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woman destroys third wave feminism in 3 minutes

Babymech says...

I hate to break it to you but everytime they used their transporters they killed themselves and created a new clone in their place. This is a civilization that would commit suicide every week just to visit a vacation planet, or just to move from room to room quickly. There has to be a better way to live.

JustSaying said:

And here we are again.
THIS is the reason why we can't have nice things.
Instead of agreeing that certain things are wrong and need to be changed, we argue about who got it worst. Instead of acknowledging that we have a lot work to do until we become the nice people Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek wants us to be, we fight about shitty details.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Here We Go Again...Rodney King Style Beating In SF

newtboy says...

Screw your 'he deserved what he got' attitude. The police are not judge, jury, and executioner. It's their job to stop criminals and collect evidence...period. If they can't do that job without resorting to ACTUALLY nearly brutally killing compliant people, they shouldn't be cops, they should be cons.

Hitting the cop car is not "nearly killed two officers", they apparently weren't injured enough to require treatment, hardly "nearly killed" in my book.

"What if" arguments are the bastion of people who can't make an argument with the facts, so they feel the need to create new 'facts' to rail against, IMO....but OK, I'll play along...What if this video didn't exist? I suggest that the officers wouldn't even go on paid leave, the action that's been takes thus far...sending them on paid vacation.
How does one get THAT deal, screw up royally and criminally at your job in a way that's likely to cost your 'business' millions in damages, they'll stand by you and pay for vacation for a few months while they 'look into it'. WHAT?!?

If this is the treatment one can expect when criminals DO stop, as he clearly did at the beginning of the video, why on earth would anyone not continue to run like their life depends on it, which it nearly did in this case? That's not at all reasonable.

Esoog said:

Screw this bleeding heart bullshit.

The criminal nearly killed two officers with his STOLEN vehicle while trying to get away. He used a vehicle as a weapon, then sped through neighborhoods, fleeing from police. What if he had killed someone, god forbid, a child? He deserved what he got. I'm tired of idiots that deserve harsh punishment getting sympathy. The police said stop. He didn't.

This is why people say Volvos are tanks

A song being denied airtime in Britain

eric3579 says...

When I got to the party
They gave me a 40
And I must have been thirsty
'Cuz I drank it so quickly

When I got to the bedroom
There was somebody waiting
And it isn't my fault
That the barbarian raped me

When I went to get tested
I brought along my best friend
Melissa Mahoney
who had once been molested
And she knew how to get there
She knew all the nurses
They were all really friendly
But the test came up positive

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just sent a letter in the mail

When I got my abortion
I brought along my boyfriend
We got there an hour
Before the appointment
And outside the building
Were all these annoying fundamentalist Christians
We tried to ignore them

I've had better days
But I don't care
Oasis got my letter in the mail

(Up-Beat Break)

When vacation was over
The word was all over
That I was a crack whore
Melissa had told them
And do now we're not talking
Except we have tickets to see 'Blue in October'
And I think we're still going

I've seen better days
But I don't care
Oh I just got a letter in the mail
Oasis and a photograph
It's autographed and everything
Melissa's gonna wet herself I swear

I'll put a hole right through your head!

newtboy says...

One more incident of cops being unbelievable douchebags, and other cops allowing them to get away with it. Sickening how often this kind of thing is caught on tape, meaning it happens 10 times more often than we see at least.
Glad he's on leave at least, but a paid vacation does not really seem the appropriate outcome, here's hoping he's fired after the 'investigation', but I doubt it.
Good thing his angry threat to 'confiscate the video' was more hot air.
Crappy that even the reasonable officer tells him clearly "the longer you stay here, the more trouble you're going to get into", implying 'because the detective will make more trouble for you, he's lost it', and doesn't tell the detective that jumping out of your unmarked car and threatening to shoot someone in the head and beat them to a pulp is out of order.
If this was an 'open carry' guy who 'stood his ground', he could have shot that cop with no (legal) consequence.
Damn it, I'm going to have to get a dash cam just to protect myself from outrageous 'authority figures' now.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

Closer to the truth would be to assume this (or some other physical abuse) happens at least 3-5 times a day in every major metropolitan area, not once per day in all the US. 9 out of 10 aren't caught on camera...and 9 out of 10 of those that are caught on camera are erased by the perpetrators themselves (the cops). It's only when a private citizen records them and doesn't get arrested themselves (and have the recording destroyed) that we see these videos , and that's multiple times a day (yes, we've seen exactly that happen repeatedly, destruction of video, often recorded by another, unseen citizen that comes to light after the cops lie about the incident.).

When a group commits violent crimes every single day without fail, and those in the group who are not being violent stand behind those that are, then this IS the norm, not an outlier. Sorry.

No, doing your job doesn't erase evil violent acts....neither does committing a 'good' act. If it worked that way, we wouldn't need jails, because nearly 100% of criminals have also done good things in their life, if that erased their crime there would be no need for cops at all. EDIT: Even doing 'good' 10 times as much as you do 'evil' makes you evil, not good, in my eyes. 100 good deeds do not erase one evil deed.

This is not the actions of a few, it's the actions of many, perhaps even the actions of the majority of officers, with the backing of ALL other officers and the force itself. That makes them ALL complicit, with the exception of the tiny, statistically insignificant few that actually report their fellow officers...and they get driven off the force by the majority of other officers that won't stand for 'snitching' by harassing, stalking, threatening, attacking, and not backing them up when they're in danger doing their job.

If ANY other group of people did the kinds of crimes cops have been caught on tape doing just this year alone, we would outlaw that group, seize their assets with RICO, and put most of them in jail. When cops do it, at best they usually get a paid vacation and a pat on the back.

oohlalasassoon said:

So, let's presume your statement that this happens everyday is true. In fact, let's double it, and say for every incident you hear about, there's another that goes unnoticed, and is worse. You're saying the egregious actions of 2 officers per day, is indicative of the type of day MOST cops lead on a daily basis, i.e. : the norm?

Speaking of things we never see... If, for every bad cop video posted I somehow unearthed and posted a video of a wholly unremarkable cop somewhere, clocking in, doing his thing , going against his nature and doing something that could be construed as benign, even good- would it change your opinion of cops?

I'm not the apologist you think I am by the way. I even agree with some of what you say. But I try not to blame the many for the actions of the few. Pretend that rather than cops we're talking about any race of your choosing and decide if I should change my ways.

Key & Peele - Prepared for Terries

Understanding the Financial Crisis in Greece

cryptoz says...

Not sure what you mean by demand. Printing money is supplying demand out of nothing, or could be but usually backed by something tangible like gold. I think Greece has a great case for making there our own way. To start with, walking away from all that debt would balance the country for a short time to print. The country has oil for the people so the currency can be backed by that somewhat. Agree to farm and fish for new currency and people eat. The country is in a perfect climate zone so shelter is doable... in fact, I think most of the world would spend money to sleep on the beach of Greece for a vacation. Speaking of vacations, Greece could take all the Euro and Dollars in from tourism and back the new currency. The Gov would need to work extremely hard to pull it off but I think it could do it better then most of the rest of the EU.

radx said:


6:54 – "Printing" money is generating demand out of thin air. There is a shortage of demand throughout the entire continent. So yeah, if the folks at the ECB could type in a few numbers, that would be swell.

Even Germany has a shortage of demand. We are merely hiding it behind the €200b+ of demand that we steal from other countries, i.e. our current account surplus. But the infrastructure and investment spending over here is at all time lows. We'd need an additional €200b+ just to get the infrastructure back to the state it was in a decade ago.

There is no productivity growth in Europe. The UK actually lost a lot of productivity by its introduction of zero hour jobs and other forms of slavery. Without sufficient demand, there is no need to improve production capacities – they can't even sell what they could produce right now.

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

lucky760 says...

Motherfucker. Corrupt with authority.

His rule of law is: keep running your mouth and see what happens.

He doesn't like that they're speaking and he's also ordering them by royal decree to vacate the area. Being disobedient deserves you getting your head slammed to the concrete.

He cannot work in this line of work ever again. Those kids are lucky the other officers were there or that fucker may have shot them for no fucking reason.

Two women caught stealing a canopy on the beach

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

newtboy says...

Love the commando roll at the beginning. I was ready to see some ridiculous faked video, then things took a right turn.
I wonder what's meant by 'community pool'. Is it a municipal pool anyone may use, or a gated community pool only members may use? If it's the former, why did they even respond to complaint of 'people who don't live here are in the pool'?
What a douche, I hope he gets more than a vacation for this. He certainly isn't making friends for the cops. Would he think it was appropriate for someone to use that language to his pre teen child? I bet not, but he has no problem using it towards black kids....and only black kids.

What Happens To The Few Good Cops

newtboy says...

If only that $500000 would come directly from the pockets of the 88 bad cops and not tax payers. It's disgusting that they commit crimes against citizens, then citizens pay for those crimes for them, and often they get nothing more than a paid vacation.

XCOM 2 trailer

Asmo jokingly says...

After finishing Classic Ironman with zero deaths/zero country losses, I'm fucking pissed that I go away for a well deserved 5 weeks of vacation and find that someone has dropped the fucking ball and let the aliens win...

World's Dumbest Cop

newtboy says...

Don't be so sure about that being the case if you come to the USA.
I was pulled out of my car at gunpoint, thrown to the ground, and had the knee to my face because an idiot officer read my license plate wrong and assumed my car was stolen, then when he realized his mistake, threatened me with reprisal when he said "...remember, bud, I know where you live if you report this".

I did report it. I had to fight tooth and nail just to make that report, the officers at the station didn't want to take it or allow me to make a written complaint, and actually said at one point 'we don't take written complaints about officers.', and absolutely nothing came of it in the end.

Until American police forces clean house, if I wanna see a "good cop", I'll have to go on vacation to another country. When you say "People in your country hate cops so much because the good ones allow the bad ones to dominate the public Image." you miss the point that they also allow the 'bad' one's to act badly with no consequence, and stand behind them consistently with lies about what really happened...only to be proven clearly to be liars when video comes out. That's why I say the 'good cops' are endangered, if not extinct at this point.

JustSaying said:

And here's the interesting thing: you feel the need to show that good cops exist, to remind people of that.
If I wanna see a good cop, I walk into the local police station. These men and women aren't all perfect but I'm pretty sure in a conflict, they wouldn't shoot me or kneel on my face or kick me while I'm handcuffed. They're trained not to do that unless they have perfectly good reasons to do that. Perfectly good.
I don't live in your country. Nobody here needs good cop videos because in my part of the world, even unpleasant encounters involving the police don't necessarily reflect badly on the officers involved. We don't have your kind of horror stories here.
We have shitty cops, certainly, some pretty racist guys. Just go and read some reporting on the NSU (Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund), it's our little domestic terrorism problem showcasing how terrible our police can be.
Do you really think that can compete with the terrible shit in your country?
People in your country hate cops so much because the good ones allow the bad ones to dominate the public Image. They hate them because the whole institution has systematic problems with racism, accountability and excessive force.

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