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Keanu Reeves Tactical 3 gun shooting

bareboards2 says...

All the super attractive women creeped me out. Too many of them. Keanu doesn't know any normal looking women? Creep. Pee. (I'm a cis woman, by the way, for those who don't know.)

Couple Arrested For Asking Directions

Dread says...

>> ^lantern53:

Woman cops...too many of them are badge-heavy. Some of them are pretty good. Too many cause more problems than they solve.

Reality: Men and women miserable in life that are cops...too many of them are badge-heavy. Some of them are pretty good. Too many cause more problems than they solve

Contrary to popular belief apart form some minor physical variances, both male and female (hereafter recognized as the human brain) is the same piece of grey matter. Sexuality has nothing to do with mental dysfunction.

Instead a lack of an individuals personal development due to a deflection of introspection tends to lead towards aggressively lashing out at people around them, or social dysfunction.

Another interesting note, the more psychological pressure we experience the more immature we become. With psychological pressure mental maturity regresses. Ever seen a child lash out in a temper tantrum? That can be anyone put under the right pressure. We all snap at some point.

What is causing this pressure for her? Is it family related? Financially instigated? What part does our society play in it? How? Is this affecting a large percentage of the population?

Couple Arrested For Asking Directions

Couple Arrested For Asking Directions

Warcraft Acct. Dealer: I Lost $250,000 in one day!

Porksandwich says...

>> ^dannym3141:

>> ^Porksandwich:
I wouldn't have let him give me an account code or 10%. Because I guarantee those people were paying 150+ per account minimum. Back then it'd take you a month to hit max level and another month or two to get it geared. So you're looking at 50-60 box price + 10-15 per month x 3. So 80-105 just in pure cost for the account and add in time on top of that...people are going to want to be able to buy another double it.
And I have no sympathy for someone who deals in areas where someone can flip a switch and you have no recourse in a court of law to even hope to defend yourself. TOS on electronic goods you don't're just asking to get taken advantage of...even if he were the ones buying and selling accounts and controlled every aspect of it.
Hell with how ebay is now, you can have a legitimate product and still end up owing people money and being out your items....and you are SOL unless it's a big money item where the police might look into it.
I really hate gold and account sellers, they do more harm to games than you could even begin to guess at. Them "working around" the game system means that the flaws that keep people from actually playing and learning never get fixed because people skip around them with's a cycle that never gets broken as long as account sales and gold sales are taking place. The games will never expand past it, because no one will admit to buying these things openly with fear of their account and stuff being taken they look like happy customers.

Prices might be a bit high there, they don't buy these things from the biggest most costly store in america. You can buy digital copies of games, or you can even just ask a guy from <choose your loophole country> to buy you a bunch. If you want thousands, then you set up a nice little business deal with him. I only bought BF3 when i could find it electronically for 16 pounds; and thank god i did because it's another crappy EA money spinner that's only worth 15 pounds, any more would have been a ripoff.
Have you haven't considered the deals blizzard have done at least since lich king where you could sign up two new accounts, link them, and power level each other to max level in a matter of a few days. We got about 4 characters each to max level within a week and that was me and a friend doing it, mere amateurs.
Gear's a sticking point, but if someone wants GOOD gear, they'll pay good money because there's nothing for it but to sit through several resets to get all the gear you want.
In summary, i really don't have the patience to look up the prices. But the box prices can be smaller by quite a bit and you wouldn't even need to pay a month of subscription unless they wanted gear (and as i say, you'd charge loads more). I think for a virtually naked level 85 of any class, i'd be pleased to get 50 quid.
Once you start to charge any more, people are way more likely to say "... jeez dude i could do this for myself in a week" and fair point i say. But then again, i'm not a bastard - this could all be true and people might charge double that.
I have taken into account exchange rate, don't worry. It adds up to cheaper i think.

He said in the video it was the first year of WoW...considering the pricing of blizz games holding value for multiple years..I doubt it was much lower than 50 bucks for the game. And the monthly only goes down if you pay in year lumps, so I think you'd charge for that if you had extra time on the account.

So, deals since Lich King don't matter...and first expansion to the game didn't come out until 2007. WoW was released in 2004. So end of first year would have made it 2005/2006. It was also slower to level pre-BC because there were less levels and the game was competing against EQ so it was a little rougher than it is now. And they are entirely different games, WoW when it was first released versus WoW now.

And only a year or two prior to WoW being released people were paying 5-10 grand for Everquest accounts. So 2-3 grand for a WoW account in it's first year is not absurd in the slightest considering it was half of the EQ prices in a new game that people were signing up to quite frequently. Was a guy in EQ who used to keep a group of 5 accounts subscribed so he could power level one single account to 50. Minimum he got for an account for the longest time was 1 grand, and he could do it in a couple weeks to a month with those 5 accounts buffing and what not to make sure to maximum XP by only grouping the minimum amount of people it needed to make a kill and use the rest to heal outside of group or pull outside of group. 1 grand account got you a minimal amount of money and any equipment he needed to level it, nothing fancy. The high level equipped guys went for 5 grand and up depending on the class, clerics/enchanters/warriors went for a lot. Druids went for the least because there was too many of them in the game, and the rest were somewhere in the middle. Bards were probably the most expensive due to the leveling penalties.

As for the week couldn't do that in WoW pre BC and doubtful you could have did it in BC before they added bonuses to referrals and re-signups...well not without a lot of extra accounts maximizing time. Which would just make pumping out accounts even more expensive since you've have to count all the other subscription prices into your pricing.

Cops Tampered with Witnesses at Trayvon Martin Crime Scene

Fletch says...

When I was a kid, cops were the good guys. Then I grew up. They are nothing but tools of the state, leeches of society. There are too many of them, and they have too goddamned much power considering the absolute lack of oversight they operate under. This Zimmerman asshole was exactly the type of person that become police officers every day, and exactly the type of person that shouldn't be.

Something is really strange about this whole thing. I'm not so sure it is outright racism, as Cenk says (although he may be right). It's almost as if this Zimmerman guy has a connection, or is somebody's kid or something. Hell, maybe he is a snitch for the local cops or something. I don't think we know everything yet. In any case, I still think Zimmerman murdered that kid, and his not being arrested right away (and still hasn't) is only going to bring more attention to the police, the witnesses, and whatever reason this asshole is still walking free.

Bill Moyers: Engineered Inequality

bookface says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

The Real "1 Percent" (80% of millionaires EARNED their money through hard work)
There is no grand conspiracy to "enforce" inequality, Nature does a fine job on her own.
Isn't Moyers' hogging of taxpayer dollars, leaving little or none for a less-leftist public TV political show a form of engineered inequality?
P.S. Lovable Chomsky is a millionaire and, quite rationally, has taken any and all steps to protect that money from taxation.

1. 80% of millionaires did not earn their money through hard work. That is part of the bullshit mythos too many wealthy people fall in to, namely how they did it ALL themselves without the aide of others. I've worked for millionaires (and beyond!) and too many of them consider their workers to be incidental components in their meteoric assent to greatness... blah blah blah.

2. Nature's conspiracy is nature's and man's conspiracy is man's. One doesn't negate the other, though they intersect from time to time.

3. You don't appear to be interested in defending millionaires or the 1%; you simply don't like it when, occasionally, some of them acknowledge income inequality or disparity in rates of taxation. It smacks of hypocrisy to you that a wealthy person might think they have it a little too good. I guess Bill Maher shouldn't have given HIS money to Obama's SuperPac because he's the wrong kind of millionaire. He should be ashamed he didn't keep that money for more hot tubbing and weed.

On A Boat E3 2011 MegaMix

mas8705 says...

2011: Boats in video games is like Aliens in Movies, there seems to be too many of them, but no one is complaining about it...

Transcendent Man (Blog Entry by dag)

Sarzy says...

>> ^dag:

I'm with you there. Have you looked into Alcor? not the most sterling reputation after the "Ted Williams' head" incident - but not a lot of other choices out there. I know there is at least one Sifter who is an Alcor future patient.
>> ^Sarzy:
I've been meaning to watch that film for a while now. I've heard good things.
But speaking of death stuff, I want to be frozen when die. Most of the time when I tell people that, they assume I'm joking, but I'm dead serious. Even if there's only a 0.000001 percent chance that they'll actually be able to successfully revive me at some point in the distant future and give me a robot body or whatever... well, then, why not? I don't believe that there's any life after death, so the idea that there's even a vague chance of me being revived makes the grim finality of death slightly less terrifying.

I've looked into Alcor, and the other companies doing this (like you said, there aren't too many of them), and I can't say I was particularly impressed with any of them. I'll probably wait until I'm closer to my 40s to start seriously looking into it. I'm hoping by then the whole industry will be a bit bigger (there's only something like 200 people in the entire world who are cryogenically frozen right now) and that the best company to go with will be more clear.

Female Australian Politician Gets Meowed At for Assertivness

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

SDGundamX says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Who the fuck is this broad speaking on behalf of? Every fucking woman I know has a reasonable expectation for her own body. Sure they might be unhappy about this or that, but nothing that makes me think that there's this fucking epidemic of depressed anorexic, bulimic women walking around and wishing they looked like the models in the ads.
Yea we get it, ads are ridiculous.

Also, @crotchflame (because I think my comment here relates to your question)

So just because you don't personally know anyone who has this problem, the problem doesn't exist? Well, I DO personally know women who are anorexic and depressed because of their perceived negative body image. I happen to be a university teacher and I meet far too many of them. I also know women who refuse to leave the house without make-up on. I also know women who think they are too fat when in reality they are at a (medically-speaking) ideal weight. All of them are comparing themselves to these images--and unfortunately to each other. There is a real problem going on here. Just because you personally aren't affected by it doesn't mean it isn't real.

@yellowc @dannym3141(and anyone else who questioned what she said about violence) At 2:20 she quite clearly says these advertisements don't directly cause violence. However, these advertisements often portray women in a dehumanizing way, and dehumanization happens to be a pre-requisite for violence, unless you are a psychopath. Read this article in Forbes for some more info.

In other words, she's saying the media helps create and maintain a social climate where it is okay to objectify women. And such a social climate tacitly endorses violence against women--both physical and psychological.

Obama on Protesters: They Should Thank Me For Cutting Taxes!

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You can't escape politics; even in academia I couldn't escape it.

‘Escape’? I encounter it, but am fortunate enough to be in a position where it does not impact my day to day job function.

It surprises me that you are too lazy to develop yourself so that you are in a position to get your ideas across. You seem to be a person that values hard work in the face of adversity.

I’m in a top-heavy organization, and the last thing it needs is another manager. With only about 1,200 employees we have 7 people at the “EO” level, 50+ VPs, 125+ directors. Believe me, we are no-where near short of ‘chiefs’. We need more ‘indians’ – more highly qualified & skilled professionals. It’s a good company; I see no need to try to ‘manage’. To do so would turn the nature of my work away from in-depth analysis towards a more simple, business-decision oriented truncated approach. I’d move from data, to budgets. From study to meetings. I prefer to tear a topic down to its roots rather than skim above it at 50,000 feet.

In the face of uncertainty, 'gut feel' and the intuition derived from experience often does trump a fancy stochastic model.

I don’t have a beef with QUALIFIED people who make a decision against data. I have great respect for business guys who are skilled, intelligent, thoughtful, and have the ability to make a ‘gut’ business decision after weighing the options. Such people can take my detailed analysis – put it in the hopper – and make a decision that isn’t totally data-driven, but accounts for other things. The reason my company does well is because most of the business guys are of this sort. I respect them, and don't feel the need to add myself to their number when there are more than enough of them to take care of things. I'm best off where I am - doing the detail research they don't have time for.

Obama is he is NOT that kind of person. He is the ‘other’ kind that you meet in a business meeting... They have made a decision before they walk in the door, or have heard a single fact. They do not try to learn, or educate themselves, or respectfully consider other experts when making decisions. They only seek to justify decisions that they already made in everyone’s absence. Such persons are more than happy to use data - but only as long as it agrees with what they want. The second the data disagrees with them then the tiniest, most illogical of excuses will suffice to bat it aside as faulty. Thankfully there aren't too many of them where I work. But they're there sometimes.

When Obama encounters someone who presents facts, research, opinions, or approaches contrary to his own – he manifests himself as the small, petty, vapid man that typifies this sort of ‘bad’ business decision maker. The good ones are precious. The ‘bad’ ones like Obama are a blight on any organization they darken with their odious presence.

How many times did Bush screw up words, sentences, and concepts, trying to make a point

Did you see the thread, “Why do Republicans believe lies about Obama”? In it, people say that news-driven talking points are sucked up by intellectual sponges and parroted back unthinkingly. Your opinion about Bush is based on the very same practice, but sponsored by the left. It was grossly exaggerated. Bush did a lot of dumb things, but he proved himself more competent and intelligent than Obama in many respects. Obama can't handle himself with diplomacy (case in point with Isreal), but Bush did it easily and naturally.

You say I ‘don’t get it’. I can only shrug and say you are the victim of groupthink, and have no logical grounds for your specious position. For example – you say I supply no list of economists. I can easily do so.

But – as is usual – folk of your stripe will ignore fact and try to weasel away from the reality that I've proven you completely, totally, and irrevocably wrong. I am the one here that provides links, data, and information to justify my arguments. People such as yourself only climb up on rhetorical soap-boxes and fling poo.

Obama is no marxist. His policies are centrist liberal.

How is an administration ‘centrist liberal’ when it moves to take over the financial industry, the automotive industry, the medical industry, the insurance industry, and energy – while at the same time feeding billions in stimulus money to big unions & trial lawyers? All of Obama’s positions are RADICALLY far-left. Isreal, education, taxes, role of government, deficit spending, Supreme court nominee, you name the issue and Obama has proven he is way out left. This is why independent and moderate voters (who voted for him) have abandoned him in droves to the point where his approval rating is cratering to George W. Bush levels.

Unreported World: The Battle for Israel's Soul

demon_ix says...

The video gets a lot of things wrong, but is essentially accurate.

Israel is a religious nation. A huge portion of our government is made up of religious parties and their power grows with each generation of 8-10 child families. One of the key topics whenever a government is formed is the "child allowances", which is basically the government giving money to the family for each child it has. The religious parties know their demographic has more children per family, so they get that to support them. I end up paying.

These guys use the country and oppose it at the same time. At some point there will be way too many of them to sustain because their numbers increase way more than the tax-paying public does, but at the same time their political power will go up by the same rate, for the same reason.

Sucks, to have that little hope for the future, huh?

All your sifts belong to Stephen Fry (Blog Entry by jwray)

EDD says...


I think I haven't watched a QI sift in months now, there's constantly too many of them on the front page and so they've lost pretty much any appeal for me.

On the other hand, the votes do speak for themselves (other users) though. I just hope these are not cases in which people upvote w/o watching the clip, as in "c'mon, it must be good, it's Stephen Fry's QI". I hate it when people do that and unfortunately it's an increasing trend.

VideoSift 4.0 Roundtable (Sift Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

I disagree with Edeot on the PQs. I like them the way they are ENTIRELY. It gives a video not only a chance to get through, but also the eternal presence that allows them to be found by search.

I've seen too many of them languish in a pq for months and then SLAM out of it to get tons of votes once it gets its #10 finally. The PQ is as much a bulletin board as it is a grave yard, if not more.

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