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Comments to thesnipe

MINK says...

you should just message dag i guess and cite this thread as an example.
this is why i didn't want to just discard it... because there's this whole grey area.

i personally think your vid should be merged with the old thread, under the original poster's name, regardless of how active they are today. with some kind of credit for you and a link back to the old embed in case yours goes dead.
and the search should work better
but i do enough whining on here without starting another one.

In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
Yeah I did see that one, but there wasn't the background or the ending that the video I posted gave. Since the user who originally submitted the video is not around anymore to change it I'm put in a conundrum. I don't think we have a standard for a clip that incorporates bits of of another clip. Suggestions?

In reply to this comment by MINK:
the cool police sniper vid is a dupe. sorry. i am too scared to discard it myself. you're gonna have to do it.

MINK says...

the cool police sniper vid is a dupe. sorry. i am too scared to discard it myself. you're gonna have to do it.

drattus says...

I did a little searching and ran across a couple of good sift talk pages on the subject, I've got to get some sleep pretty soon but this should help you, Dag, or whoever ends up with it to figure out how to approach the issue I'd hope.

Downvote Philosophy

Reason for downvoting

The Downvote Blues

Comment writing philosophy

Looks like I have a fan

There might be more but that's a handful mostly in the post voting but a little on comment as well. If there's another angle you want me to dig for I'd be glad to but either pretty soon or in a few hours, need to wind down for an hour or so and relax so I can go to sleep at some point.

drattus says...

Sure thing but it'll have to be either pretty soon or wait a few hours, I tend to be a night owl so am late getting to bed as it is. Might want to drop a note to Dag first though, when he wrote me back earlier he said he'd look at putting something together and I'd hate to ask him about it then step on it before he can get to it. I might be poor with people in general but even I realize that would be bad manners

BicycleRepairMan says...

Hey, I was looking for that clip with Lewis Black talks about the "Starbucks across from a Starbucks", and I believe it used to be this one

However, it seems to have been replaced by another one, presumably from the same act, but without the Starbucks bit.. It might be a good idea to replace it with the original, but I cant find it, so here's an audio-only version of the starbucks rant:

dotdude says...

The third roast begins Friday, December 21, 2007 at 9:30ish PM, PST.

Roastee: karaidl
Master of Ceremonies: rottenseed

Look for rottenseed’s kick-off post.


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