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Kids React to Veggie Halloween Candy

You'll Never Open a Bag of Chips the Same Way Again

chingalera says...

No way-Rolling a bag-o-crispies up from the bottom like a tube'o toothpaste... just too fucking analriffic for me-I like the Chinese Space Program candidate's version here much better, the only setback being the inability to execute the effortless crumbdump as Trancecoach has mentioned.

rancor said:

Didn't we just have the lifehack in the top sifts? It showed that all you have to do to get a chip bowl is open from the top then start curling/folding in the bottom to push the chips upward until they reach the top. I guess this way is the "non-hack" version.

How to Make Russian Toothpaste

Brylcreem - "Are You Man Enough To Try It"

How to make a Toothbrush Robot

Bill Maher New Rules -- November,16,2012

Yogi says...

I didn't even know about the guy with the face tattoo. They're fucking politicians you morons, they're marketed to you like Toothpaste! They are NOT A FUCKING ROCK BAND!!!

What Is Your Worst Pet Peeve?

Xaielao says...

I have a few of them. A big one is scummy dish water, shit is nasty. Rinse your fucking dishes people. I'm not a clean freak or nothing and am not apposed to some dirty dishes but when they are in a sink full of water with bits of food and other gunk floating around, it's just nasty.

Another is toothpaste bits in the sink. It's sloppy and if it isn't cleaned out it gets all hard.

Last, and biggest pet peeve, cigarette butts (or worse, chew spit) in a beer or soda bottle. Here in NY our smoking population is pretty light but even still this so grosses me out. These stink up my place after a party and just leave me with a nasty aftertaste in my mouth. I cant recycle them because I sure as fuck am not going to wash them out. This is such a big pet peeve that I have forbade smoking or chewing in my house. If your doing either when you come over, you can spit it the fuck out before entering my abode. And don't spit it out or toss the butt on the sidewalk either you heathen!

ulysses1904 (Member Profile)

Family Feud - Don't Swallow?

Angry Grandpa Has Some Advice For Charlie Sheen

alien_concept says...

Rough translation: ".... he's got a million dollars hanging in his house somewhere", (cameraman) "who's that?" "That fucking drug headed Sheen. He may be winning, but the motherfucker is losing teeth. Have you seen his goddamn face?.... (emulates baboon)... You talk about that Charlie Sheen drug that's going to melt your face and shit? Motherfucker, I'll tell you what you should do bitch, you try a Charlie green drug. Because with the Charlie green drug, your face is still going to melt, but your kids... you don't have to worry about them crying over your fucking body, because you haven't got one no goddamn more AHA AHA AHA AHAHHHH!!! (draws breath) You don't deserve them.

"I'm Charlie Sheen, I'm going to buy myself some goddamn drugs, I'm a crackhead motherfuck. You piece of shit. Them goddamn boys, they loved you, they showed you respect, they tried to, and what do you do you drughead motherfucker? You... (spazboings)... you disappoint them, you disappoint everybody, you sorry piece of shit. Fuckyoufuckyoufuck youuuuuu.

"The name of your show was Two and a Half Men, well those two twins, they're the fucking men and you are the goddamn half. You sorry piece of shit, they're more grown up and adult than you are, you crackhead motherfucker, you toothless bastard Get these goddamned computer people to get your goddamn picture and touch up your fucking teeth. If you're so goddamn embarrassed, go to a goddamn dentist, write a motherfucking cheque. I did and I haven't got the money. You can write those goddamn whores $30-40,000 cheques, why don't you write your dentist one for a goddamn thousand?

"Let me show you what you need to do you dumb motherfucker. Everybody is being nice to you old Charlie Sheen, but you've got problems. But I'm going to be nice to you too Charlie. Look out... motherfucking orajel. You take this shit (mmmm mm mmmm mm mmmm splurt) and you spit the motherfucker out, that's how you get rid of the nasty fucking breath you've got. We've got toothbrush, toothpaste. Do you know what these are? Can we say updownupdownsidesidebackback? "


Elephant toothpaste

ant says...

>> ^mintbbb:

>> ^ant:
Is it hard to clean up that mess?

Should not be. It is hydrogen peroxide, (which breaks down into oxygen and water), colored liquid soap (or soap and food coloring) and a little bit of catalyst (like potassium iodide). Basically you just have a lot of soapy foam with a bit of chemicals in it. As long as you don't try to slurt it up. mebbe wear gloves and hope the food coloring doesn't leave stains


Elephant toothpaste

mintbbb says...

>> ^ant:

Is it hard to clean up that mess?

Should not be. It is hydrogen peroxide, (which breaks down into oxygen and water), colored liquid soap (or soap and food coloring) and a little bit of catalyst (like potassium iodide). Basically you just have a lot of soapy foam with a bit of chemicals in it. As long as you don't try to slurt it up. mebbe wear gloves and hope the food coloring doesn't leave stains

Just a normal sunday morning

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'sunday morning, home, keys, vomit, toilet, toothpaste, prosthetic, penis, comedy' to 'sunday morning, home, keys, vomit, toilet, toothpaste, prosthetic, penis, thats life' - edited by residue

The Onion: Week in Review August 8th

Thief II Funny Guard Conversation -Archers

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