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blankfist (Member Profile)

Revenge of the Iron Beam

Hot, Wet, Tight, Bald Pussy

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Conan: Death by Black Hole

Trailer for Sylvain Chomet's "The Illusionist"

Karkat HATES Facebook

luxury_pie says...

Video or it didn't happen.>> ^hpqp:

LOL! fuck U videosift, FUCK U! People post the stupidist fucking video on the sift in people are all like, feel obliged to comment, even tho they have NOTHING to say!!! Like some dumbass will post a comment copying there favorite lines from the vid and then some dipshit that lives like in, the other side of the wrold will be all "LULZ" even tho they didnt watch the vid, goddammit, becuz thats what they do! I mean, videosift isnt that bad, its the fucking asshole sifters that use it. Like, people post some kitten liking its asshole and will be all like "I have 226 votes!", like, wat the fuck! And then u get dumbasses that are all like, "God will punsih u" and "thank god we have gunz, lol". Videosift the concept was alright, but its the fucking users that fucking fcuk it up, posting shit just so when i go on it i can see like, "oh look! someone made a snarky comment with the sarcasm box tickd!" Its bullshit! at least reddit is meant to be bullshit. you make a post thats been posted a zillion times and drop it out there, and its done! Goddamit riles me uP! I post a vid maybe like, once every like, once a week or so, somethiing that means somehting to me, and then "time to go fuckin post a snarky commetn on someones video", and "oh, i gotta upvote this, I gotta empty my pqueue" well FuCK U and all you sifters who fucking post videos, ur fuckin dead to me!!!

Karkat HATES Facebook

ponceleon jokingly says...

>> ^hpqp:

LOL! fuck U videosift, FUCK U! People post the stupidist fucking video on the sift in people are all like, feel obliged to comment, even tho they have NOTHING to say!!! Like some dumbass will post a comment copying there favorite lines from the vid and then some dipshit that lives like in, the other side of the wrold will be all "LULZ" even tho they didnt watch the vid, goddammit, becuz thats what they do! I mean, videosift isnt that bad, its the fucking asshole sifters that use it. Like, people post some kitten liking its asshole and will be all like "I have 226 votes!", like, wat the fuck! And then u get dumbasses that are all like, "God will punsih u" and "thank god we have gunz, lol". Videosift the concept was alright, but its the fucking users that fucking fcuk it up, posting shit just so when i go on it i can see like, "oh look! someone made a snarky comment with the sarcasm box tickd!" Its bullshit! at least reddit is meant to be bullshit. you make a post thats been posted a zillion times and drop it out there, and its done! Goddamit riles me uP! I post a vid maybe like, once every like, once a week or so, somethiing that means somehting to me, and then "time to go fuckin post a snarky commetn on someones video", and "oh, i gotta upvote this, I gotta empty my pqueue" well FuCK U and all you sifters who fucking post videos, ur fuckin dead to me!!!

Lulz, that's what she said!

Karkat HATES Facebook

hpqp says...

LOL! fuck U videosift, FUCK U! People post the stupidist fucking video on the sift in people are all like, feel obliged to comment, even tho they have NOTHING to say!!! Like some dumbass will post a comment copying there favorite lines from the vid and then some dipshit that lives like in, the other side of the wrold will be all "LULZ" even tho they didnt watch the vid, goddammit, becuz thats what they do! I mean, videosift isnt that bad, its the fucking asshole sifters that use it. Like, people post some kitten liking its asshole and will be all like "I have 226 votes!", like, wat the fuck! And then u get dumbasses that are all like, "God will punsih u" and "thank god we have gunz, lol". Videosift the concept was alright, but its the fucking users that fucking fcuk it up, posting shit just so when i go on it i can see like, "oh look! someone made a snarky comment with the sarcasm box tickd!" Its bullshit! at least reddit is meant to be bullshit. you make a post thats been posted a zillion times and drop it out there, and its done! Goddamit riles me uP! I post a vid maybe like, once every like, once a week or so, somethiing that means somehting to me, and then "time to go fuckin post a snarky commetn on someones video", and "oh, i gotta upvote this, I gotta empty my pqueue" well FuCK U and all you sifters who fucking post videos, ur fuckin dead to me!!!

Passion Pit- Sleepy Head

Excuse me, I have to take this urgent b̶a̶l̶l̶ call!

Montreal in the 60's

Muppets - Being Green Lantern Movie Trailer

Let's Build a Snowman!

So Lann and I got married.. (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

EDD says...


All these years I wasn't even sure about your gender, Lann (OK, I'll be honest, I was convinced you were a dude because of that old commando-kitty avatar of yours - because we all know girls hate guns n stuff, rite?), but this? Whoa. Best news I've heard in ever. Congrats to both of yous, you little rascals!

Back to the Future Alternate Ending: Biff is Dead

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