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How thieves steal keyless tech cars

00Scud00 says...

I'm surprised that these things put out a strong enough signal to get out of the house. Maybe build a case for the fob that cuts off the signal unless you hit a button and exposes enough of it for the signal to get out?

How the NRA hijacks gun control debates

00Scud00 says...

I'll see your 650k fetuses and raise you 14 dead walking, talking, breathing schoolkids. The first is primarily the concern of political opportunists, religious fundamentalists and people who seem far too interested in controlling other people's sex lives. The latter is the concern of, well, pretty much everyone.

bobknight33 said:

Planned Parenthood helped abort SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND FETUSES LAST YEAR. The NRA killed no one. Sleep on that.

What If You Didn't Sleep For A Week? ft. TheOdd1sOut

00Scud00 says...

I don't know about the loss of sleep being an anti depressant, lack of sleep usually makes my depression much worse. I guess I must be the other half of that group.

How politicians troll the media

00Scud00 says...

Not entirely true, if you're douchy enough you can still wind up like Roy Moore.
I hope there's no rules against someone named something other than Alice being sent to the moon, I'd hate to see this ruined by a technicality.

ChaosEngine said:

No, Charlie needs to learn from his mistakes and ignore Lucy.

Kicking her will just allow her to cry "victim".

And that is EXACTLY what happens with the politicians.

How politicians troll the media

00Scud00 says...

Charlie needs to change his tactics, instead of trying to kick the ball he should just kick Lucy instead. Problem solved.

Sometimes I think to Myself...

Behold Chainsaw Proof Pants in Action

The Real Reason Taxes Suck

Adam Ruins Everything - Real Reason Hospitals Are So Costly

Trump "Asked" To Take Down Fake TIME Magazines

The Brilliant Earth Diamond Scam

Man Addressing Entitled Woman Who Cuts The Line

What happens when you put 20,000 volts into a Watermelon?

00Scud00 says...

After repeatedly failing to comply with officer commands, the belligerent watermelon was tazed.

Why Humanity Destroyed Itself

00Scud00 says...

I upvoted for the overall philosophical theme, but the assertion that we can't save ourselves as a species until we do away with abortion is kind of silly.

'Spy Monkey' Mistaken For Dead Baby And Mourned By Troop

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