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Canadian TV Show Destroys a Snake Oil Salesman

westy says...

>> ^Shepppard:
>> ^westy:
Well whats more bull shit is that they only give a dam when he says it cures cancer , because everyone gose mental over cancer up untill cancer its all la-di-da.
also he is only as much bull shit as religions but i bet they dont give a shit if a chirch person came in trying to sell some rleigouse thing or raising money for a lochal chirch that would be ok.

They weren't going to back the product beforehand, you can see that all of them are giggling at how stupid the product is.
Claims such as "Pain from cuts goes away in less then a minute!" is stupid, because they usually do anyway.
He really is just selling water, and for minor things like that, it's no harm no foul, you spend 20 bucks, it's not a life altering situation. Refuse him nicely and leave him on his way.
However, once he started making claims like it was able to cure more terminal things like cancer, and he's been SELLING it as a remedy for cancer, then shit gets serious.
If people truly buy his product thinking that spraying it down your throat a couple times daily is going to cure their cancer, and do that rather then get a real form of treatment, then that man is selling people their death.

but ultimately its the same thing if your making a claim that something dose something which it dose not or you make a claim without any evidence. its just circumstance that it happens to bridge over to other things. besides at the start he says it cures everything.

Instantly from the offset if sum one makes a claim that seems out of the ordinary/remarkable then they are going to need good evidence to back it up i mean they obviously let him on the show in the first place so the TV producers wanted to out him and id be suprized if the investors didn't get any heads up at all.

Its really trendy for people on TV to get up tight and really reactive about cancer despite the fact that there are many other things to die from and illnesses that suck.

I dont evan see the need for them to get all emotive they should have just said right away , u dont have anny evidence good by

as i say i bet if they had a religious person come in that was selling christian stuff or pray materials then they would quite likely be fine with it.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

rottenseed says...

I think what rebuilder is getting at as far as personal computers is their full proprietary build-type. Makes it harder to open a device and fondle all the pretty parts and such. This has been a big turn off to many non-apple PC users. An analogy would be like comparing an apple PC to a new Lexus vs. a non-apple PC to a '64 Pontiac GTO. Both are beautiful in their own respect, but one of them is more fun (but probably more of a pain) to get under the hood to modify/f*ck with.

Sr. Jobs would like very much to have a device that is fully integrated with very little need for the user to fondle and adjust. The problem with the design intent to fully automate everything, is the lack of customization that may be desired by an owner. Now, I know you apple-fans and your apps will contest that you can find anything that you'd ever want out there somewhere. But to us, non-apple users, we'd prefer the hassle of setting something up for the ability to breach some EULAs and treat "intellectual property" as a joke. Mac, doesn't make that very easy. Sure you can open it out of the box and be running in 3 minutes, but sometimes I wanna get down and dirty.

>> ^dag:
"Closed down Big Brother Devices"? Really? Have they blocked the Internet?
You want to know what a closed down device is? Any mobile phone manufactured before the advent of the iPhone. Thanks Apple for forcing the carriers to allow phones do more than just use their crappy "on deck" software.

>> ^rebuilder:
>> ^dag:
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

You know what my worst-case scenario for Apple is? That the Ipad really rocks, that they sell a bazillion units, and they keep making more of these closed-down big brother devices. Apple is killing the personal computer as a free device, giving us well thought-out interfaces at the cost of the ability to choose for ourselves what we want to do with our gear. And most people won't give a damn. That's why, since the iPhone, and especially the iPad, I've gone from indifferent to antagonistic towards Apple. And I'm writing this on a Mac.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

"Closed down Big Brother Devices"? Really? Have they blocked the Internet?

You want to know what a closed down device is? Any mobile phone manufactured before the advent of the iPhone. Thanks Apple for forcing the carriers to allow phones do more than just use their crappy "on deck" software.

>> ^rebuilder:
>> ^dag:
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

You know what my worst-case scenario for Apple is? That the Ipad really rocks, that they sell a bazillion units, and they keep making more of these closed-down big brother devices. Apple is killing the personal computer as a free device, giving us well thought-out interfaces at the cost of the ability to choose for ourselves what we want to do with our gear. And most people won't give a damn. That's why, since the iPhone, and especially the iPad, I've gone from indifferent to antagonistic towards Apple. And I'm writing this on a Mac.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

rebuilder says...

>> ^dag:
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

You know what my worst-case scenario for Apple is? That the Ipad really rocks, that they sell a bazillion units, and they keep making more of these closed-down big brother devices. Apple is killing the personal computer as a free device, giving us well thought-out interfaces at the cost of the ability to choose for ourselves what we want to do with our gear. And most people won't give a damn. That's why, since the iPhone, and especially the iPad, I've gone from indifferent to antagonistic towards Apple. And I'm writing this on a Mac.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

rottenseed says...

>> ^dag:
OK sure- let's hate on Apple some more.
I remember when I was in sixth grade- it was really cool to hate the band Kiss. "Kiss Sucks" was scrawled all over the the wooden jungle gyms, on Pee-chees, carved into desks etc etc. I realized then, that their "Kiss hating" was more about social adjustment than actual dislike of the music.
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

But dude...KISS does totally f*cking suck.

And let's give apple credit where it's due. I think the success of the ipod has accelerated the advancements in solid state memory by opening a market and creating competition.

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

EmptyFriend says...

>> ^dag:
OK sure- let's hate on Apple some more.
I remember when I was in sixth grade- it was really cool to hate the band Kiss. "Kiss Sucks" was scrawled all over the the wooden jungle gyms, on Pee-chees, carved into desks etc etc. I realized then, that their "Kiss hating" was more about social adjustment than actual dislike of the music.
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

but doesn't this imply that everyone hating on apple knows nothing about the company/products? my wife has been using apple products for a long time (currently MBP and iphone 3GS) so i too have used them pretty regularly. i think they're fine products, so i wouldn't say i "hate" the products or the company, but i'm certainly not a big fan.

this video isn't really hating on apple, or the iPad, just the superlative filled announcement.

anyways, the iPad just seems exceptionally silly to me. if they get the speculated webcam on there then it's slightly better, but i really can't see a need for it (and neither does my wife).

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

Raaagh says...

>> ^dag:
OK sure- let's hate on Apple some more.
I remember when I was in sixth grade- it was really cool to hate the band Kiss. "Kiss Sucks" was scrawled all over the the wooden jungle gyms, on Pee-chees, carved into desks etc etc. I realized then, that their "Kiss hating" was more about social adjustment than actual dislike of the music.
Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.
There, I said it. That feels better.

I think apple hate used to be fully legit when they used powerPC cpus, and overcharged for all their proprietary but equivalently functioning hardware.

These days, I have a quibble about having to front thousands of dollars to enter the apple "ecosystem". The google ecosystems is free (well, except my online soul gets sucked into the googlosphere).

The tablet pisses me off - if only because I figured my next computer would be an apple net book.

Prolly channelling some of the frustration from breaking a mac at work trying to make my dell mini9 a hackintosh

What dag heard when the iPad was announced

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK sure- let's hate on Apple some more.

I remember when I was in sixth grade- it was really cool to hate the band Kiss. "Kiss Sucks" was scrawled all over the the wooden jungle gyms, on Pee-chees, carved into desks etc etc. I realized then, that their "Kiss hating" was more about social adjustment than actual dislike of the music.

Likewise, the blind hatred for Apple as a company, while very trendy I know, doesn't really make you any cooler in the eyes of your peers.

There, I said it. That feels better.

Happy Australia Day (Blog Entry by dag)

Sarzy says...

I think all four of those things in the "not crazy about" category are pretty universal, to a certain extent. And I'd probably disagree that wanting a nice TV would be superficial materialism -- I think most of us spend more time in front of the TV than we'd care to admit, so getting a good one would actually enrich your life a little bit (unlike Italian tile floors or granite countertops or whatever is trendy).

Racist KFC Commercial Followup: The TYT Backlash

westy says...

Every black person i have talked to loves chicken , in the same way that all the Indians i know love curry. I don't know any white people that don't like shepherds pie, fact is races are normally geographical and different geographical locations will have different preferred foods due to what grew in that place or what could be stored easily.

if annything this advert is saying White and black people love chicken and that KFC's food brings people together "everyone is happy with kfc" . In fact its the general theme of the adverts in the uk where a husband and wife canot think what to cook but everyone can have something they like with a kfc so it brings the family together.

there is no real way you can if this is racist from the clip alone you would have to know the makers true intentions.

a;;sp young Turks have presumed by default that spreading a stereo type is a universally bad thing. despite the fact that in order to advertise most product you pretty much have to create or perpetuate a stereo type. normaly that stereo typ will just be an amalgimatoin of the products target market. For apple they make out that only trendy graphic designers use apples , gravy companies perpetuate the house wife that cookes for the family.

my piont is if you are going to have a go at them for spreding a stereo typ then you would then have to atack most adverts making it strange to specifcly draw atentoin to this advert.

Michael Cera is poisoning all my recent posts! (Commercial Talk Post)

ReverendTed says...

Well, it's like - I've liked Pabst Blue Ribbon for years, and now I risk being tagged as a hipster douchebag when I drink it in public. (It's a risk I'm willing to take.) I legitimately like PBR, but most people that drink it now are doing it for the hipster cred.
Or how, back in my impressionable youth, I wore a Navy raincoat (essentially a short black trenchcoat) that started getting me sideways looks after Columbine. I legitimately liked that coat and the style it represented, but most people wearing them after Columbine and The Matrix were wearing them to act dangerous or "cool".

You may legitimately dislike Cera, but most people who dislike him (or other popular personalities) in a particularly vocal manner do so because they want to seem enlightened and better than all those who (ever so naively) fall for his manufactured charm.
It's as hip to hate trendy stuff as it is to celebrate it.

You don't want to risk being hip, do you?

Ultimately, the proper thing to do is to like him ironically.

Rotating Kitchen Art Piece


demon_ix says...

It's really trendy to fear Google these days, isn't it?

In a world with companies directly and indirectly exploiting their customers, secretly collecting data and constantly reorganizing their business to maximize profit, the company that comes up front and tells you "we're gathering data" gets demonized for it.

Never mind that they're not specifically collecting data about you. Never mind that they make some of the best products out there, and they're usually free, with a few exceptions. Never mind that many other companies have identical services and collect the same data, and just neglect to tell you about it.

Never mind that they actually release their own data, free of charge, so for example, researchers can do things like track Swine Flu (H1N1) by using Google Trends.


In my line of work I use Google products on a daily basis.

My company emails are on Gmail, which saves us absurd amounts of money not having to house a couple of Exchange servers in-house, be it physical server cost, electricity cost, Exchange and Windows Server costs, backup utility and storage costs and the list goes on. Free.

Every website we develop uses Google Analytics to track their statistics. It used to cost us in licensing, storage and server load with our old Analytics software. Now it's just a few lines of code and all the actual work is done on Google's servers. Videosift uses it as well, FYI. Just look through the source code and search for "ga.js". Free.

Most of our commercial websites have Google ads in them. They send us money, so Less than Free. It's not exactly a service they provide, but it does help pay those server-hosting bills.

I use Google maps whenever I need to go somewhere new, since it's hands down the best mapping service available to me. Free.


I sort of went on and on there, but to me, this video is very very close to saying "Death Panels".

Heil Hipster!

FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

gwiz665 says...

Well, it would basically be America policing the world. Is that not a dated and, to be more specific, BAD point to make in a movie? Just because something is trendy, doesn't mean it is wrong.

Patriotism is a dangerous concept. Blind patriotism (love your country no matter what) is just foolish.

In practice I have little against the US, but the social situation is deplorable, the foreign policy (and domestic for that matter) is horrendous, and a show like this that think America is the "greatest country in the world" is misguided and only serves to mislead the stupid public into thinking that. It is evil, it is control, it is making people dumber.

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