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Member Since: April 24, 2006
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Comments to raven

special_ops says...

no problem. those crazy xenu guys are fast.

In reply to this comment by raven:
thanks but its gone already... sigh... them scientologists are quick... must be the chips they undoubtedly have planted in their brains, makes 'em wet themselves or something whenever a new copy of that is posted. Oh well, thanks again.

In reply to this comment by special_ops:
found a replacement for your sciencetology video!


lucky760 says...

I'm really very sorry to have upset you. Admittedly, when I wrote it I was only thinking about insulting a male who would abuse the site, but really, you are very off base to think I consider having a uterus (being born female) a negative thing. I am one of the least sexist people you might ever meet, and you are completely misinterpreting my comment.

It is a fact that the vast majority of males in the world take pride in their masculinity/manliness. It is also a fact that the vast majority of females in the world are much less masculine than men (due to the balances of estrogen and testosterone that naturally occur at different levels in every individual as per the instructions in our DNA).

Given those simple facts of nature, it is not wrong to observe that most males are very insulted when implying they lack their ever-cherished masculinity. Therefore, my statement is not and should not be construed as a strike against having a uterus.

Of course, if you contend with what I've stated as facts that most males are born with significantly more testosterone and less estrogen than most females or that most men inherently feel insulted when painted as lacking masculinity, then there's nothing more I can say.

The bottom line is that I was not nor would I insult females or consider them as having anything but equal value in life as males. The only ways males could possibly, validly be considered not equal to females are those which are defined by biology.

Out of sheer curiosity as I'm wondering how you truly feel about such issues, would it insult you for someone to insult a guy with a big beer belly by telling him he looks like he's carrying a baby? Would that translate to you as a sexist person insulting all pregnant women?

(As we all know, typing doesn't translate emotion well, but I'm being completely sincere here.)

In reply to this comment by raven:
Either way though, you see that it is an insult, so you understand why I am upset because in order to create that insult you chose to equate a negative action with the ownership of a uterus... whichever way you cut it lucky, and whatever your intent in its application, that is pretty damn sexist, and I am shocked to see it coming from an admin.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
I wasn't speaking about any person or gender, just in general about whyever a member would decide to intentionally cast empty votes in an attempt to undermine the system.

My negativity was intended to lean heavily toward insulting a male because claiming a guy is suffering from his PMS is a big insult as it attacks his masculinity.

And if my comment was applied to a woman, it'd simply be implying PMS is a possible reason behind her madness. Of course in the latter case it could still be an insult (depending on the feelings of the insultee), but nowhere near as insulting as the former.

In reply to this comment by raven:
So, just who were you referring to? That 15% of us who frequent this site despite the fact that it sometimes appears to operate as a boys' club?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's a very good point. This is supposed to be a site for online video quality control where member votes determine the quality of a video. When there are meaningless votes cast, it does affect the tally and thus the quality.

All votes should mean something and that something shouldn't be that the voter was having a fit of cramps with no Midol in sight and wanted to take it out on the world at large. (Not referring to QM, btw.)

lucky760 says...

I wasn't speaking about any person or gender, just in general about whyever a member would decide to intentionally cast empty votes in an attempt to undermine the system.

My negativity was intended to lean heavily toward insulting a male because claiming a guy is suffering from his PMS is a big insult as it attacks his masculinity.

And if my comment was applied to a woman, it'd simply be implying PMS is a possible reason behind her madness. Of course in the latter case it could still be an insult (depending on the feelings of the insultee), but nowhere near as insulting as the former.

In reply to this comment by raven:
So, just who were you referring to? That 15% of us who frequent this site despite the fact that it sometimes appears to operate as a boys' club?

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
That's a very good point. This is supposed to be a site for online video quality control where member votes determine the quality of a video. When there are meaningless votes cast, it does affect the tally and thus the quality.

All votes should mean something and that something shouldn't be that the voter was having a fit of cramps with no Midol in sight and wanted to take it out on the world at large. (Not referring to QM, btw.)

eric3579 says...

Thought you might want some cheese history

Easy Cheese was originally marketed by Nabisco in 1966 under the name Snack Mate. After the merger of Kraft and Nabisco in 1988, the product was renamed Easy Cheese. It is sold in the United States, where it is usually served on crackers. Ritz Crackers in particular, another Kraft Foods product, are heavily cross-promoted with Easy Cheese. However, the Nabisco brand remained until 2001.

It is available in several flavors, including American cheese, mild and sharp cheddar, Swiss, nacho, and bacon & cheddar. The bacon & cheddar flavor used to contain tiny chunks of bacon, which easily clogged the can's nozzle. Kraft Foods has since reworked the recipe to omit the bacon particles in favor of bacon flavoring. In 2007, Kraft began producing a cream cheese variety of Easy Cheese.

mas8705 says...

Your Ceiling dance is back on... Sorry I couldn't find a better video, but the other were either out of sync, didn't have an Embedding code or had bad picture...

LittleRed says...

Since you obviously missed it, that wasn't a "Please, tell me how old you are, because I just have to know." It was a "Since you claim to be 25, please act your age. No one appreciates the 12-year-old you."

I also have gone back through more than two weeks of comments, and have yet to see these "good manners" you claim to be giving away.

I'm really not trying to bother you, or change your opinions on MGR. I'm only saying that in the less than a month that i've actually been a member, I've already witnessed several scathing personal attacks. If you want to have such a "discussion" on someone's personal profile, go for it. But everyone knows it's childish and petty to bring the entire community into an argument you'd like to have about someone else's character. This is an issue between you and him. Or maybe now it's a non-issue. Either way, your mother should have taught you that the proper way to tell someone "You're an ass" should never include anyone but the parties directly involved. I hope for your sake this isn't how you generally conduct your activities.

In reply to this comment by raven:
Much older than you... and, on average, I got so many good manners that I be giving them away... so, your lad must've really done something to warrant the expression of my ire in public... tell him congrats.

Also, if you think that bothering me about this is going to change my mind about things you are sorely mistaken.

In reply to this comment by LittleRed:
Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

LittleRed says...

Must you pollute someone else's video with personal attacks and name calling? Are you really that ill-mannered?

If you feel that strongly about MGR, there would have been much more appropriate places to say so. Instead, you have nothing at all to say about the video, and start verbal attacks and name calling on a video someone else worked to find? How old are you, really?

In reply to this comment by raven:
Must I explain everything to you? Are you really that dense?

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