Terrible WTF
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 6 months 1 week ago
Views: 1,986
Its wrong and its bizarre - and terrible!

This guy dumps a ton gasoline all over his yard in order to start a bonfire. It looks like he got a little more fire than he expected.
posted by eric3579
More mensa action!
posted by blankfist

By 2020, there will be a one world Government. - Ray Kurzweil, 1999
posted by mintbbb
The defendant is obviously an idiot who was out of her mind to even consider going on this show. She put some phones up for sale on Ebay and then sent the auction winner photos of the goods instead of... continue reading
posted by deputydog
The jury's out as to whether this is this an official viral ad or a joke parody made by some guys with a warped sense of humour. The product in question is "Conflict: Denied Ops" which is another shooter... continue reading
posted by Krupo
So, let's stand on either side of a lake, let's shoot fireworks at each other. Nothing could go wrong could it?
posted by spoco2
"UNCOUNTED is an explosive new documentary that shows how the election fraud that changed the outcome of the 2004 election led to even greater fraud in 2006 - and now looms as an unbridled threat to the... continue reading
posted by qualm
What are the odds?
posted by firefly
The band name is Complete. The song is Dream-Ing. The feeling is wtf. [edit] A blog dedicated to the band - there's an explanation about the roots of the band here too: http://cmpt.blogspot.com/
posted by blankfist
This is textbook douchebaggery. Let's document its intracasies together. Goal: 100 douchy details. #1 suspiciously placed guitar in the background. -dft #2 THAT GODDAMN SHIRT! -uhoh #3 The faux... continue reading
posted by dystopianfuturetoday
It looks like these dogs are contemplating murder/suicide. Could you blame them?
posted by kronosposeidon
I am terrified.
posted by sometimes
Spidey Super Stories was a recurring skit on PBS children's show The Electric Company and premeired during the 1974 season. This episode narrated by Todd Graff, with Danny Seagren as Spiderman, Jim Boyd... continue reading
posted by firefly
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