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67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

>> ^rottenseed:
Words are just words and I'm always ready to throw down and get my ass-kicked. It's part of my role of being an asshole. But I wouldn't want anybody calling out onlookers telling them that fighting is bad and implying that anybody who watches is not civilized, but a blood lusting animal. Maybe that's not what you were implying but that's what was inferred by me and possible others.
Cool you don't like fighting, go build a bird house or whatever...downvote the video add in your 2 cents about the video but stop generalizing based on how you think of us.

Yes, you are putting words in my mouth. I'm not implying anything; I mean exactly what I said.

And just who is generalizing, here?:

>> ^rottenseed:
Listen to enough black comedians (Eddie Murphy to be precise) and you'll learn that much of their fighting consists of scaring the opponent in hopes that they don't actually fight.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

Again, I have not defended the black dude.

The bearded klansman is such The Pacifist, yelling threats while 'walking away'.

Yes, racial violence is bad. As for 'passive aggressive belittling', you yourself said that 'words are just words'. Looks like you are the one who needs to think through his self-contradicting viewpoints.

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

It looks like I'm gonna have to call the waaaaambalamps.
So now that punk kid doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions? You start a fight and get your ass-kicked it's your own fault. Words are just words, and as ignorant as they may be, you have to take responsibility for how you deal with them. I'm rooting for the old man because he walked away...not wanting to get into a physical confrontation when things could have escalated to that point.
Furthermore, drop the self-righteous saint act. It's real easy to cast judgement instead entering a discussion with an thought-out viewpoint, whether you're agreeing with or dissenting against the ideas of the majority. Pretty much you're saying racial violence is bad but passive aggressive belittling of those that don't agree with you is ok.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rottenseed says...

>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

It looks like I'm gonna have to call the waaaaambalamps.

So now that punk kid doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions? You start a fight and get your ass-kicked it's your own fault. Words are just words, and as ignorant as they may be, you have to take responsibility for how you deal with them. I'm rooting for the old man because he walked away...not wanting to get into a physical confrontation when things could have escalated to that point.

Furthermore, drop the self-righteous saint act. It's real easy to cast judgement instead entering a discussion with an thought-out viewpoint, whether you're agreeing with or dissenting against the ideas of the majority. Pretty much you're saying racial violence is bad but passive aggressive belittling of those that don't agree with you is ok.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

Since when did I defend the black dude? There are no victims or underdogs in this video, certainly not the pumped up klansman. They are both pieces of trash. What's fucked up is that people seem to gravitate toward one type of trash rather than dismissing both.>> ^GoodAttorney:
Oh, poopoo... on the you bad people celebrating racial violence. Race notwithstanding, I think we all like to see an underdog win and justice served. Here, the person initiating PHYSICAL aggression is not the victim.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

longde says...

If the hood fits.....>> ^KnivesOut:
>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

Why don't you be a little more judgemental? It suits you.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

KnivesOut says...

>> ^longde:
It sure makes my day to log into the sift and see folks celebrating racial violence and hatred and rooting on a deranged foul mouthed racist.
Looks like everyone's bearded hero aroused the blood lust of many on the sift. Looks like some of you wanted to see more blood.

Why don't you be a little more judgemental? It suits you.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

RadHazG says...

If you read the transcript on ED you can see that it was simply a case of EBM either misinterpreting something the black dude said or the black dude said some shit and EBM thought he was seriously offering a service not being insulted. The transcript pretty much just says exactly how I saw it. EBM was very calm at the start, and seemed genuinely interested in trying to get his shoes shined. Unfortunate coincidence.

>> ^alizarin:
I took the situation totally different -
The old white guy was telling the young black guy something to the effect of "you should shine my shoes black boy"... "I'm not prejudice a chinaman can do it" (meaning he thinks everybody who's not white should do subservient work for white guys). I've been around allot of old white guys here in the south like that and that's just how they talk when they're trying to race bait somebody.
So the young black guy has his buttons pushed once too many and he slaps the old white guy on the arm and backs up a bit. Then the old white guy goes nuts and punches him in the face and smashes his teeth into the corner of the bench a'la "American History X".
Sure he should've walked away from the old white guy but am I taking crazy pills or was the young black man the good guy here?

As for the chinaman bit, I hardly think that comment alone is worth condemning him as some racial crap. Odds are that in that situation he was just trying to make the case quite literally that he didn't care who the guy was he was just looking to get some shoes shined for the funeral he was going to. Just because he said chinaman instead of "a white guy" or "anyone" doesn't mean he's racist, it means he was in an escalating situation and was just trying to explain shit with his testosterone starting to pump up. Not exactly a situation for eloquent well thought out speech patterns (as the rest of the video attests).

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

rottenseed says...

If the white guy was trying to start something, why would he move up front? Especially when he obviously wasn't scared. Dude was poppin' off at the mouth and trying to instigate. He wanted the fight...and he got the fight right in his face.>> ^alizarin:
I took the situation totally different -
The old white guy was telling the young black guy something to the effect of "you should shine my shoes black boy"... "I'm not prejudice a chinaman can do it" (meaning he thinks everybody who's not white should do subservient work for white guys). I've been around allot of old white guys here in the south like that and that's just how they talk when they're trying to race bait somebody.
So the young black guy has his buttons pushed once too many and he slaps the old white guy on the arm and backs up a bit. Then the old white guy goes nuts and punches him in the face and smashes his teeth into the corner of the bench a'la "American History X".
Sure he should've walked away from the old white guy but am I taking crazy pills or was the young black man the good guy here?

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

frijoles says...

>> ^Xax:
I didn't quite catch what caused the argument. The black guy was asking the white guy why a black guy had to shine his shoes or something, but that's about all I caught.

Sounds like the white guy misheard something the black guy said as he was walking by. White guy is going to something on Friday and wants his shoes to look good, and he thought the black guy was offering to spit-shine shoes. Black guy looks confused and thinks the white guy is making a racist comment. Things escalate from there. That's what I got out of it, anyway.

He's pretty tough at the end there, for someone who got his ass kicked.

enoch (Member Profile)

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

nomino says...

Wrong. From what I understand, the black guy said "Why should a black man spit shine your shoes?" as the white guy was passing. The white man simply engaged... to a certain extent. You can see that he knows himself well enough to move to the front of the bus just before the shit is about to hit the fan. He knows he will do some damage if he stays. And that's why he looks violated after the rumble. There's an expression on his face that says: "Why did you make me do that to you? Why? I tried to be good."

You might wonder why someone would simply blurt out "why does a black man have to shine your shoes?" for no reason to a big white dude. Consider this, it's the middle of the day and the perp is drunk, on a bus, acting tough for cackling hens. Enough said. >> ^peggedbea:
that roided up old jackass totally escalated this beyond the point of return and probably instigated it too, and the first thing i heard out his mouth was him asking the black guy how much he'd charge to shine his shoes.
fuck that cocked up old jackass.
he is a motherfucker.

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

deadgoon says...

>> ^peggedbea:
that roided up old jackass totally escalated this beyond the point of return and probably instigated it too, and the first thing i heard out his mouth was him asking the black guy how much he'd charge to shine his shoes.
fuck that cocked up old jackass.
he is a motherfucker.

Or the other dude could have taken it on the chin and kept his mouth shut. I've been called cracker and honky before but I don't sweat it. People like to run their mouths a little too much and more often than not, if a person can't hold their cool, things will escalate.

Sure the old guy's a jackass but so is the young dude with his mouth and his friend with the camera running her mouth.

nomino (Member Profile)

EndAll (Member Profile)

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