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Jessica Alba @ Hot Ones, with novel cooling methods

SFOGuy says...

Capsaicin ---from no less than Cook's Illustrated

"Milk had only a slight impact. What worked on both the skin and the mouth? Hydrogen peroxide.

It turns out that peroxide reacts with capsaicin molecules, changing their structure and rendering them incapable of bonding with our receptors. Peroxide works even better in the presence of a base like baking soda:

We found that a solution of 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of water, and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide could be used to wash the affected area or as a mouthwash (swish vigorously for 30 seconds) to tone down a chile’s stinging burn to a mild warmth. (Toothpaste containing peroxide and baking soda is a somewhat less effective remedy.) Always keep peroxide, baking soda, and toothpaste away from your eyes."

moonsammy (Member Profile)

Why You Should Care About the Plastic in Your Poop

newtboy says...

*doublepromote *quality info, even if it barely scratches the surface of this food web destroyer.
This seems like our backup Armageddon. If the effects of climate change don't wipe us out, the survivors get to die slowly of petroleum poisoning.
I hope those disposable forks were worth it.

I was surprised he didn't mention all the plastics we eat intentionally, like any toothpaste with sparkles for instance....that's just bits of plastic we are fed on purpose.

Wizard Cat

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

Bryll says...

Is anyone out there dumb enough to still be using toothpaste from a soulless corporation like P&G (Crest)? There are alternatives if you look for them.

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

dannym3141 says...

Perhaps it's rather just cheaper to reduce the amount of actual toothpaste you put in a tube? I wonder what the going rate is on shredded recycled plastic compared to the same volume of crest toothpaste? It's like watering down alcohol, but you probably can't water down toothpaste. So you plump it out with a bunch of cheap plastic.

Fairbs said:

I'm guessing it's a cheap abrasive to scratch those teeth clean.

jan (Member Profile)

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

newtboy says...

I've heard of this before, oddly I've never heard a reason for them being added in the first place. Who WANTED tiny bits of plastic in their toothpaste?

Why Does Toothpaste Make Everything Taste Bad?

Russian candidate for the Darwin Award

mintbbb (Member Profile)

10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman

Magicpants says...

Even the stuff that's not really harassment seems really annoying, it reminds me of the charity collectors that I have to deal with every time I go to the grocery store(I don't want to have to explain why I'm not donating to their homophobic charity every time I buy toothpaste). Makes me want to start a kickstarter for a t-shirt that changes to read "f*ck off" whenever someone you don't want to talk to talks to you.

Science Vlogger reads her comments

blahpook (Member Profile)

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