Least helpful/ Most hated comments.

Commenting, both here in Sift Talk and on other posters' videos, is really the heart and soul of the community here on Videosift. There are, however, some comments that are so inane, banal and/or useless that I can't help but hating the sifter making them. I suggest that we put all on notice who make the following useless comments will receive a comment downvote with no option for appeal. My suggestions for such treatment, among others are:

1) "You beat me by (x) minutes/hours submitting this".
2) "This video is good, but I like (x) video better".
3) "I'm sure I've seen this posted somewhere else"

In my opinion the last comment listed above, made without making any attempt to identify where one has seen it, is the single most useless and lazy of all possible comments, and I submit that sifters who make it be banninated, have their face rubbed in the snow, and they be beaten about the head and neck.

This list is by no means complete or comprehensive. Please list your (least) favorite comments below!

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