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Slide in The Grand Hotel - Secret Passage

Kitten narcolepsy? Can't stay awake to play

Why Boba Fett Royally Sucks at His Job

dag says...

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Golf clap.>> ^Sagemind:

There are many reasons Fett is a great character (and why he Bad-Ass). I'll try to avoid all of the stuff from the books but they reinforce Fett and the characteristics that define him.
1). Disintegrations: In the Dark Horse Comic "Enemy of the Empire" - Baba Fett had been given the order to disintegrate his target giving him a reputation for being relentless.
2). Boba Fett wears braids made of Wookie hair as trophies of Wookies that he has bested.
3). Boba Fett outsmarts Has Solo. When Han comes up with the idea of floating away with the trash, Boba Fett sees through Han's plan and is able to track him and arrive in Bespin before they can even land the Falcon
4). Boba Fett has the balls to negotiate with a Sith Lord and still come out with a good deal - something few people can do. Then later he has the balls again to challenge Vader when he warns "he's no good to me dead"
4). Once Boba Fett has Han captured (frozen), he had to outsmart and fend off two different IG-88 droids in two separate attacks, as well as defend his bounty against the team-up of Bossk, Zuckus and 4-Lom multiple times before he could get Han to Jabba and claim his reward - some of the toughest and most ruthless mercinaries in the bounty hunter's guild. (Also, an aside from the books... Boba Fett was able to outsmart and dissolve the entire Bounty Hunter's Guild.)
5). Boba managed to get two bounty payouts for the same bounty from two of the hardest villains around. He was paid by Vader to provide Han as bait to get Skywalker and he was able to turn him over to Jabba once Vader was finished with him. Successfully!!
6). Shooting at Luke while on the Sail Barge. - It's believed that Boba missed Luke on purpose because he knew Vader wanted him alive. The reason he tried to catch him using the wrist lasso and why he jet-packed to the skiff instead of staying on the barge..
7). Why was Boba Fett hanging around Jabba's Pallace after he delivered Han?
Jabba offered Fett more credits, knowing Skywalker and the other would probably try to rescue him. Jabba was known for keeping multiple bounty Hunters and mercenaries on retainer both through blackmail and by paycheck. Having many different factions close by ensured that even if there was mutiny, there was always another faction standing by to protect him for a cash payment.
. Boba Fett has the best ship in Star Wars galaxy with best weaponry and gadgets. He also has the cash to keep it up to date functioning perfectly - because he is the best at what he does. Slave One is a modified prototype police vehicle (Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft) made by Kuat Systems Engineering, the largest ship builder in the galaxy. (I also like the B-wing fighter, it's pretty cool too.)
9). Boba Fetts custom Mandalorian Armor is just plain cool.
10). Fett had to end up in the Pit of Carkoon/Sarlac Pit". It was the only option story wise. Fett would have pursued Skywalker and the gang if he could have and then where would that leave our heroes - DEAD, that's where.
I shouldn't have to defend him but there you go - Truth be told I also like Bossk and Dengar for their own reasons as well.

Why Boba Fett Royally Sucks at His Job

Sagemind says...

There are many reasons Fett is a great character (and why he Bad-Ass). I'll try to avoid all of the stuff from the books but they reinforce Fett and the characteristics that define him.

1). Disintegrations: In the Dark Horse Comic "Enemy of the Empire" - Baba Fett had been given the order to disintegrate his target giving him a reputation for being relentless.

2). Boba Fett wears braids made of Wookie hair as trophies of Wookies that he has bested.

3). Boba Fett outsmarts Has Solo. When Han comes up with the idea of floating away with the trash, Boba Fett sees through Han's plan and is able to track him and arrive in Bespin before they can even land the Falcon

4). Boba Fett has the balls to negotiate with a Sith Lord and still come out with a good deal - something few people can do. Then later he has the balls again to challenge Vader when he warns "he's no good to me dead"

4). Once Boba Fett has Han captured (frozen), he had to outsmart and fend off two different IG-88 droids in two separate attacks, as well as defend his bounty against the team-up of Bossk, Zuckus and 4-Lom multiple times before he could get Han to Jabba and claim his reward - some of the toughest and most ruthless mercinaries in the bounty hunter's guild. (Also, an aside from the books... Boba Fett was able to outsmart and dissolve the entire Bounty Hunter's Guild.)

5). Boba managed to get two bounty payouts for the same bounty from two of the hardest villains around. He was paid by Vader to provide Han as bait to get Skywalker and he was able to turn him over to Jabba once Vader was finished with him. Successfully!!

6). Shooting at Luke while on the Sail Barge. - It's believed that Boba missed Luke on purpose because he knew Vader wanted him alive. The reason he tried to catch him using the wrist lasso and why he jet-packed to the skiff instead of staying on the barge..

7). Why was Boba Fett hanging around Jabba's Pallace after he delivered Han?
Jabba offered Fett more credits, knowing Skywalker and the other would probably try to rescue him. Jabba was known for keeping multiple bounty Hunters and mercenaries on retainer both through blackmail and by paycheck. Having many different factions close by ensured that even if there was mutiny, there was always another faction standing by to protect him for a cash payment.

. Boba Fett has the best ship in Star Wars galaxy with best weaponry and gadgets. He also has the cash to keep it up to date functioning perfectly - because he is the best at what he does. Slave One is a modified prototype police vehicle (Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft) made by Kuat Systems Engineering, the largest ship builder in the galaxy. (I also like the B-wing fighter, it's pretty cool too.)

9). Boba Fetts custom Mandalorian Armor is just plain cool.

10). Fett had to end up in the Pit of Carkoon/Sarlac Pit". It was the only option story wise. Fett would have pursued Skywalker and the gang if he could have and then where would that leave our heroes - DEAD, that's where.

I shouldn't have to defend him but there you go - Truth be told I also like Bossk and Dengar for their own reasons as well.

Cain Calls Pelosi "Princess" - you're tone deaf, buddy.

Kid reacts to 'Empire Strikes Back' reveal!!!!

Scientists Scan Movie Clips From Your Brain

grinter says...

^Ditto on what lucky760 said, and @hpqp, I think you may be making too much of these videos being a composite of previously entered data. Think of the videos in the computer's library as Lego blocks. You can combine each block to build a rough approximation of some real object that you see (e.g. Chewbacca). Ok, so they only have about 50 Duplo sized blocks right now, and Lego Chewbacca kinda looks like a brown trashcan, but just give them more blocks and a greater range of shapes, and they'll build a wookie fit to tear your arm off.

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

shinyblurry says...

I take that as a compliment, as I respect Hitchens as a writer and speaker (though we disagree on some politics). I haven't read any of his work beyond news oriented articles on Slate (and some videos here), though, so I can't say how well we agree on this in particular. In any case, lack of originality is a pretty sad point to make against an argument. I'm fairly sure, for example, that I couldn't make an original case for the Pythagoran theorem - though I could probably submit 10 different proofs, they've all been done (and 100 others).

Your prose was matching his word for word, point for point..particularly about "thought crime". Also with the ridiculous comparisons between scientology and Christianity. It was so egregious that I couldn't help but feel I should just go to youtube and find a Hitchens video and comment there as my reply.

It's a certitude that the biggest mouths against Scientology have an agenda. It comes from a heart polluted by Thetans. Hey, this is fun!

To be fair, I'm sure many critics of Christianity (or Scientology) have some axe to grind, or are angry because the church makes them feel guilty about bad things they've done. That doesn't mean they're wrong. Similarly, most people posting bad reviews of Kias are probably people who had a bad Kia (or auto reviewers, but there aren't a lot of professional reviewers for religion). What you're doing here is an actual ad hominem fallacy (as opposed to the times you call it, when it's just you complaining because someone was mean to you). As with most fallacies, there's a grain of truth - it does make sense here to question arguments from people with a bone to pick. But you still question their points, not their backgrounds.

It's not the church that is making someone feel guilty, it's their own God given conscience that does so. People don't come to believe in Christ because they were guilted into doing so; that in itself is a ridiculous premise. People come to Christ in part because of personal conviction from their own conscience; they already knew they were guilty. They realize that it is not just other people they have offended but God Himself, and without a mediator they have no hope of standing on their own merits.

Yes, I know what you're implying, since you already shared your history with me. It's true many previous believers strike out in anger because they feel wronged for being indoctrinated. In your case, it's probably justifiable. However, it goes much farther than that. This kind of person tends to get disillusioned and emboldened, and goes to the other extreme, feeling cocky and self assured because they now perceive themselves as being elevated and enlightened over anyone who believes.

2 Peter 2:20-22

For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed on to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb, “A DOG RETURNS TO ITS OWN VOMIT,” and, “A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.”

These sorts of people usually become worse sinners than anyone else because they feel above Gods laws. They treasure this new found "freedom" and don't want to give it up in their self righteouness. What they perceive as freedom from the law is really mental and emotional derangement from sin. So in the same manner they still hate Gods authority because they prefer their sins.

Mr. Hubbard, obviously. It is a certainty that Dianetics perfectly describes the human condition. If you disagree, it's Thetans. Maybe I'll shorten that to IYDIT.

But yeah, people are bad. That was one of my premises, and it's why shame is so effective. Were you agreeing with me as a ploy? You know, make me feel like a moron for being on your side? Or maybe you're being like on Bugs Bunny where he would throw in "Rabbit Season" after a few rounds?

Chewbacca is a wookie from the planet Kashyyk. He has soft brown hair and talks with kind of like a growling, elk-call sound. IYDIT.

Your entire premise here is a fallacy. You are falsely equivilcating Christianity to Scientology, and then using attacks upon your Scientology strawman (which are easily refuted) to try to knock it down. Scientology was a story authored by a science fiction writer trying to deify himself.

"The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion."

L. Ron Hubbard

Dude, when I disagree with Scientology, it doesn't matter that L. Ron Hubbard really existed. Similarly, most people are happy to believe that there was a guy name Jesus who preached at that time. Also, this is a fantastically stupid point to bring up. With Jesus or Hubbard, the question isn't whether they existed, it's whether what they said was true (and, to a lesser extent, whether they or their celebrity endorsers could perform miracles).

And no, Christianity isn't a conspiracy to control people. Usually. The fact that it works like this isn't by design, it's by evolution. The churches and denominations that survive are the ones that approach things in a certain way. The people who try to be non-judgmental, independent followers of Christ? They're cool, but their churches don't last or franchise out. The ones that survive and flourish (like Scientology) in modern times tend to work this way.

Further in the past, they had more strategies available, like just killing people who didn't believe - now they have to be a bit more subtle.

What's completely stupid here is your chain of reasoning. Christianity is centered on Christ; whether or not He existed is central. Most of what Christ said centered around His claim to be God, and judge of the entire world. If He didn't exist it isn't true. This is just babble at this point, dude.

Regardless of how people may have abused Christianity in the past does not speak to its truth. If anything it confirms it, as the bible warns countless times of false teachers and prophets who will try to distort the message and use it for gain. The early church flourished under heavy persecution, and Christians were murdered continually for the truth they shared. Do you think the church was so successful in controlling people that they could make them sing praises to Jesus while they were being burned alive? Give me a break.

What you're talking about is the catholic church, and they aren't Christians. They are basically a pagan religion that worships Mary and the Pope. There is a conspiracy in that so called church, a will to power. Among Christians, however, we exist in fellowship. You were part of a church once and you still apparently want to stay that way, so I think you understand about fellowship.

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

jmzero says...

Am I arguing with you or Christopher Hitchens? I wonder if you have any original thoughts to share?
I take that as a compliment, as I respect Hitchens as a writer and speaker (though we disagree on some politics). I haven't read any of his work beyond news oriented articles on Slate (and some videos here), though, so I can't say how well we agree on this in particular. In any case, lack of originality is a pretty sad point to make against an argument. I'm fairly sure, for example, that I couldn't make an original case for the Pythagoran theorem - though I could probably submit 10 different proofs, they've all been done (and 100 others).

I've noticed many people whose consciences are seared by their ignorance don't really have any shame.

Conscience seared by ignorance? That sentence kind of makes sense if you say "sin" there or something... but ignorance? Does this apply to children? Or by "ignorance" do you mean something more like "doesn't agree with me"?

It's a certitude that the biggest mouths against God and His followers have an agenda that goes far beyond their manufactured outrage... It comes from a heart polluted with sin.

It's a certitude that the biggest mouths against Scientology have an agenda. It comes from a heart polluted by Thetans. Hey, this is fun!

To be fair, I'm sure many critics of Christianity (or Scientology) have some axe to grind, or are angry because the church makes them feel guilty about bad things they've done. That doesn't mean they're wrong. Similarly, most people posting bad reviews of Kias are probably people who had a bad Kia (or auto reviewers, but there aren't a lot of professional reviewers for religion). What you're doing here is an actual ad hominem fallacy (as opposed to the times you call it, when it's just you complaining because someone was mean to you). As with most fallacies, there's a grain of truth - it does make sense here to question arguments from people with a bone to pick. But you still question their points, not their backgrounds.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Mr. Hubbard, obviously. It is a certainty that Dianetics perfectly describes the human condition. If you disagree, it's Thetans. Maybe I'll shorten that to IYDIT.

But yeah, people are bad. That was one of my premises, and it's why shame is so effective. Were you agreeing with me as a ploy? You know, make me feel like a moron for being on your side? Or maybe you're being like on Bugs Bunny where he would throw in "Rabbit Season" after a few rounds?

The bible perfectly describes the human condition. It exposes people as immoral hypocrites who have never once lived up to their own standard, let alone Gods standard. Shame isn't a secret because everyone is found to be guilty. The great lie of the world is that people are generally good. They're not. People are generally sinful and anyone with two eyes can see that.

Chewbacca is a wookie from the planet Kashyyk. He has soft brown hair and talks with kind of like a growling, elk-call sound. IYDIT.

The fact that you think Christianity is some kind of conspiracy to control people is just patently false. It's a matter of history what happened and why. Even Dawkins admits Jesus is a historical figure. That the authors of the gospels willingly martyred themselves for that truth should tell you something.

Dude, when I disagree with Scientology, it doesn't matter that L. Ron Hubbard really existed. Similarly, most people are happy to believe that there was a guy name Jesus who preached at that time. Also, this is a fantastically stupid point to bring up. With Jesus or Hubbard, the question isn't whether they existed, it's whether what they said was true (and, to a lesser extent, whether they or their celebrity endorsers could perform miracles).

And no, Christianity isn't a conspiracy to control people. Usually. The fact that it works like this isn't by design, it's by evolution. The churches and denominations that survive are the ones that approach things in a certain way. The people who try to be non-judgmental, independent followers of Christ? They're cool, but their churches don't last or franchise out. The ones that survive and flourish (like Scientology) in modern times tend to work this way.

Further in the past, they had more strategies available, like just killing people who didn't believe - now they have to be a bit more subtle.

Stingray (Member Profile)

mfsteele (Member Profile)

Hot Women Pandering to their Nerd Base

mfsteele says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^mfsteele:
That Chewbacca sounds more like a big sick Tribble.

Dude, she's hot, she knows Star Wars exists let alone what a Chewbacca is, and she's within a fur suit of being able to play a wookie on screen.
Lower your standards. They are impossibly high.

Yeah, because THAT is what's keeping me from being with her...

Hot Women Pandering to their Nerd Base

Payback says...

>> ^mfsteele:
That Chewbacca sounds more like a big sick Tribble.

Dude, she's hot, she knows Star Wars exists let alone what a Chewbacca is, and she's within a fur suit of being able to play a wookie on screen.

Lower your standards. They are impossibly high.

Another Earth - Haunting 2011 Trailer

poolcleaner says...

I had a dream about this movie once...

Oceanic Flight 815, en route to Earth 2, crash lands on a desert planet infested with giant sand worms and zombies. In an attempt to get home, the survivors encounter Jeffrey Sinclair on board a space station caught in a time rift, who reveals that he has been chasing Q who is commanding an army of half-Scarran, half-Sylons with Goa'uld symbiotes to conquer a magical island in Neverland. And the only one who can save the universe is Jim Raynor, captain of a stolen Firefly, and his life partner, a half Wookie, half Time Lord who has sworn a life debt to the captain. They have a depressed robot sex slave who isn't attracted to them and each of them owns a power ring, bestowed to them by the Guardians of the Universe (who are all dwarves, except for one of them who is Tom Waits).

You don't even want to know who the crew of the Firefly is. It will blow your fucking mind. Ok, I'll tell you: Napoleon, Socrates, Sigmund Fruuud, Billy the Kid, Genghis Kahn, and Ludwig Van; then for some reason Whoopie Goldberg is there with William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, and Malcolm McDowell, who can't stop pining over Beethoven. At the end of the movie, the crew is clean cut, the robots are all shiny, and the ghosts of Bill Hicks, Rufus, Obi-wan, Pizza the Hut, Dr. Frankenfurter, and Alf are all sitting around waiting for you to wake up -- but, when you wake up -- you're Homer Simpson! OMG don't tell ANYONE about the twist ending or the sequel where he meets Hank Hill who gets abducted by aliens and meets spooky Fox Mulder and that sexy redhead Leeloo.

My mind is exploding! There may be another me who isn't as awesome as the real me and enjoyed the movie The Notebook... Pshhhhhh -- Frell the frack off. Every alternate reality of me smokes pot and makes or plays video games. Stop trying to change me, universe!

Star Wars: "E ti Ris, Furabolos"

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