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Marum Volcano full expedition video 2012

How To Roll A Blunt featuring Afroman

shang says...

Very true, nowadays I don't see why anyone would want to smoke it.

I have a cheap old EZ Vape plug in wall version next to bed for occasional weekend use. I want a Volcano but too expensive course I'm more a light user.

I grow my own, I keep 1 mason jar filled or half, growing 2 every few months in closet using cfl

PlayhousePals said:

PLUS you can "bake" with the remnants and have some kick ass edibles! No waste whatsoever. WooHoo

Caught by a pyroclastic flow

landing probe on Churymov-Gerasimenko

Flying over an active volcano in Iceland

newtboy says...

The combined destructive/creative forces of nature can really produce some retina shattering beauty.
I've never seen anything nearly as gorgeous as a rift volcano in full eruption.
13 more points and I'll definitely give this *quality

Volcanic Eruption of Mount Tavurvur (shock wave included)

oritteropo says...

The volcano is here -

They appear to be somewhere in the middle of the bay, which makes it about 4km (?) away. If you assume (like the yt commenters did) that the shockwave slowed to the speed of sound almost instantly you would calculate a distance of approx 4-4.5kms which would have them almost on the opposite shoreline (or even on land) which they clearly are not...

p.s. Yes I realise that a supersonic shockwave should cause you to underestimate rather than overestimate distances, perhaps they're really a bit further from Rabul than I assumed?

p.p.s They were staying at Kokopo Beach Bungalows, and went out on the boat for a better look.

eric3579 said:

I went with speed of sound. Any idea how to figure it?

Removed my attempt at figuring the distance for a more interesting video of the volcano erupting

Volcanic Eruption of Mount Tavurvur (shock wave included)

eric3579 says...

I went with speed of sound. Any idea how to figure it?

Removed my attempt at figuring the distance for a more interesting video of the volcano erupting

deathcow said:

shock waves are not limited to the speed of sound though right.. how did you figure it

Volcanic Eruption of Mount Tavurvur (shock wave included)

A-Winston (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What an idiot you sound like.
If you look at 'geology reports' you'll learn that what happening in our atmosphere IS DEFINATELY something new, both because it's happening because of humans and because of the rate at which we are affecting change, way faster than volcanoes have (possibly with the exception of super volcanoes).
The ocean buffer is not infinite, and it's already past it's ability to 'buffer' us and is both getting more acidic and warmer top to bottom.
I would love to see you publicly take an IQ test next to Bill Nye. I'd give you a spread of 25IQ points and still be willing to put a $G on Bill to win. If it's a science test, I'll give you 25% and I'll put $5K on Bill to win. You have shown conclusively you don't understand science.

A-Winston said:

What an idiot. Yes, the temps have been up for a while. Just like we've had mini-ice ages and mini-bumps throughout history. Look at geology reports (oh, wait, he's only a mechanical engineer.) Nothing new here, folks. Yes, we're pumping out carbon dioxide. So did volcanos in the distant past. So what? We've got a lot of buffer called the ocean. Lastly, Dr. Nye, two coincident facts don't show causality. Oh, you wear a bow-tie, you must be smart. See? Classic example of two facts that are coincident but not related. Except for the you're being smart part. That part isn't true. Michael Crichton had it right in State of Fear.

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

Digitalfiend says...

Yeah and when emissions from volcanoes (among other things) got out of control:

The oceans aren't going to save us and, if anything, might be affected the most by increased CO2 in the atmosphere:

I really don't see why it is such a bad idea to attempt to reduce harmful emissions around the globe - it can only benefit us in the long run and we have the technology to do so. But it will cost big dollars that citizens and, in particular, corporations are unwilling to part with. If we continue the way we are though, in another 100-200 years it might be too late.

Bill Nye: You Can’t Ignore Facts Forever

A-Winston says...

What an idiot. Yes, the temps have been up for a while. Just like we've had mini-ice ages and mini-bumps throughout history. Look at geology reports (oh, wait, he's only a mechanical engineer.) Nothing new here, folks. Yes, we're pumping out carbon dioxide. So did volcanos in the distant past. So what? We've got a lot of buffer called the ocean. Lastly, Dr. Nye, two coincident facts don't show causality. Oh, you wear a bow-tie, you must be smart. See? Classic example of two facts that are coincident but not related. Except for the you're being smart part. That part isn't true. Michael Crichton had it right in State of Fear.

Neil deGrasse Tyson vs. Conservative Media

lantern53 says...

You can take every person on this planet and put them on one Hawaiian island. Would be crowded.

If the scientific method was being used, then there wouldn't be any scientists who would disbelieve it. But not everyone is together on this. How do you know that volcanoes don't affect the global climate more than humans?

Mount St. Helens: Evidence for a young creation

newtboy says...

It seems you misunderstood that it only references certain features, and volcanoes are not in that category.
It only makes the assumption about the certain kinds of features that have been shown to form only at certain rates....not about every X, which you are ascribing it volcanoes, land slides, mountain range building, etc. (again, not in the category).
Radiometric dating is not 1/2 of geology, or even 1/2 of geologic dating, by far. You misunderstand again.
Uniformitarianism sounds like a theologist creation. Learned geologists know that the world is not uniform, but certain processes are.
I have honestly looked at much of the publicized evidence (it's apparent that you have not) and how they use it to arrive at numerous theories, I am not shocked at all because I understand science and the processes it uses to come to 'conclusions'.

shinyblurry said:

What exactly have I misunderstood?

I do not conflate all features, but I don't think there are many which haven't been shown to form quickly under certain circumstances. We cannot assume every time we see X that long ages occured if we see that X can also form rapidly. That is essentially what geologists do today which is why it is the lynchpin for how geologic features are interpreted.

The other half of the equation is radiometric dating which has its own faulty set of assumptions based on uniformitarianism geology. I think when people look at this issue they think it is an exact science when actually the conclusion of deep time is an assumption based on circumstantial evidence. If you honestly looked at the evidence and how they use it to arrive at the conclusion you would be shocked.

SpaceOddity (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Drone Flies Over Volcano Eruption, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 3 Badge!

SpaceOddity (Member Profile)

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