Time to acknowledge some VideoSift friends

When a new site comes along, there is this kind of DNA transfer that happens. The people that visit the new site via another site bring with them a certain culture, knowledge and bias that creates the philosophy and culture of the new site. I've mentioned before that VideoSift got a lot of its initial push towards community critical mass from MetaFilter. I think that goes a long ways to explaining why VideoSift has a slightly er ... left of centre political outlook. Imagine if we had been colonized by Little Green Footballs!.

There are two other sites that have contributed a lot of VideoSift member DNA, and I'd like to acknowledge them here:

When I started seeing links to VideoSift from Blue's News, I was starstruck- even more than from our coverage in the Wall Street Journal. Blue's News is one of those sites that has always been in my bookmarks. I'm not much of a gamer anymore, but I still like to keep up- and Blue's News has always been my first stop to figure out what's in beta and what new graphics card is out that I can't afford. I think Blue's News is why we have a slightly techie skewed member base too. Our own Ant is something of a VIP contributor over at Blue's News and is responsible for all of the links to VideoSift. So thanks Ant and thanks Mr. Blue, for injecting your seed into VideoSift. (ahem)

PopUrls.com is a hot, hot site. I visit it about 5 times a day. It's what Yahoo and Google would love to be but aren't- in the way of an aggregation portal. It's in my top 3 all-time favourite sites on the Internet because of its utility, content and elegant design. For all of the above reasons, I was thrilled when Austria's Thomas Marban offered to add VideoSift to PopUrls. I can't recommend this site highly enough, make it part of your daily habit. (after Videosift )

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