Joe diGenova: Walls closing in on Obama DOJ officials


Oops....they caught another admitted witch!
Today it's revealed Manafort is pleading guilty and cooperating with Muller.

It's pretty ridiculous to pretend the crime here is that Clinton bought a report from the Republican party that implicated Trump and the DOJ used said report as the sole basis to begin an investigation that actually began as long as years earlier.

It's also utterly ridiculous to pretend that investigation has found nothing, it's gotten convictions or admissions from every administration member that's been investigated. Most of them have publicly pointed fingers directly at Trump and are cooperating with the investigation.

But yeah, @bobknight33, the walls are closing in on the investigators and President Obama because President Petulance says so, but not on the subject of the actual investigation, an admitted and convicted fraud with a cabinet chock full of undisclosed foreign Russian agents. #derpstate


Still ZERO about Trump.

Keep trying.

Old crimes not related to Trump
Maybe Muller will give 14 days in jail for Manafort -- Big time crimes ..


Oops....they caught another admitted witch!
Today it's revealed Manafort is pleading guilty and cooperating with Muller.

It's pretty ridiculous to pretend the crime here is that Clinton bought a report from the Republican party that implicated Trump and the DOJ used said report as the sole basis to begin an investigation that actually began as long as years earlier.

It's also utterly ridiculous to pretend that investigation has found nothing, it's gotten convictions or admissions from every administration member that's been investigated. Most of them have publicly pointed fingers directly at Trump and are cooperating with the investigation.

But yeah, @bobknight33, the walls are closing in on the investigators and President Obama because President Petulance says so, but not on the subject of the actual investigation, an admitted and convicted fraud with a cabinet chock full of undisclosed foreign Russian agents. #derpstate


Um....he's providing evidence against Trump in the Trump Russia investigation as part of his plea deal....that is about Trump.

Keep denying.

He's pleading guilty to crimes he committed for and during the Trump campaign, through 2017, namely conspiracy against the U.S. by intentionally hiding his foreign agent status and the tens of millions the Russians paid him and lying under oath about them (a gift by Muller who has far more dirt on him but let him off easy), and he's providing documentation about Trump's campaign working with Russia, not so old or unrelated to Trump. Derp.

Maybe Muller will suggest 14 years in prison for Manafort if his evidence proves useful, or perhaps much longer if not. Remember he already has 8 other convictions awaiting sentencing, this takes care of the other 10 charges he had pending.

Yes, conspiracy against the United States, and defrauding the government are fairly big time crimes.

Odd that, when every person Trump hand picked is totally in Russia's pockets and as an administration they go to extreme lengths to hide it, including lying under oath and in official documents until caught, then are convicted or plea guilty, you still try to pretend it's not related to Trump.

He's either outrageously bad at his job, easily tricked by Russia into hiring only Russian operatives, and should be removed, or is complicit and should be removed. Which is it?


Still ZERO about Trump.

Keep trying.

Old crimes not related to Trump
Maybe Muller will give 14 days in jail for Manafort -- Big time crimes ..


The deal tied to Ukrainian political consulting work and unrelated to the Trump campaign.

What the deal involves remain to be seen.. Sure Muller wants Anti Trump dirt-- If any exists.

Manifort is 69 and covering his ass.. you would to .. His upcoming trail is from his doings years before Trump.


Um....he's providing evidence against Trump in the Trump Russia investigation as part of his plea deal....that is about Trump.

Keep denying.

He's pleading guilty to crimes he committed for and during the Trump campaign, through 2017, namely conspiracy against the U.S. by intentionally hiding his foreign agent status and the tens of millions the Russians paid him and lying under oath about them (a gift by Muller who has far more dirt on him but let him off easy), and he's providing documentation about Trump's campaign working with Russia, not so old or unrelated to Trump. Derp.

Maybe Muller will suggest 14 years in prison for Manafort if his evidence proves useful, or perhaps much longer if not. Remember he already has 8 other convictions awaiting sentencing, this takes care of the other 10 charges he had pending.

Yes, conspiracy against the United States, and defrauding the government are fairly big time crimes.

Odd that, when every person Trump hand picked is totally in Russia's pockets and as an administration they go to extreme lengths to hide it, including lying under oath and in official documents until caught, then are convicted or plea guilty, you still try to pretend it's not related to Trump.

He's either outrageously bad at his job, easily tricked by Russia into hiring only Russian operatives, and should be removed, or is complicit and should be removed. Which is it?


When the campaign chairperson and nearly everyone below him lies and hides their work and strong ties to and multiple millions in payments by Russia, that IS the Trump campaign, it's hardly unrelated. He chose these people, and they all have Russian ties. It wouldn't be a surprise if we find them all on an actual list of people Putin told him to hire.

You mean what evidence he has against Trump remains to be seen, the deal is public, and Muller didn't let him off on 8/10 pending felony charges for nothing.

Odd, I thought Trump was covering his ass by suggesting a pardon was coming. I guess his close friends just don't trust Trump to follow through on a promise..... imagine that.
I wouldn't have to cover my ass. I'm not one of dozens of lying traitors working for the president while hiding my Russian ties, and I never would be.

He has no upcoming trial, he plead guilty and offered to give testimony and evidence against Trump. Trials for him are over.

The charges, again since you can't seem to grasp it, were about lies he told under oath FOR and DURING the campaign, not just about his prior work for Russia (defrauding the United States and obstruction)....true, these were lies about his job right before the campaign and about payments made for his Russian propaganda work, and lies about who made those hidden payments, Russia....but those lies under oath (on campaign and security clearance applications, etc) were all during and in the service of the Trump campaign.
The fact that you refuse to accept those undeniable and admitted facts in favor of a ridiculous fantasy put forth by Fox that doesn't just beg credulity but completely ignores reality (like the theory that he's being prosecuted for decades old crimes (from 2010-2017?) that are well past the statutes of limitations and not for his recent subversion and obstruction in service to Trump that he plead guilty to) make you look pretty delusional and irrational.


The deal tied to Ukrainian political consulting work and unrelated to the Trump campaign.

What the deal involves remain to be seen.. Sure Muller wants Anti Trump dirt-- If any exists.

Manifort is 69 and covering his ass.. you would to .. His upcoming trail is from his doings years before Trump.

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