
Created: 1 decade 7 years 4 months 2 weeks ago
Updated: 1 month 3 weeks ago
Views: 19,823

Ants, duh!

"Catapults: they’re amazing! Stored potential energy rapidly released as forward motion to launch missiles, basketballs, watermelons, and even flying cars through the air. We know them, we build them,... continue reading

posted by ant 6 months 2 weeks ago • 125 views • 9:34

"Deborah Gordon, who researches animals' collective behavior, explains her experiment aboard Space Station into how ants would react to varying surfaces in a microgravity environment." From continue reading

posted by ant 1 decade 11 months 1 week ago • 206 views • 4:22

"This documentary is about the unknown social lives of the army ants. Known as the most feared animals in the equatorial forests of Ecuador in Amazon rain forests, they hack and dice any unfortunate prey... continue reading

posted by ant 1 year 4 months 4 weeks ago • 6 views • 45:42

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