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oregon militia-stop sending us bags of dicks

Asmo jokingly says...

And here I was thinking you'd like the Fleshlight Anal Edition...

\= |

Seriously though, they should consider keeping some of those dicks. That big double ender looks like it would make a handy billy club if they run out of bullets.

ps. Yeah, I also thought it was highly ironic that they were happy to take advantage of the federal mail whilst protesting against the gov. Socialism is so sneaky even right wing militia nuts are fans of it. /grin

poolcleaner said:

There was a clip of a news anchor chiming in that FedEx or UPS ships tons and tons of sex toys. I don't remember exactly what he claimed but I'm thinking he is correct and not just some old perv. Dildos just make for such a great gift, I suppose.

Hey uh but if you see anything on my Amazon wish list, maybe uh put it aside for me? Hah

How Gun Control Made Australia Safer Than America

StukaFox jokingly says...


Naw, fuck you, Australia! We love dead kids here in the US -- that's why we own so many guns! Makes us feel all self-righteous and shit when someone else's kids get blown away -- shit wouldn't happen to OUR kids because our little Billy is packing a .22 in his Star Wars lunchbox! Also, who fucking cares about cunts who kill themselves, right? SECOND AMENDMENT REPRESENT! You numb twats in the antipodes don't know that buying a Smith and Wesson makes you an AUTOMATIC CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR! Fuckin'-A right! Just owning a gun makes you an instant expert on the second amendment! The BEST part about owning a gun is that you're ALWAYS RIGHT! Someone disagrees with you? SHOOT THE FUCKER -- right in the FUCKING FACE! That'll show the little fuck who knows what!

YEEEEE FUCKING HAWWWWW! Buy a GUN you pussy motherfuckers!!

(This message 100% endorsed and paid for by the NRA and completely represents everything single thing they feel and believe. I'll shoot anyone who says otherwise right in the fuckin' dick.)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Tina Fey Tries To Name Latinos

bareboards2 says...

*promote the humanity.

(I suspect many Latina women would have trouble naming 20 with Billy screaming at them. The volume just blows your brain clean!)

EEVBlog - Hobbyist Arrested For Bringing Homemade Clock

Payback says...

Why'd he choose a briefcase to stuff electronics into?

If you were a airline security agent, (I mean YOU actually had the job) and that slid through the xray machine, what would you do?

The only reason he thought it was cool to make a briefcase clock is because of the whole "*giggle*, see!!! Terrorist alarm clock! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, cuz you know, like, my name sounds terroristy?? get it? get it ???" situation with his name.

This compares to the kid who got in shit for chewing his pop tart into a gun shape and going "pew pew" at classmates, in that Billy the Pop Tart Kid was a complete clusterfuck from the adults perspective, and this was a clusterfuck started by a juvenile joke gone bad (and then went clusterfuck).

Bomb Clock Kid is a victim of racist overreaction, not complete stupidity.

I want Microsoft to send the Pop Tart Kid an XBox.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Today on 'Abusive Cops'....More Abuse

Lawdeedaw says...

You ever see the Billy Madison part about the ethics dog...and how we are dumber just by listening to the story? Yeah, we are dumber for reading your stuff.

I have had plenty of rapist friends tell me they can hold down a victim single handily...

KrazyKat42 said:

I know several bar bouncers (not trained police officers) who have told me that any 5 trained men can restrain any one man, no matter what.

They should have just cuffed him and thrown him into a squad car.

End of story.

Steven Wright montage

CAUTION! WET RUNWAY! Air Europa blowing up water on landing

The Universe - Bill Nye (Inside Amy Schumer)

everything about the drug war and addiction is wrong

radx says...


If you've heard Hari's compressed talk about addiction before, skip ahead to 6:40 to hear the Billie Holiday story. I for one never heard it before and it's well worth a few minutes...

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

newtboy says...

Obviously not, I would prefer people didn't kill each other. Failing that, I wish things were more balanced overall. You seem to believe it's either 10 to 1 or 1 to 10. How about 1 to 1 like the rest of us?
Crime is down across the board, but that disgusting ratio continues to climb...meaning the less crime there is, the more violently police are reacting to it. You can argue about why, I'm just saying those statistics are telling and terrible, on all levels.

Police work daily with the DA, and are rarely prosecuted even when there is video that's clear and complete, while private citizens don't get the same treatment by far. You know this well.

Nothing I said would give suspected criminals (innocent until proven guilty, remember) the upper hand in any way. Reasonably TRYING less lethal methods is not walking into a hail of gunfire to try a billy club.
I would prefer that police put safety first, and not just their own safety, and certainly not police control over a citizens safety. I would prefer that police would go back to trying to de-escalate situations instead of trying to gain full control at all cost. I would really prefer that police caught acting badly were not supported and defended by other cops (sound familiar?), and were prosecuted by special prosecutors more often and more harshly than normal citizens. Since it's their job to uphold the law and the peace it's up to them to be better than 'normal' citizens, breaking the law as a lawman is doubly bad and should be punished as such.

But I'm sure you'll misread this, ridiculously misstate some of it, and make up a new straw man to argue about, and I'm already sorry I fell off the wagon and engaged again. Bad newt.

lantern53 said:

10 people killed versus one cop killed.

I imagine you would prefer those stats to be reversed, considering your animus toward cops.

The reason that stat is correct is because cops are called into dangerous situations with dangerous people, the cops have training and the responsibility to use deadly force.

If the cop does something wrong, he has to answer to his local prosecutor up to and including the attorney general of the United States and the resources of the entire Dept of Justice...which, by the way, was used on Darren Wilson, and Darren Wilson was found to have acted correctly.

You would prefer the criminal get the upper hand, which puts you well out of the mainstream of normal people.

Why is that?

You really need to use some critical thinking instead of just taking a statistic and trying to draw a conclusion from it. Especially when that conclusion is so blatantly specious.

"Asians in Media" Talk by Natalie Tran, aka communitychannel

ChaosEngine says...

Great talk. I love Nat, she's genuinely funny.

I have to say that it surprises me to hear her refer to "Asians" as a single group. There are massive cultural differences between Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Thais, etc. No-one refers to Germans, French, Italians and English as "Europeans".

I also don't really think there's anything wrong with making fun of your culture. Many of my favourite comedians do that all the time (Dylan Moran and Billy Connolly for example). There's a world of difference between recognising and laughing at your own cultural quirks and making racist stereotype jokes.

McCoys - Hang on sloopy Vid with amazing girl.

billybob says...

Another Great Song of The 60s, my High School Years here in AUSTRALIA. SIMPLICITY of "beat" and able to sing along and simple jive at the the disco clubs so prevalent here in the 60s.
WOW ! The girl in the video, Gorgeous, and those simple gyrations just blow me away. Amazing that the " short shorts" are the "In item " for the girls in Summer. My kids now their 20s - 30s LOVE the 60s Music. Whoever the girl is: Liz Derringer , take a bow
Best regards
Billy Bob Melbourne AUSTRALIA

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