comparison!

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