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00Scud00 says...

I kept waiting to see the head of that fish start to poke out of his asshole. I wonder if the greedy bastard actually survived that?

Hovering a Helicopter is Hilariously Hard

00Scud00 says...

Me, flying helicopters in GTA 5. Weird thing is, I remember playing helicopter sims back in the day and I don't have any memory of it being as hard as it was in GTA.

ViHart: Shepard Tones

The Real Reason Jaywalking Is A Crime

00Scud00 says...

Interesting stuff, I never knew the origins of the term Jaywalker.
Being the operator of an evil motor vehicle however I do see a flip side to this, uppity pedestrians who seem to think that because motorists are required to stop for pedestrians that they can just stroll out into traffic any time it strikes their fancy.

Deep Sea Oddities

Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

00Scud00 says...

Copper still resents us for switching to zinc to make pennies.
And paper is definitely not smooth edged, every time I get a paper cut time seems to slow down and I can swear I feel every bump like a tiny buzz saw ripping through my skin.

Dumdeedum said:

Now explain copper wire finger stabbings!

Daniel Kish: How I use sonar to navigate the world

00Scud00 says...

I remember hearing about this guy last week on NPR, pretty amazing stuff. But I find the comparison to Batman to be a little off, Daredevil would be a better match.

How Long Are You Going to Live?

00Scud00 says...

I've never watched this guy before, but I really wanted to march in and nail him down to one side of the table or the other, sit still damn you! Otherwise interesting video, I never really thought life expectancy stats that way before.

The One Ring Explained. Lord of the Rings Mythology Part 2

00Scud00 says...

I like the idea of what you're saying but as far as the ring goes I would look at it this way. Say you build a super weapon, the problem with a super weapon is if anyone else gets their hands on it they could use it on you, so you build it in such a way that it only really works for you. But you make it nice and shiny and encourage would be thieves to use it (sweet! I'm invisible!) so when they do it will quietly call the cops (or Ringrwraiths in this case) when it's logged on to a network like some stolen iphone from hell. Of course you never want them to have any real power, just the promise or illusion of it to keep them on the hook while security tracks down the stolen item, then you can eat them, "raw and wriggling" if that's your preference.

MilkmanDan said:

I agree with you, but to me it would still be more interesting if the power of the one ring was manifested in some more concrete way.

I guess that in general Tolkien wasn't big on allegory, which is why he looked down on interpretations of his work where people assume that the ring is a symbol for "atomic energy", or "technology" or "industry" or whatever. So, from his point of view it is probably better to make the ring more abstract. But, I still think that personally, I get more out of viewing the one ring as sort of an allegory for "power" in general, and the corrupting influence of that power. So, even though I know that your interpretation is correct to what Tolkien had in mind, I like to read his books with my own spin on things in that way.

You are experiencing constipation?

The explosive welding process in action

Does the Theory of Evolution Really Matter

00Scud00 says...

That must have been kind of a mixed blessing for the flight attendant. You're no longer guilty of starting a horrible disease, but people now suspect you of having inappropriate relations with Bobo the chimp.

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

00Scud00 says...

It's weird to think that we spend 100k a year incarcerating someone who may have started a life of crime because they were poor. We could have given them 100k a year and the may have remained a productive, free and law abiding citizen, either way it's a 100k a year so which sounds better?

The Truth About Gingers

The Truth About Gingers

00Scud00 jokingly says...

Assimilation would provide greater variety and genetic differentiation, clones are evolutionary dead ends anyhow. The downside is that your foil will be bald headed British actors.

ant said:

Yes, a clone army of red hot gingers. Hot blondes will work too. Maybe I should change to my Ant Borg and assimilate them instead? Do you want to help me with this project?

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