Applauded comments

Just wondering, as i've never had the opportunity to find out (and i have looked), is it only possible to upgrade your star colour (ie. bronze to white, white to yellow or however it goes) with a video?

I've always had more applauded comments than votes, and i'm actually quite proud of it. Makes me feel like i contribute with my opinions and jokes, and that feels nicer to me than contributing with videos. This is of course not meant as any kind of slight to anyone - it's just my feeling about my own account. Of course, if everyone did that, there'd be too few videos to comment on, so someone like me needs the wealth of videos!

I digress. So i don't usually post videos that are anything less than brilliant - and usually those videos are posted before i get the chance. Which means i don't post many videos.

I know i had to post a video in order to get off probationary, and yet i had quite a few applauded comments and therefore rating "in potential", and i felt slightly saddened that i had to post a video in order to get myself upgraded to member status, when i'd provided the community with (evidently) valued information or humour.

I feel that the comments on the videos, a lot of the time, are more important than the videos themselves. Sometimes i see video descriptions and immediately i'm anticipating what the community has to say on the issue. Often i've been educated by the discourse that's followed, sometimes i've even changed my way of thinking because of something someone's said.

All this is a long way around of saying;
Perhaps people should be able to become members on comments alone? Perhaps it should take more than say 10 - to show dedication to the community and not simply someone who's made 1 comment and it happened to be funny - and then you are accepted as a member and are granted your rating of 10 (which is... bronze?).

And also, or alternatively, CAN people change their star rating/colour using only comments? Are there limits as to what comments can/can't do? I know i currently have 3 videos, 12 applauded comments, and 14 star rating - which doesn't quite add up, and made me think of all this

It could be that it's lagged and i'm impatient, but i think there's other interesting points in here.

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