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Race Motion is a new video series created by motorsport production powerhouse Mad Media as a slow-motion cinematic exploration of the beauty and contrasting violence off-road racing. Watch as these incredible... continue reading

posted by newtboy 4 years 10 months 2 weeks ago • 363 views • 2:58

Some feared 2018’s Gymkhana TEN marked the end of automotive’s largest viral video franchise, but Ken Block is back with the second installment of the acclaimed series’ spin-off Climbkhana, presented... continue reading

posted by newtboy 5 years 3 months 1 week ago • 23 views • 8:55

After fourteen years of pretty much uncontested domination, Goodyear saw their reign challenged by a small band of Indiana tire makers named Hoosier Racing Tires. What ensued was one of the bloodiest conflicts... continue reading

posted by bobknight33 5 years 9 months 3 weeks ago • 74 views • 18:28

YouTube description: On this episode of Ignition presented by Tire Rack, resident racer Randy Pobst tests the overall winner of the 24 Hours of Le Mans: the infamous Audi R18 e-tron! Valued at $30 million... continue reading

posted by Aard Vark (oritteropo) 1 decade 1 week ago • 228 views • 8:30

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