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The Wasserspiele of Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe

Data Brokers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Controlled Demonstration of a Tank Trailer Vacuum Collapse

Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

The Earth Pyramids of South Tyrol

00Scud00 says...

Interesting formations, I've never seen them before. But what's with the creepy music? Sounds like something you'd hear on a tour bus ride through Hell.

Who pays the lowest taxes in the US?

00Scud00 says...

Simply boiling it down to absolute dollars doesn't really tell the whole story, that was the point of the video. And allowing people to pick and choose what their tax dollars go to pay for sounds like it would be an administrative nightmare. Not to mention how that would effect everyone else, rich people only paying for the upkeep of the roads they use, while poorer neighborhoods suffer because of the lower tax base that they have, kinda like schools.

spawnflagger said:

While I'm all for progressive taxes, it would be nice if this presentation had just 1 graph that was absolute dollars paid in taxes, not always having the Y-axis a "% of total income" ... then we'd see that those rich people are paying hundreds to thousands of times more than the poor folks.

It would also be nice if individuals could choose what projects/departments/agencies their tax money (above some per-person baseline) went to, rather than budgets being proposed by executive branch and approved by congress. But if you hate political ads now, such a system would flood all channels of advertisement with "choose XYZ before April 15th!"

The Tata Nano is One of The Cheapest Cars Ever Produced

Warehouses: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

00Scud00 says...

Ever since I read that article in Mother Jones about working conditions in Amazon warehouses I feel kinda bad ordering stuff.
Although I do tend to order things that I can't find locally or is much cheaper online. But fucking Oreos? seriously? I still go to the store for things all the time, really it won't kill you (usually).

How Flexible Machines Could Save The World

What Happens When Liberals Run Your State?

Birdwatchers find Half-Male Half-Female Cardinal Bird

We ❤️ The Periodic Table

We ❤️ The Periodic Table

Why NASA Spun Astronauts Around, But Doesn't Any More

Heat Shrink Self-Solder Butt Splice Connectors

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