Wrongfully Jailed For Rape As A Teen,

Wrongfully Jailed For Rape As A Teen, He Now Helps Others Falsely Convicted | Megyn Kelly TODAY

Woman destroys a mans life -- sounds all too common -- all with a lie. And we always have to believe the woman.

I really don't want METOO to mean I also was also destroyed by a woman's lie .


"all too common"

Bull fucking shit. Evidence about false rape claims is hard to come by, but most studies put it at around 2-5% of reported rape claims. And given that rape has an incredibly low reporting rate (estimated as low as 1 in 10), that means that for every 1000 rape claims 2-5 are false.

So when we get the number of sexual assaults down from the point where someone is violated EVERY 98 FUCKING SECONDS, then we can worry about the false accusations.


Woman destroys a mans life -- sounds all too common -- all with a lie. And we always have to believe the woman.

I really don't want METOO to mean I also was also destroyed by a woman's lie .


Aaaahahahahaha! I actually fell off my chair. Thanks for a good laugh.

Sir, you must not understand the meanings of those words, because you are as illogical and untruthful (because you illogically choose to believe known liars) as I think it's possible to be.
You are so unconcerned with truth, I don't think I've ever seen you even once admit you were wrong when the lie you repeated was debunked, and on average you have that opportunity at least weekly.


Unlike liberals, logic and truth are my guiding principles , not race .

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