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Heartspark (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

Whatever you cracker ass faggot

In reply to this comment by Heartspark:
This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^highdileeho:
I'm pretty sure that mother fucker asked the black guy to spit shine his 'stacy adams'. that's why the whole thing started, and why the woman replied with racial slurs, It was in response to the motherfuckers racism. I'm pretty sure the black guy was just reacting to the white guys racism as well. The motherfucker started it, the motherfucker initiated the bullying, and the black guy was vilified for being in the wrong. Funny how everyone assumed that the black guy must have deserved it. You refer to an asian as a 'chinaman' on the street and see if you get the motherfucker treatment, I bet you will. I just hope the asian won't vilified.
I changed the spelling of the word Vilified to be correct in your quote, so now it is a paraphrase.

We don't know what happened before the video, so there is no way to know for sure who started what. Or how the conversation began to take place. The evidence in the video is circumstantial. This means we have to infer what happened before, and that is highly uncertain. Circumstantial evidence alone is not enough to have a case, there must be corroborating evidence. There simply exists, for us, no way to know what took place before the beginning of this video.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^alizarin:
@blankfist, if we're talking about who would get arrested if there was a cop there maybe you're right and the black guy would get arrested for "hitting" first. But I don't even know about that - the black guy pretty much just slapped the guy on the arm. EBM on the other hand smashed his face against the edge of a bench after he'd already been incapacitated by a couple punches. They're both probably going to jail. In the end all I'm saying is that EBM is no hero and the black guy wasn't picking a fight with a somebody minding his own business.

The act of touching someone who does not want to be touched is assault, the act of harming them is battery.

If you read my previous comment it seems there may be a case for Mutual affray. Which means that both parties are guilty.

moodonia (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by moodonia:
I enjoyed what you had to say about violence being the narcotic of the mentally stunted. Very very true. I live in a semi-dodgy area, not particularly awful but theres enough stunted people around that having to deal with that all the time, gets tiresome, so its nice to see fellow humans not down with the whole inflicting suffering thing

In reply to this comment by enoch:
like my poppa used to always say 'don't let your alligator mouth try to write checks your hummingbird ass can't cash".
while the dude was just being stupid and runnin at the mouth it was the girls with the camera that were instigating that dumb ass.first they feign horror at the dude getting pummeled and then basically laughed at him.
why is it there is always some stupid girl crying "kick his ass" and then when it goes south for their supposed "champion" they get indignant?
it is just idiocy.
now the dude is bleeding over everything and trying to regain some semblance of dignity by continuing to talk trash and the girls just laugh at him.
violence is the narcotic of the mentally stunted.

thanks man.
it is sad to watch is it not?
i truly believe that the more saturated our society becomes with media wrought by consumerism.
the less value many people seem to put on human life,freedom and dignity.
respect and honesty are pushed aside for self-indulgence and instant gratification.
mike judge created the movie "idiocracy" as a is becoming apparent that it may have been more prophetic than comedy.

aspartam (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

alizarin says...

If EBM was sincerely trying to get his shoes shined then I'd agree with you and call him the victim.
But come on man... you really think anyone outside stereotypical subserviant black men of the 1930s or street urchins from Dickens would solicit a shoe shining on a city bus?

I reread the transcript - EBM said stuff like "Sit your little black ass down"... " and "boy".

Can we agree at least that everyone involved was an idiot?

>> ^RadHazG:
If you read the transcript on ED you can see that it was simply a case of EBM either misinterpreting something the black dude said or the black dude said some shit and EBM thought he was seriously offering a service not being insulted. The transcript pretty much just says exactly how I saw it. EBM was very calm at the start, and seemed genuinely interested in trying to get his shoes shined. Unfortunate coincidence.

EBM wasn't trying to start a fight, he was trying to belittle and dominate the black man. Get on your knees and shine my shoes boy, and kiss my pinky finger while you're at it.... that kind of thing. But when the black man didn't back down he moved to the front of the bus because he knows his temper can get him arrested. But he kept barking stuff back and the black man the whole time. Maybe I'm wrong but I think that's vastly more likely than a simple misunderstanding by a man looking for a shoe shiner. Regardless... everyone involved were idiots.

>> ^rottenseed:
If the white guy was trying to start something, why would he move up front? Especially when he obviously wasn't scared. Dude was poppin' off at the mouth and trying to instigate. He wanted the fight...and he got the fight right in his face.>> >

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

I was being sarcastic. >> ^NordlichReiter:
>> ^longde:
Since when did I defend the black dude? There are no victims or underdogs in this video, certainly not the pumped up klansman. They are both pieces of trash. What's fucked up is that people seem to gravitate toward one type of trash rather than dismissing both.>> ^GoodAttorney:
Oh, poopoo... on the you bad people celebrating racial violence. Race notwithstanding, I think we all like to see an underdog win and justice served. Here, the person initiating PHYSICAL aggression is not the victim.

How the fuck do you know he's a Klansman?

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

nomino (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

Lodurr says...

>> ^aspartam:
I can also notice the signs of roid rage when I see them. He is clearly raging in the second video.

No way you can call 'roids here. That looks like the effects of adrenaline to me. He still feels threatened because the guy that tried to fight him is nearby. I've experienced it before, the one or two times I've been in life-threatening situations I've had jitters long after it was over.

Now, I must track down Epic Beard Man and apprentice in the ways of beardzerking.

enoch (Member Profile)

moodonia says...

I enjoyed what you had to say about violence being the narcotic of the mentally stunted. Very very true. I live in a semi-dodgy area, not particularly awful but theres enough stunted people around that having to deal with that all the time, gets tiresome, so its nice to see fellow humans not down with the whole inflicting suffering thing

In reply to this comment by enoch:
like my poppa used to always say 'don't let your alligator mouth try to write checks your hummingbird ass can't cash".
while the dude was just being stupid and runnin at the mouth it was the girls with the camera that were instigating that dumb ass.first they feign horror at the dude getting pummeled and then basically laughed at him.
why is it there is always some stupid girl crying "kick his ass" and then when it goes south for their supposed "champion" they get indignant?
it is just idiocy.
now the dude is bleeding over everything and trying to regain some semblance of dignity by continuing to talk trash and the girls just laugh at him.
violence is the narcotic of the mentally stunted.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^longde:
Since when did I defend the black dude? There are no victims or underdogs in this video, certainly not the pumped up klansman. They are both pieces of trash. What's fucked up is that people seem to gravitate toward one type of trash rather than dismissing both.>> ^GoodAttorney:
Oh, poopoo... on the you bad people celebrating racial violence. Race notwithstanding, I think we all like to see an underdog win and justice served. Here, the person initiating PHYSICAL aggression is not the victim.

How the fuck do you know he's a Klansman?

You must not understand US law. Both parties are guilty of something.

A mutual affray is fighting by two or more persons. Intent to fight on part of both parties is required. Where evidence shows that one party acted in self-defense, that party is not guilty of mutual affray. The aggressor may be guilty of assault and battery, but neither party is guilty of mutual affray. State laws vary, but mutual affray may be a mitigating factor or defense to family abuse.

Had the white man not said anything and the black man attacked him, then he would have been in the clear under self defense. And the flip side is right for the black man. But they both actively engaged in the instigation, ergo both are party to the affray.

I'm not a lawyer, but this is how I interpreted the law.

In many legal jurisdictions related to English common law, affray is a public order offence consisting of the fighting of two or more persons in a public place to the terror (in French: à l'effroi) of ordinary people (the lieges). Depending on their actions, and the laws of the prevailing jurisdiction, those engaged in an affray may also render themselves liable to prosecution for assault, unlawful assembly, or riot; in that event it is for one of these offences that they are usually charged.[1]


In the United States the English common law as to affray applies, subject to certain modifications by the statutes of particular states. [3][1]

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