If you could make a Poll, What would you do?

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A total of 24 votes have been cast on this poll.

Sorry, I have no idea why I felt there was a need for this poll. It jumped into my head and then I just couldn't let it go.
On the flip side, it is a round about way to yard-stick the humor levels around here
(*I know pole/pole - whatever...)
Hybrid says...

I'd use one to try and get myself banned. Then I'd create another account and quickly try and get it to silver so I could create another poll asking for my original account to get unbanned. Then I'd out the silver account as a sock-puppet account and get that banned. However, it says in the rules that people creating two accounts get banned by IP address. So now my original account, though unbanned, can't be accessed from home due to the IP address ban. So I'd create a third account from work (to get around the IP ban) and then get that to silver, and then create a poll to get the IP ban lifted on the original account. Now, I out the third account as another sock-puppet and ask that it be banned by IP. Now I can't surf VideoSift from work. My productivity at work sky rockets. Company goes from strength to strength. Record profits year on year. I am named Great British Employee of the Year in 2014 (I go on to win it each year until retirement). 10 years later I am knighted and become Sir Hybrid.

Moral of the story. Use polls wisely and always think about the long term consequences.

BoneRemake says...

I would post a poll asking sifters if more than one poll at a time might be warranted. Seeing as though there are usually Inane polls posted when decent ones are waiting in line.

Then I would break the poll into the proper length and attach the Ankh to it and stick it in the ground.

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