Pissed Physicist says "Follow the Science" is nonsense


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Eh, what do you want? *wipes nose with back of hand*
She's a woman. *hikes pants back to up to waist level*


Isn't she saying we should actually follow the science to achieve desired results and ignore the uninformed opinions that twist it?


I think it's more a matter of pointing out that science doesn't provide guidance, only understanding. We should use information provided by scientific research to guide policy, but policy won't always 100% follow that guidance. As an example, if research indicated the best way to solve Problem X is using Solution A, but Solution A is exceedingly expensive, or will cause public outcry, or requires materials from a hostile region, then Solution B might be what you opt for instead. Practicalities may make "follow the science" a poor, or at least less viable option.


Isn't she saying we should actually follow the science to achieve desired results and ignore the uninformed opinions that twist it?


I like how you actually have to pay attention to what she is saying to understand what she is saying.

Lots of good videos, quantum physics, flat earth, herd immunity...


I think she's describing Hume's Guillotine (http://www.philosophy-index.com/hume/guillotine/), or the is-ought problem, which is that certain statements describe what "is" and other describe what "ought to be", but you can't go from one to the other.

So it's raining outside. And if you go out side without a coat you'll get cold. So you ought to put a coat on?

Depends if you care about getting cold. The first two are facts, the last one is a choice, and the facts can't tell you what you want. The heart wants what the heart wants.


Let's be honest, her premise isn't at all clear.

Like she's saying that science doesn't have opinions, so you can base your opinions on science but you can't SAY those opinions are based on science because science doesn't validate opinion?

You can't ask someone if they're basing their opinions on science because...reasons?

She's reading opinion pieces, conflating those articles with science and then complaining that you can't conflate opinion and science.

My head's spinning.

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