What happens when you're drunk AND stoned at the same time?

MY head spins!

YouTube: The science of getting "crunk"!

Nothing good comes with this drug combo.

(edit) let me clarify. I'm not referring to health in any way. I'm talking about getting high.
My experience is spinning,nauseous and inability to see straight or walk. Pretty much every time i did so. I'd recommend sticking to one or the other.


Well, according to this video
Pros: Less liver damage, more THC Absorption=more ^high^
Cons: Worse memory, less able to vomit in case of over-consumption (which is not a problem if you drink moderately)

Eh, not a terrible trade-off.


I've only done this once. I will never do it again. In 1994, I turned 21. During my party, a friend brought both Weed and Jack Daniels. I partook of both heavily.

For the first time ever, I was almost unable to move. I've been drunk. I've been high. Never before was I rendered nigh motionless. I would not have placed this on the "Never do again so help me" list if that was the end of the experience.

Later that night, a powerful nausea unlike any I had experienced before or since came upon me. I had barely regained my equilibrium and in the process of vainly trying to make it to the bathroom, I took out a wall in my friend's mobile home. Let me be clear, I am not in any way exaggerating when I said I took out a wall. I was a defensive lineman in school and I was still mostly the same size 3 years later.

I landed in a heap of broken plywood and 2x4's, my friend and his girlfriend awoke to the noise and noticed their bedroom had a new entry. They then were treated to projectile vomit which spewed about the room as I tried to get up and out to the bathroom. They freaked out, got up and tried to run out, forgetting that they were naked. I was able to get up finally, and stumbled back out of their room, where I blearily noticed that everyone who was still hanging about the party were gawking at us. Me, covered in puke, a glow in the dark OP T-shirt, and bleached jeans. My friend and his girl covered in puke alone.

Puke glows oddly under blacklight, let me tell you. Anyhow, we all got cleaned up, I changed clothes, and then my future wife took me home. I went back a week later, after the shame had worn off a bit, to get my clothes. My friend had moved, his rented trailer was padlocked, and I never heard from him again.

If by some miracle you are reading this, Ricky, apologies bud.

Mordhausjokingly says...

Bleached and ripped no less. I also had a pair of parachute pants in the 80's and untied adidas with fat multicolor laces. Ah...the good days!


Flannels always cool (I've been wearing them sense the 80's). OP tshirt may have been cool, but bleached jeans?! BLEACHED JEANS!!


Eh its all about moderation. Having a bit of scotch with your ganja toke isn't going to be harmful, and can be quite pleasant. Overdoing weed or alcohol, nevermind both, leads to bad and potentially dangerous experience. Enough with either/or puritanism.

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