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The Time An Indian Ocean Mega Swell Hit Western Australia

I Changed Astronomy Forever. He Won the Nobel Prize for It.

dahauns says...

@vil: Well, it's actually Bell herself that has a similar opinion:

It has been suggested that I should have had a part in the Nobel Prize awarded to Tony Hewish for the discovery of pulsars. There are several comments that I would like to make on this: First, demarcation disputes between supervisor and student are always difficult, probably impossible to resolve. Secondly, it is the supervisor who has the final responsibility for the success or failure of the project. We hear of cases where a supervisor blames his student for a failure, but we know that it is largely the fault of the supervisor. It seems only fair to me that he should benefit from the successes, too. Thirdly, I believe it would demean Nobel Prizes if they were awarded to research students, except in very exceptional cases, and I do not believe this is one of them. Finally, I am not myself upset about it – after all, I am in good company, am I not!

And that doesn't mean she was ignorant to the issue - she *did* tear the sexist media a new one, with gleeful wit:

When the paper was published the press descended, and when they discovered a woman was involved they descended even faster. I had my photograph taken standing on a bank, sitting on a bank, standing on a bank examining bogus records, sitting on a bank examining bogus records: one of them even had me running down the bank waving my arms in the air. Look happy dear, you've just made a Discovery! (Archimedes doesn't know what he missed!) Meanwhile the journalists were asking relevant questions like was I taller than or not quite as tall as Princess Margaret (we have quaint units of measurement in Britain) and how many boyfriends did I have at a time?

The History of Portal

vil says...

I have probably mentioned this, but IMHO portal was invented by Terry Pratchett.

Discworld, Book 22, The Last Continent (1998)

The wizards looked at the gently rippling surface. There should have been several feet of solid wood sticking out of it.
“Well, well, well,” said the Archchancellor, going back in out of the cold air. “Do you know, I’ve never actually seen one of these?”
“Anyone remember Archchancellor Bewdley’s boots?” said the Senior Wrangler, helping himself to some cold mutton from the trolley. “He made a mistake and got one of the things opened up in the left boot. Very tricky. You can’t go walking around with one foot in another dimension.”
“Well, no…” said Ridcully, staring at the tropical scene and tapping his chin thoughtfully with the seashell.
“Can’t see what you’re treading in, for one thing,” said the Senior Wrangler.
“One opened up in one of the cellars once, all by itself,” said the Dean. “Just a round black hole. Anything you put in it just disappeared. So old Archchancellor Weatherwax had a privy built over it.”
“Very sensible idea,” said Ridcully, still looking thoughtful.
“We thought so too, until we found the other one that had opened in the attic. Turned out to be the other side of the same hole. I’m sure I don’t need to draw you a picture.”
“I’ve never heard of these!” said Ponder Stibbons. “The possibilities are amazing!”
“Everyone says that when they first hear about them,” said the Senior Wrangler. “But when you’ve been a wizard as long as I have, my boy, you’ll learn that as soon as you find anything that offers amazing possibilities for the improvement of the human condition it’s best to put the lid back on and pretend it never happened.”
“But if you could get one to open above another you could drop something through the bottom hole and it’d come out of the top hole and fall through the bottom hole again…It’d reach meteoritic speed and the amount of power you could generate would be—”
“That’s pretty much what happened between the attic and the cellar,” said the Dean, taking a cold chicken leg. “Thank goodness for air friction, that’s all I’ll say.”
Ponder waved his hand gingerly through the window and felt the sun’s heat.
“And no one’s ever studied them?” he said.

Honest Government Ad | Carbon Capture and Storage

newtboy says...

If you count the total costs, remove government subsidies and exemptions from ecological laws, there are few more expensive ways to generate energy than oil and coal today.

Turbines, solar, wave, tidal, and geothermal are all insanely cheaper today when you count the whole cost, not just the price at the meter. Have been for decades. My solar system paid for itself in about 8 years.

"ARE coming"

bobknight33 said:

Until a more cost effective way to generate energy, coal and oil will remain king.

However wind turbines, solar and battery storage improvements is coming about we are starting to see this shift.

Texas man strips down to make a point about vaccination

newtboy says...

Yes, he's making his point quite well.
He's pointing out all the ways they follow the law and rules of civilization, even though they're sometimes inconvenient or uncomfortable, even though many laws are to protect others more than themselves. He's doing it in a way that no one ignores. He's exemplifying the selfish, outrageous behavior they are championing in such a way that they can't help but disagree with him, which MAY lead to them questioning their own actions and recognising they resemble that display he put on.

When did he call them names?

Mask mandates are in place, put there by responsible representatives. This meeting was to explain why to those too obstinate to understand why, not to let them choose.
They have been told hundreds of times by calm reasonable people, calmly and using data and statistics to explain why masks and vaccines are necessary, and the answer was "keep yer govment vaxine urtta mah blud and yer Fouchi facemask off me and mah chilin!"

Only enforcing it when it's absolutely necessary, only where it's absolutely necessary, and for as short a time as possible has led us to wave 4, the worst yet. It's necessary now until the virus is gone, it's necessary everywhere so the virus doesn't have a Petri dish to evolve in and become far more virulent and dangerous, it's necessary to continue wearing them and getting vaccinated/boostered until the virus is eradicated....maybe until civilization falls if we're unlucky or too stupid to follow directions.

I have no idea why this touches such a nerve for you. It seems so obviously proper to most of us, and an excellent way to show them that they already do tons of annoying stuff for other people's safety, like driving the speed limit and stopping at lights and wearing clothes, not starting random fires, etc....all stuff mandated by the government.

Explain please, why that's improper. you say we shouldn't have a discussion at all with anti maskers/antivaxers, because they'll spout some nonsense?!
You don't convince people to do the right thing by ignoring them when they do the wrong things for the wrong reasons. WTF are you saying?! Don't have any discussions because extremists will take hold and you think reasonable people can do nothing. Only true if reasonable people stop trying to discuss and convince them of reality, which is your suggestion? Um......

vil said:

So he is trying to be clever. But is he making his point well?

Its much like us trying to convince Bob and friends by calling them names, its not going to work.

Mask mandate is an emergency measure and should be put in place by responsible representatives, not public debate. It should be explained seriously and not by anecdote. It should only be enforced where necessary and for as long as necessary. Local authorities should have that authority, just like for other natural disasters.

If you start a discussion, extremists will take hold of it.

F/A-18F Super Hornet Catapult Launch

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

luxintenebris jokingly says...

Really no point in trying to re-elect him (not a chance in HELL) as the impeachment charges from the first administration should carry over to the next. or has a statute of limitations on presidential crime waves been set?

But unless they get him on video having sex w/a Mexican 12-year-old transsexual, stopping to give her a COVID vaccine, while listening to the Dixie Chicks...only the music selection will come close to having his zombies questioning his authenticity.

'Tho those folks seem to lack the wattage to make the light go on for them.

Some good folks, but really scary what human psychology isn't immune to. And they don't have a shot for that.

What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

luxintenebris says...

I would say really.

As a man, president and his administration...
- ordered an attack on the Brookings Institution
- 13 of the 'president's men' jailed (2 were A.G.s)
- Agnew resigned after allegations of bribery* (as governor) led to a conviction on tax fraud.
- "Townhouse Operation" crime wave itself
- Associated Milk Producers Inc, IT&T...even the Checkers thing foreshadowed all the sketchy 'campaign donations'

...and the Vietnam peace talks affair was in the same league as Eric's dad's 1st impeachment charge ('tho not as president)...if pushed to support 'how bad was bad' remember Nixon put marijuana on the schedule one drug list, essentially to criminalize blacks, was a much much larger crime to humanity. emptied the penny jar and a twenty from the till, if you will.

But I get your point.

[Hardin administration was pretty awful too]

* something his former lawyer said he admitted went on "for a thousand years"

newtboy said:

Not really.
Nixon tried to cover up a crime he wasn’t actually involved in….dumb, criminal, immoral, and wholly unpresidential….but compared to Iran Contra, it’s like he took two pennies from the take a penny cup. Not even the same league.

TSUNAMI Height Comparison | 3D

drradon says...

truly horrible comparison - as vil says, ocean tsunamis are nothing like a typical ocean wave - they encompass a massive volume of water thousands of times larger than an ocean wave of similar height. The damage they do is largely the result of that massive volume of water coming ashore...

TSUNAMI Height Comparison | 3D

vil says...

Yes but... Lituya was a splash across a small bay, ocean tsunamis are huge volumes of water, not sharp short waves...

1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Before "someone" spouts off about this being a singular, isolated weather event in America and Canada, it's happening world wide.
All time record high temperatures are also happening in Europe, Asia, Africa including ground temperatures in Siberia above the arctic circle at 118F, not so good for permafrost that should be near freezing. Mexico has seen all time high temperatures for June exceeding 125F, nighttime low temperatures are also shattering all time highs like 105F overnight in palm springs, and over 70F was the overnight low in S Africa (southern hemisphere) on the WINTER solstice. Let's not forget, June is typically the coolest summer month.
It's hard to imagine this not triggering feedback loops like permafrost releasing methane and less ice reflecting heat that are each, by themselves, more than we could possibly counteract with current technology with an unlimited budget and the collective will to try. Combined, and without the unlimited funds or collective will to act, it's looking like game over, man.
Somehow "we told you so" hardly seems sufficient.

Copter Pack

BSR says...

The music is a little more dramatic than what's going on I think. Kinda like wearing shoes that are too big for the feet.

Do your hands always need to be on the controls at all times? How easy is it to recover from let's say an unexpected seagull attack or a bee swarm? How would you handle an itchy nose? Can you wave to a babe on the beach to get her attention?

Too many unanswered questions for me to buy one.

electric bill has soared after the winter storm in texas

newtboy jokingly says...

And now again...Texas can't deliver power in extreme weather....the kind they always have. I wonder how many will die this time. It's impossible to live in Texas without AC for most people under normal temperatures, and outright deadly during heat waves.

The stars at night, are big and bright,
Deep in the heart of Texas,
It could be 'cause, they don't have lights,
Deep in the heart of Texas

As a side note, estimates are as high as 700 who died in Texas from lack of power, in California that number is 1, and that man died 12 minutes after losing power, he didn't slowly freeze to death.

lucky760 said:

"Yeah boy!

We don't want no socialist democrat bullpucky like over yonder in California!"

Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory

luxintenebris says...

this is a fine example of what a year locked up does to a body.

sure. willing to listen to the p o s s i b i l i t y of corona being manufactured, but have some hard evidence. please. in a country billions +, origins of swine, bird, and ABC123 lettered viruses - it's not unreasonable to expect a lab to be located in a region where the pandemic started.

as it is, not versed in immunology (nor psychology or 'why are the following me') so rely on those who know (and don't have stock in Alcoa). that and the experiences of a lifetime being ginned up preparing for the next life-altering bug.

herpes, aids, penicillin-resistant gonorrhea/syphilis/chlamydia/TB, cjd, zika, lyme, west nile, ebola or the plethora of viruses, of eastern origins, that could become the next Spanish Flu.*

all those diseases have natural origins.

so, yeah. this pandemic wasn't a surprise. no more than Hurricane Katrina (why did they build that bridge over Lake Pontchartrain) or why the ere-orange administration left a 'play book' for Virus X.

it was foreseen, it happened, and could happen again. much more likely another flaming arrow from natures' quiver. (shivers given via a quiver?)

Occam's razor, in essence (should have led w/that).

* even new strains of hepatitis caused waves for a while and there was a bit of time, a virus in the NW USA was akin to airborne aids but disappear as quickly as it came and schistosomiasis has come closer to our shores - - - AND NOW - that hopefully isn't the precursor to zombie-itis.

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