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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

And it's live in the shop. Santa Claus beard sold separately.
>> ^brycewi19:
>> ^dag:
Great! Could use a few blood spatters?>> ^brycewi19:
Couldn't help but create the option of wearing one yourself!

Was adding them as you were typing that very message! Looks much better now!

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

Raaagh says...

>> ^rottenseed:
Listen to enough black comedians (Eddie Murphy to be precise) and you'll learn that much of their fighting consists of scaring the opponent in hopes that they don't actually fight.

Oh yeah thats purely a black phemenon *FACE FUCKING PALM*

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rottenseed says...

What happened is the black guy was talking shit expecting the white dude to be scared off. Well that white dude asked him to cash that check and when it came to it...

Listen to enough black comedians (Eddie Murphy to be precise) and you'll learn that much of their fighting consists of scaring the opponent in hopes that they don't actually fight.

I wouldn't attempt to fight anybody these days, though. Black or white, everybody's been in the gym practicing their MMA and telling what kind of shit you can get into.

Maddow Calls Out Republican Stimulus Bill Hypocrisy

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx says...

I once asked ant, if there were an *africa channel, would he put every video containing a black guy in it? He didn't answer.

I think he just really enjoys assigning things to channels and so he finds any connection he can that will enable him to do so.
In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
She seems *canadian to me. Whats with the * asia? Too bad we don't have a * europe to put on every video featuring a white dude.

WTF Canada... Milk in bags??

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

WTF Canada... Milk in bags??

Rep. Grayson Discusses Republican Hypocrisy on Security

GeeSussFreeK says...

I think government has everything to be defensive about; two perhaps preventable attacks and one done after we have all these new things to help against it. The main thing government gets right is getting it wrong...or just missing the point entirely. This issue is about 200 some odd people that nearly got blown up because a failure of communications of our muli-billion dollar security blanket. Everyone on the hill should be hanging their head in shame...not just one side of the isle.

We might have to wake up as Americans and realize that the Disney land idea of perfect safety doesn't exist, unless you want a full body cavity search every time you step outside. If that is the direction we head, then I can only hope my inspector is a cute blond with a thing for skinny white dudes.

Michael Moore Helps the NYPD Distinguish Wallets from Guns

Razor says...

Moore gets flak for some of the stunts he pulls, but this made me lol. I am, however, part black and have extra appreciation for this white dude's love for African-Americans and caring for their safety =D

IAmTheBlurr (Member Profile)

enoch says...

that was a fantastic video!you should post it.i think its a valuable component and a great tutorial.
i agree wholeheartedly with the videos premise,and i think it also strengthens my position.
let me explain:
the reason why i stated it would be futile to argue one way other the other matters concerning faith was expressed quite eloquently in the video you shared.
i have no concrete evidence or data that can concretely convince you of anything.however,i do not reject or dismiss the findings of science in order for me to retain my while you will find me agreeing with you on many subjects concerning science,you will also find i will not put any facts on the table concerning my faith.because there are no facts and i am very aware of this.
maybe it would help if i gave you an idea how i view things:
notice the lack of dogma?of a bearded white dude with jealous,genocidal tendencies?
a total lack of judgment?
the video i shared is a very over-simplified explanation of how i view reality.
could i be wrong?
of faith is not based on a book,or a theology so i have the freedom to be curious and ask faith is organic in its ability to evolve along with my understand of the if anything defines my faith,it would be science.
which is only limited by our ability to observe and test.
in my opinion,science is the testing and validating the observable physical universe.basically..the study of the creator.the more science uncovers the more that is revealed that is beautiful,poetic and far more complicated than any doctrine or dogma could ever imagine.

i state i am a man of faith because thats what it have faith that we all have a divine spark.a part of us that is sacred and connected to the creator/god/goddess/buddha/the All,whatever you wish to call it.we are all co-creators..we are all just "potential",raw and un-tapped.i cannot prove with any conclusive evidence that what i feel/think is it must be called what it
we are mind/body/spirit.
i say this with conviction,but i have no way to prove this to you,and to try without any measurable means would insult i dont try.

i shall give you one example where i hope you have experienced to relate,somewhat ,to what i am attempting to convey:
ever love a woman? ever love her so completely that when you were together it seemed you fell into her?and she you?where you both seemed to have created a space that was so lovely as to be over-powering?that when you were together time seemed to stop?
would you be insulted if someone said to you "bah,thats just chemicals and hormones.nothing more,nothing less".
but you was more,and to reduce it to mere chemicals and hormones just cheapened the experience.and if it IS just chemicals and hormones,electric synapses firing.then we should be able to replicate this affect yes?
but we cant..not yet at least.
is there something more? is it possible?
understand i am not trying to convince you of anything,i am just asking the same questions i ask of the millions i ask myself.
i left the church at 14 due to my pastors absolute failure to answer my questions.
because if you do a little research and study the history of the bible,qu'ran,torah et'al dogma and doctrine will fall short everytime.they are man made...its obvious.
but what of those questions?the answers is what i find most intimate and revealing.

i believe,through the experiences and encounters,that we are more than our sum parts.what that actually is,i do not know,but i am "faithful" we are more and shall continue to ask the is also for this reason i do not try to convince anybody else that my "faith" is valid in their eyes.that would be me seeking validation,and i need none.

the only thing i am wary of,and i think its a large reason why i do not attempt to convince anybody of my faith,is the trap of use information and mold it to fit my world view.religious people do this ad nauseum,as do consprisy(sp?) theorists and politicians.while being faithful may fly in the face of logic,i do my best to employ logic as often as i can.
but when your questions deal with things outside the realm of the phyisical universe sometimes all you have is faith.

i am thoroughly enjoying this conversation my friend.i am doing my best to construct complete sentences and paragraphs for you.but i am the run-on-sentence on the other hand,write beautifully.
thank you very much for your insight my friend.
the conversation continues.
till next time...namaste.

Black Woman Gets Attacked At Town Hall Meeting, Police Fail

Yogi says...

I'm not sure what to think, but I'm gonna give some benefit of the doubt. The man's an idiot although I don't think he was against Rosa Parks, I think he just didn't like this liberalness or whatever. Also I don't really fault the police, an altercation happened, they separated the two parties and escorted them out of the hall, seems like the way to go.

Edit: "...only Winfrey was arrested. He was held on suspicion of misdemeanor assault." Winfrey is the Old White Dude. So yeah the police handled this correctly, which is the first time I've ever said something like that.

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