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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Forget it longde - i'm metaphorically moving to the front of the bus.

You are an idiot.*

*disclaimer: While I find you generally to be a couple brain cells short of a bakers dozen, it is only the subjective opinion of one person. There may, in fact, be others in the world who find your perspective to be worthwhile.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

'Race Card' is the biggest cop out ever invented. If you don't want to be accused of racism, don't drag race into these videos. And don't praise rabid and violent racists. The below quotes are from this thread, not YouTube:

"Black people.. makin' [half of] me look bad"

"Listen to enough black comedians (Eddie Murphy to be precise) and you'll learn that much of their fighting consists of scaring the opponent in hopes that they don't actually fight."

Please explain to me how this kid's actions reflect on all black people? Again, why drag this into it? It's this kneejerk racism that gets me. And you want to defend it and EBM.

Danny, the guy yelled many racial epithets. Stop making EBM into Clark Kent. It was clear he wanted to instigate a fight. Anyone, but EBM's weaker, stupider prey, could see that that kid was outmatched.

>> ^dannym3141:
Sorry to say this but there's a lot of sorry excuse making going on here, including you peggedbea who i'd expect more of.
So many people playing the race card, or trying to. Very easy to pass something off as racism, in fact in our society i think we fanatically adhere to anti-xenophobia to the point where we're dangerously on the other side of the line of fairness.
What this comes down to is one moron threatening a guy and getting his arse kicked within a reasonable limit. I'm not an expert in smack talk, slang or american accents but i didn't hear any racism from EBM, especially before any racism was thrown at him.
The guy moved away, he didn't want to fight, but some dickhead had to try and ruin someone's day, and he got his shit ruined.
You make me so angry making excuses for these fucking morons.. people like this guy (yes he's black but that's only an identifying characteristic, NOT RACISM) are the reason this world is going to shit. I hope he fucking chokes on his teeth, and i hope EBM can kick some more ass of people who go around thinking that they're untouchable and can do what they like without consequences.
What a disappointment, videosift. A guy defends himself from physical assault and you shout him down.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

chilaxe says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
I find the tension and conflict of this video interesting, but I don't think there is any justification for making the old guy a hero or internet celebrity. He clearly has issues and seemed to be just as interested in violence as his counterpart.
I think peggedbea is right, that interjecting race into the title and tags is creepy, and issykitty makes a good point as to how appealing this has become to the racists of youtube. It doesn't mean that everyone who voted for this is a raging, lynching klansman, but it may be indicative of the subtler prejudices that all of us harbor deep inside our subconscious. Either way, it's worthy of discussion.
If this hot, viral video were framed as two crazy idiots fighting on a bus, I wouldn't see much problem with it, but that's not how it's been framed. Instead, it's young black thug vs. elderly white marine. Or even worse Ignorant, illiterate black gangbanger vs bearded Nordic God.
In America, intercity blacks are feared. They are portrayed in the media as either criminal thugs or lazy bums who live off of government aid. The only positives you ever hear are about the occasional football or basketball player who gets a scholarship and escapes. Black neighborhoods are avoided by white people, who describe these places with words like 'scary' 'sketchy' or 'rough', but if you actually take the time to explore these areas, you find regular people. People who work. People who love their children. People who mow their lawns. As a white person, I've felt no overt prejudice against me in these places. I've felt no danger or threat upon my personal safety. It's just not the warzone it's made out to be in the media.
For some, this video will not only confirm false media stereotypes, but also goes the extra mile to punish that stereotype with violence. Don't get me wrong, the black guy in this video seems like a creep, and goes to great lengths to live up to the most negative of negative black stereotypes, right down to his inability to pronounce a very common word, but for many, this one single man's behavior will serve as a confirmation and justification for irrational, subconscious racial fears.
I'm not judging nomino, or anyone. I voted this thing up, myself, before bea and issy gave me some pause, so I'm not claiming to be better or wiser than anyone else here. Race is a really tough subject for Americans, complicated by history, tradition, media, politics and economics. I think it's OK to find this conflict on a bus compelling, and to also admit that there might be more going on in our subconscious minds than we'd like. dark fear
Since I'm in the confessional, I might as well mention that I wish I could take my vote back from another video, featuring a European man slapping a woman, causing her to cry. Lots of subconscious shit going on there too.

I agree both the guys would have been wiser to defuse the situation. It's an expensive risk to absorb that anyone you meet like that might be carrying a knife or a gun. The stakes in life are high, and all it takes is one bout of bad luck...

I can understand it sucks for the younger guy... he can't complain since he certainly carries some amount over 50% of the responsibility for what happened, but his brain made him think it was a good idea, and now he just feels more victimized by life than he did before he got the tables turned on him.

"He clearly has issues and seemed to be just as interested in violence as his counterpart."

I think it's certainly a good instinct to be understanding of both sides... it's a higher human impulse... but it seems like this can also go so far as creating a false symmetry. The younger guy (1) did force the older guy to the other side of the bus, (2) did then go after him and throw the first punch, and (3) did legally commit assault (touching someone who doesn't want to be touched, particularly while threatening violence). For all the old guy knew, the next punch could have had a knife with it.

describe these places with words like 'scary' 'sketchy' or 'rough', but if you actually take the time to explore these areas, you find regular people ... confirm false media stereotypes... this one single man's behavior will serve as a confirmation and justification for irrational, subconscious racial fears... there might be more going on in our subconscious minds than we'd like. dark fear."

Yeah, it's good to not excessively vilify high crime areas... but I feel like some of this goes so far as to imply that statistics are irrational. On another note, this video would be just as appealing to many people if it featured an Aussie thug (a small minority of Aussies) and an Indian-Australian.

That being said, I think you're right... it'd be better to not inject race into the title, and most people who live in statistically risky areas are good people, same as everywhere.

67 year old white dude - A's game tasering (Epic Beard Man)

Interview with the Camera Woman for the AC Transit Fight

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

demon_ix (Member Profile)

Drax (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

imstellar28 (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^longde:
disgusting>> ^robbersdog49:
I laughed so hard when the old dude pounded him.
I'm not into violence, but that guy was so asking for it, and the women screaming just made it worse/funnier.

You can think what you like. I grew up around bullies like the black guy in this video. The way they see other people is clear from the video, other people are there to be dominated. They expect to be able to just get whatever they want by being violent. It's a horrible thing to go through as the victim. As much as we're always told to stand up to bullies I always found that they just hit you harder if you stand up to one.

Whatever was said, however it was said, EBM moved right to the other end of the bus when it started to look like violence was on the cards. The other guy couldn't just let his 'opponent' walk away, he hadn't proved his dominance yet.

To see a bully like that get smacked down made my day, and I make no apologies for that.

It's all about context. From your point of view I'm sure I'm just a violence loving moron. However, there's more behind my comment than you know, and you judged first without thinking about that.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

highdileeho (Member Profile)

NordlichReiter says...

In reply to this comment by highdileeho:
Whatever you cracker ass faggot

In reply to this comment by Heartspark:
This is why people don't say crap when riding public transportation. You don't know the person, or anything about them. Hell they could be on the bus with a handgun ready to take out every coworker they are with and was going to leave you alone till you said "hello".

Racist, mental problems, or not..EBM WAS in the right here. He did defend himself.
Black or white does not matter, you do not act on impulses to do whatever violent act you see fit based on someones words towards you.

If that was the case, half you mother fuckers would be dead on here.

Wow, I had respect for you. Now I don't.

highdileeho (Member Profile)

NordlichReiter says...

In reply to this comment by highdileeho:
Thanks for that great definition, I would be lost in this world if people like you don't take up the role of degrading peoples intellect. That spelling correction: thank you. I assume you sent out replies to everyone who had an opinion on this video? oh right, you were being a loudmouthed arrogant douchebag.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^highdileeho:
I'm pretty sure that mother fucker asked the black guy to spit shine his 'stacy adams'. that's why the whole thing started, and why the woman replied with racial slurs, It was in response to the motherfuckers racism. I'm pretty sure the black guy was just reacting to the white guys racism as well. The motherfucker started it, the motherfucker initiated the bullying, and the black guy was vilified for being in the wrong. Funny how everyone assumed that the black guy must have deserved it. You refer to an asian as a 'chinaman' on the street and see if you get the motherfucker treatment, I bet you will. I just hope the asian won't vilified.
I changed the spelling of the word Vilified to be correct in your quote, so now it is a paraphrase.

We don't know what happened before the video, so there is no way to know for sure who started what. Or how the conversation began to take place. The evidence in the video is circumstantial. This means we have to infer what happened before, and that is highly uncertain. Circumstantial evidence alone is not enough to have a case, there must be corroborating evidence. There simply exists, for us, no way to know what took place before the beginning of this video.

No I was simply replying to your comment, and I took the time to proof it.

Your assumption is wrong. I only replied to those that I thought were interesting enough to comment.

Furthermore you can look at my comment history and find loads of spelling errors, grammar failures and overall stupidity. I take the time to proof read my comments now, because once they are on the internet they are there forever. Or until the internet implodes. Even if that means proofreading the quotes that I use.

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

highdileeho says...

Thanks for that great definition, I would be lost in this world if people like you don't take up the role of degrading peoples intellect. That speling corection: thank you. I assume you sent out replies to everyone who had an opinion on this video? oh right, you were being a loudmouthed arrogant duchebag.

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
>> ^highdileeho:
I'm pretty sure that mother fucker asked the black guy to spit shine his 'stacy adams'. that's why the whole thing started, and why the woman replied with racial slurs, It was in response to the motherfuckers racism. I'm pretty sure the black guy was just reacting to the white guys racism as well. The motherfucker started it, the motherfucker initiated the bullying, and the black guy was vilified for being in the wrong. Funny how everyone assumed that the black guy must have deserved it. You refer to an asian as a 'chinaman' on the street and see if you get the motherfucker treatment, I bet you will. I just hope the asian won't vilified.
I changed the spelling of the word Vilified to be correct in your quote, so now it is a paraphrase.

We don't know what happened before the video, so there is no way to know for sure who started what. Or how the conversation began to take place. The evidence in the video is circumstantial. This means we have to infer what happened before, and that is highly uncertain. Circumstantial evidence alone is not enough to have a case, there must be corroborating evidence. There simply exists, for us, no way to know what took place before the beginning of this video.

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