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FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

thepinky says...

>> ^gwiz665:
GI Joe is a term that refers to SOLDIERS. If they made the movie that you people obviously want, where Americans bravely go around saving the rest of the world (akin to Team America) it would have a dated and poor point to make.

How do you know that the point would have been dated and poor? Patriotism isn't dated. "American sucks" is the trendy attitude, remember? Patriotism has existed from the beginning and will continue to exist. Couldn't they have made a tactful and inclusive film about "real American heroes?" It doesn't sound impossible to me.

FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

FOX News Host Not Happy With GI Joe Movie's Internationalism

thepinky says...

SpaceOddity, you're not alone.

This is absurd. When he refers to Hollywood divorcing Americanness from the military, he's not talking about all militaries, Skeeve. He's talking about the U.S. military, and he's right. G.I. Joe cartoons capitalized on the awesomeness of the U.S. military. My memories of the show are a jumble of corny lines, explosions, big weapons, and cool military technology. What he's saying is that G.I. Joe got popular among little American boys because it was about how awesome OUR military is, and this movie takes that popularity and exploits it, removing the patriotic U.S. military core of the entire franchise. Cobra was a terrorist organization bent on world domination. Can you imagine these filmmakers producing a movie about American heroes fighting terrorists? No, no, no, we can't have that.

I'm rambling again. What I want to say is that it's absolutely preposterous to make G.I. Joe some kind of international organization. They wanted to use the G.I. Joe name for its dollar value, but then they decided to get all apologetic about the Americanness of it. (Hm...apologizing for America. Of whom am I reminded?) In case you've forgotten, these characters were American men and women of diverse ethnicities who gave good advice to kids.

P.S. Your narrow-minded "America sucks" attitude is incredibly immature, ignorant, and trendy.

kulpims (Member Profile)

burdturgler says...

You really nailed it kulpims. Every word. Could not have said it better.

In reply to this comment by kulpims:
I agree with danny, this new star point hierarchy sucks and so does raising the escape limit to 15 votes. dag, lucky - you're making a big mistake. also, I don't appreciate the way you introduced this very important new changes. these changes are more important than the new layout and ui and you should have consulted with the community before implementing them - that's why we have polls, right? as it is now, I feel we don't matter enough to have a say in where this site is going.
I became addicted to sift crack in may 2007 and have been hanging around for a couple of months before that. I felt good in the company of fellow video junkies with specific, unique tastes and wanted to make a difference by contributing what I felt was worthy of showing up on the frontpage of a site that boasts "quality control" in their title, and while I do realize "quality" is subjective, I feel these new changes will only serve to promote mediocracy. it will not bring more participation from newly registered sifters and long-time lurkers like danny. i feel like there's no room for original findings deep from the tubes any more. our frontpage might soon look like any other bullshit site out there and that is not why I signed in for. if you want the site populated with what is trendy, you don't really need us sifters to decide what is quality and what isn't - you could just look at the top 10 most visited video sites on the net, see what's 'in' and steal the embeds. if you only want those kind of sifters, let us know. like deano, farhad and mr. fisk already mentioned - some of us will hardly get anything sifted now unless we adapt, go mainstream and try to beat Zifnab at ZPR. well, I for one refuse to sell out!

Ex-Bronze member.. (Controversy Talk Post)

kulpims says...

I agree with danny, this new star point hierarchy sucks and so does raising the escape limit to 15 votes. dag, lucky - you're making a big mistake. also, I don't appreciate the way you introduced this very important new changes. these changes are more important than the new layout and ui and you should have consulted with the community before implementing them - that's why we have polls, right? as it is now, I feel we don't matter enough to have a say in where this site is going.
I became addicted to sift crack in may 2007 and have been hanging around for a couple of months before that. I felt good in the company of fellow video junkies with specific, unique tastes and wanted to make a difference by contributing what I felt was worthy of showing up on the frontpage of a site that boasts "quality control" in their title, and while I do realize "quality" is subjective, I feel these new changes will only serve to promote mediocracy. it will not bring more participation from newly registered sifters and long-time lurkers like danny. i feel like there's no room for original findings deep from the tubes any more. our frontpage might soon look like any other bullshit site out there and that is not why I signed in for. if you want the site populated with what is trendy, you don't really need us sifters to decide what is quality and what isn't - you could just look at the top 10 most visited video sites on the net, see what's 'in' and steal the embeds. if you only want those kind of sifters, let us know. like deano, farhad and mr. fisk already mentioned - some of us will hardly get anything sifted now unless we adapt, go mainstream and try to beat Zifnab at ZPR. well, I for one refuse to sell out!

Americans tip best, dress worst (Worldaffairs Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

When I read this I think of hawaiian shirts, khaki shorts, black dress socks and boat shoes...

That's the average American traveler. Younger generations are too busy spending their last dime at trendy hipster bars, designer drugs and buying the trendiest clothes to afford a vacation in Europe.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

I know of a few good indie bands out here, but most of them are a bit more to the south (LA and stuff). I'll ask some friends to see what they recommend, I suppose. We'll see how things turn out, lol. I'm always on the lookout for good music though, so I'm sure I'll find something.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
WELL MAYBE YOU'RE JUST A MEAN MUSIC NAZI!!! hahaha jk. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully you'll find something you like out there. If not, you might have to do as the Romans. Step one is finding a venue. Which might be a painstaking process, especially if you're picky about music.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

JAPR (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

WELL MAYBE YOU'RE JUST A MEAN MUSIC NAZI!!! hahaha jk. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Hopefully you'll find something you like out there. If not, you might have to do as the Romans. Step one is finding a venue. Which might be a painstaking process, especially if you're picky about music.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

rottenseed (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

It's not that I don't try out other people's recommendations, it's just that I end up not liking them more often than not, so it's just that I end up being disappointed most of the time.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

JAPR (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

We all have our guilty pleasures. As much as I swore I'd never be "that guy", I find myself at the Wavehouse every Sunday listening to electro-house. I used to be hardcore about the music I thought was good, and the stuff I thought was crappy/trendy/trivial, of which much of the music I like now fits. Over the years though, I've found it's better to just go with the music, than to fight it. Take a chance on somebody else's taste in music. Try to view it as they view it. Hell, if you hadn't done that in the first place, you would've never developed the unique taste you have for music today.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Thanks, now I'm motivated to get Pinback back on my computer again (lost it all on my old comp). YOU FEED MY BAD HABITS.

I'll ask a few friends here if they know of anything good, but I don't trust most people's musical tastes since I generally look for something beyond just "catchy" and/or "can play in tune" when I'm looking for music.

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
I liked that a lot. It hand Pinback's sound but in a different way.

Here's my favorite Pinback's mellow
(the video is dumb it's a demo for some mirror text software).

I don't know of anything bay area other than hip hop. I'm sure there is plenty, you just gotta find out where to go.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
The song is written by Japanese artist Aida Shigekazu of the bands FOE and El-Malo. He also does solo work and writes music for Kimura Kaela, a rather famous pop/rock artist. Rob Crow on guest vox? Hells yes. Really tight song, you'll like it I'm sure. I'd sift it if there were a video for it, but alas, such is life.

I'm actually in Berkeley for the next several months, and I'd like to find some good local bands other than the scant few I know of in the bay area, any leads?

R.A. The Rugged Man - Lessons

MrFisk says...

Yo aiiyo people wonderin' where the fuck I been
At the VIP section they ain't lettin' me in
They say; maybe if you had Dr. Dre or Timbaland
They say; a white boy need a black boy to win
Uhh Bubba Sparxx did it and so did Slim
Just Blaze is hot now why don't you get with him
I watch mad rappers bite my shit and blow up
And make millions of what I created, that's tough luck
I first started gettin' coverage around the same time
Steve Stout used to carry kid and placed luggage
I seen rappers turned from sex symbols in hard throbs
To bein forgotten now they out lookin' for jobs
I seen EPMD break up
I seen my little brother Max fall asleep and he ain't never wake up
So when I rhyme listen, seriously
When I spit I'm givin' you the truth clearly who I really be
It's an audio version of reality TV
I had deals from Russell Simmonds to Master P
Even five year old white girls be rappin' today
On the playground like 'go shorty it's ya birthday' (Go, go, go..)

Yo yo yo I seen good days sun rays church sundays
Made love made war been rich been poor
Lost friends lost hoods lost my dough
Seen beef between Bad Boy and Death Row
I seen deceased take the life for my sisters kid
Six months on the earth is what he had to live
I seen Biggie Big L Big Pun pass away
Buffy from the Fat Boys, Jam Master Jay
I mumple 'fore they blew up with Mystikal and Jay-Z
The Neptunes came to see me at D & D
I knew this chick named Norah a lounge singer
A year later she a six Grammy award winner
I seen flatliners I seen cannabisses
I seen Lil Zane see I seen mad misses
You ran through that ten percent disses
I seen A & R's get fired for takin' pisses
Stop whinin' the fuck nobody listens
Who else riskin' they career they stick to be indifferent
Switchin' the tradition stickin' to this shit they really livin'
I don't care what's hittin
Listen this is my fuckin' life that I'm spittin

I made peace with myself now how bout that
I hated life I wanted to die a few years back
I was mentally ill it's hard to come back from that
But I got through it now I got my sanity back
Y'all are like H-B-O fighters get the money and fame
Get beat up like Klitschko and Sugar Shane
Or get beat like Vernon Forrest or Prince Naseem
And you all turn pussy when you get that green
I got love for Havoc from Mobb Deep
When I was broke sleepin' in the street
He hooked me up with a free beat
Alchemist you still my little buddy
Althought you stole that Royce the 5"9 +The King+ beat from me
I ain't down to sign autographs and shake ya hands
I don't want trendy ass followers as fans
I don't wanna sell records, I don't wanna be big
I don't want MTV runnin' up in my crib
I don't wanna be light in the music biz
I don't want fans that don't know who G Rap is

More Republican Hypocrisy on "Sanctity of Marriage"

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^ShakaUVM:
Epic explanatory fail. Care to cite chapter and verse, or are you simply wrongly crediting the bible for the very moral evolution I am talking about
Jesus's core social message was that of Universal Charity. It seems passe to us now (since we're both presumably living in a country that has adopted Christian values, so you don't see it, like a fish in the ocean), but was quite revolutionary for the time. The doctrine of Universal Charity resulted in people's conception of how to act toward each other over time, resulting in the establishment of many of the things secular humanists call "social justice organizations" these days, not understanding that their beliefs stem from a two thousand year old Christian tradition.
I fully expect you to not believe this, since most people have never studied history, and to base their beliefs on what they've absorbed from their culture ("of course I know that"), in your case it seems a militant and atheistic ignorance and dislike toward religion, mixed with a healthy dose of moral relativism and social darwinism.
The emancipation of slavery was the result of Universal Charity being applied to the human condition of slaves. (Do you fail to understand that absolute morality and change over time in its application are perfectly compatible, I wonder?) But it's no wonder that it took so long - slavery has a long tradition in humanity, and it's hard for people to buck the status quo - most people follow the crowd and resist change. If, for example, it became, say, trendy to mock Christianity and embrace moral relativism, then you'd see, for example, such posts making up the majority of those on, say, Videosift.
It's no coincidence that it was the 1800s equivalent of fundamentalist Christians who led the emancipation movement - it was the flowering of a realization that Universal Charity should be applied in a new way.

Talk about fish in water.. You have obviously not read or understood anything about the evolution of morality. As others here have pointed out, he wasnt really a first in anything, which is fine, as he was pretty good for his time. But please dont flatter him as the inventor of "universal charity" It is bullshit, and I think you know it. Take a look a the teachings of Jainism, invented some 600 years before Jesus came along:

"Do not abuse, oppress, enslave, insult, torment, torture or kill any creature or human being"

How's that for "Universal Charity", huh? in a single "commandment" the Jains outlawed slavery, torture, killing and oppression of all humans AND animals. Now, I'm not a Jain follower either, their extreme non-violence alone is too much for me (word is that its so "bad" that some of them wear masks to avoid accidentally swallowing innocent insects) But I refer to them simply to make a point: Jesus worshippers like you are suffering from a bad case of tunnel-vision. Morality, as I pointed out, evolves and changes over time, and yes, thinkers like Jesus have influenced and driven these changes all throughout history, but this before-and-after jesus view of morality is bullshit, and we all know how slave-holders used their bibles to justify their actions, and if Jesus had said something like the above Jain-quote, we could perhaps have avoided a few hundred years of slavery, by using scripture as leverage. But the fact is, there really is no such leverage in there.

More Republican Hypocrisy on "Sanctity of Marriage"

ShakaUVM says...

Epic explanatory fail. Care to cite chapter and verse, or are you simply wrongly crediting the bible for the very moral evolution I am talking about

Jesus's core social message was that of Universal Charity. It seems passe to us now (since we're both presumably living in a country that has adopted Christian values, so you don't see it, like a fish in the ocean), but was quite revolutionary for the time. The doctrine of Universal Charity resulted in people's conception of how to act toward each other over time, resulting in the establishment of many of the things secular humanists call "social justice organizations" these days, not understanding that their beliefs stem from a two thousand year old Christian tradition.

I fully expect you to not believe this, since most people have never studied history, and to base their beliefs on what they've absorbed from their culture ("of course I know that"), in your case it seems a militant and atheistic ignorance and dislike toward religion, mixed with a healthy dose of moral relativism and social darwinism.

The emancipation of slavery was the result of Universal Charity being applied to the human condition of slaves. (Do you fail to understand that absolute morality and change over time in its application are perfectly compatible, I wonder?) But it's no wonder that it took so long - slavery has a long tradition in humanity, and it's hard for people to buck the status quo - most people follow the crowd and resist change. If, for example, it became, say, trendy to mock Christianity and embrace moral relativism, then you'd see, for example, such posts making up the majority of those on, say, Videosift.

It's no coincidence that it was the 1800s equivalent of fundamentalist Christians who led the emancipation movement - it was the flowering of a realization that Universal Charity should be applied in a new way.

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

TheSofaKing says...

Lot's of "experts" giving their opinions on use of force and officer safety here. Even for someone who actually has some knowledge of police procedures (which none of the people who have a problem with this do), this video provides a great deal less then sufficient information to judge and condemn this officers actions. I realize that having no knowledge or experience on a subject doesn't stop the average sifter from feeling he has something to say, but it sure would be nice if it did.

Have you ever attempted to apprehend someone who resisted? How about someone who resisted with a weapon? Notwithstanding the trendy anti-police, all cops are crooked pigs, fuck authority BS most seem to follow around here, there are other people who hate the police even more. They hate them because they are nasty, sick people and criminals and they have no qualms about attacking police. Police deal with these assholes on a daily basis, and deal with them in a manner which keeps them safe. The subject of officer safety is far to large to get into here, but suffice it to say that Police use tactics, and have instincts that keep them alive. If you have never done the job then you don't understand them and look foolish trying to pretend that you do.

This officer was legally apprehending this guy. The fact that he ultimately was not involved in the offence being investigated is unfortunate, but not something the officer knew at the time. Was the guy running? was he not following verbal commands? Where were his hands? What was in his hands? Was he facing the officer, or turning away to hide something? I can't speak for this cop because it is possible he is a power drunk asshole who enjoys beating people up.. however... if it was me, I would feel terrible that this innocent guy got hurt... but depending on the stuff this video doesn't show, I wouldn't regret my actions. Any cop who works in a major city has been in many similar situations where the guy was the right guy and he did have a knife or other weapon... and had the arresting officer not acted properly someone gets a 6" blade in their neck.


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