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The What?

Self-Deprecating Reporter

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^JiggaJonson:
@rottenseed you don't need that comma there. (as opposed to "You don't need that comma,[pause] there")
Grammar nazi awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I dont know why I do that I think that I have intentions of writing something else but change my mind or maybe I just dont know how punctuation works youd think as ive been writing with this language such a long time that id have mastered it but I havent so go figure

thats the thing about language and punctuation and spelling and functionality and peoeplw who care about stucture everyone acts like they arer above that kind of stuff until its bnot being used enoug to that you can make out what people are saying when they are tryintg to say one thing but then they cannoteven communicate the idea because thier words are bting jumbled up and pauses are where they should not by and no one is using things they way they were in tended in wring to used be so that ideas are organized in such a was (way) as that they are dicsernable to others thats really the whole point of language structure and it bothers sometimes me when peopl e act like itis not important do you no wat i meen!

Oh, you're talking about westy.

Judge Judy - How Dumb Can You Be?

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^rottenseed:

>> ^JiggaJonson:
@rottenseed you don't need that comma there. (as opposed to "You don't need that comma,[pause] there")
Grammar nazi awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

I dont know why I do that I think that I have intentions of writing something else but change my mind or maybe I just dont know how punctuation works youd think as ive been writing with this language such a long time that id have mastered it but I havent so go figure

thats the thing about language and punctuation and spelling and functionality and peoeplw who care about stucture everyone acts like they arer above that kind of stuff until its bnot being used enoug to that you can make out what people are saying when they are tryintg to say one thing but then they cannoteven communicate the idea because thier words are bting jumbled up and pauses are where they should not by and no one is using things they way they were in tended in wring to used be so that ideas are organized in such a was (way) as that they are dicsernable to others thats really the whole point of language structure and it bothers sometimes me when peopl e act like itis not important do you no wat i meen!

Slowing Down In A World Built For Speed

Raw footage of a new fissure opening near Kilauea volcano

Kanye West - Banned Monster video

Drew Barrymore's New Tell-All Coloring Book Hits Shelves

The Big Winner

Primus - Too Many Puppies

TDS: Tonal Recall

IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy

ant says...

>> ^Chaucer:

This was only the first round score. It went on:
"Though Watson ended the exhibition in the lead with $4,400 compared to Jenning’s $3,400 and Rutter’s $1,200, a continuation of that battle shown on internal televisions during lunch revealed that Jenning had pulled ahead after scoring a Daily Double. Watson still isn’t perfect, it seems."
>> ^entr0py:
>> ^Chaucer:
Actually, this story has been going around that the computer won. Which is WRONG! If you get the rest of the story, you'll know that the computer ends up getting stomped by Jennings by the end of the segment.

You're probably thinking of a different test. Watson did win the game shown in the video. Though they only played single Jeopardy.
Final Score
Watson : $4,400
Ken : $3,400
Brad : $1,200.

I hope they do more of these with v2, v3, v4, Skynet, etc.

Colbert: Chris Hughes - Jumo

Two GOP Congressmen Skip Swearing In, But Vote Anyway

U.S. Media Tribute to Canada's Highway of Heroes

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