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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Sorry, I forgot facts are just for liberals.
Snopes isn't perfect but they're head and shoulders and chest and waist and knees and ankles and feet above ANY source you've provided over the years, you are often directly quoting Russian propaganda. They are also far from the only fact checker that says the same thing, along with dozens of articles throughout his career with the exact same story, and books written about it for decades, and even recent awards from the stuttering community/organizations...but you know better because why? Did Alex Jones say so? Glen Beck? Diaper Don?
Here's a few dozen reports, some from right wing media, about Biden's stutter....I'm sure you won't or can't read them. Easy to find, just Google Biden's speech impediment....but I saved you the trouble of spelling it....

Being able to overcome it at times doesn't mean it doesn't exist....if it does then his exemplary performance and coherent speeches since taking office proves you wrong 100+ times over....but your guy thinks you should inject bleach to fight a virus he says is a hoax, you believe in Jewish space lasers, Italian vote changing satellites, and age defying magic from cannibalism. Who's too old and feeble minded? I think we know the answer, Jethro. Where did you get your degree in diagnosing cognitive decline? You need to sue them, you learned nothing.
He's said clearly for decades that, like many, his stutter gets much worse when he's tired and under stress. That's totally normal with stuttering.

Trump, on the other hand, has no such excuse for his inability to speak or write in complete thoughts or sentences or even English words...covfefe! Oranges of the investigation. Oranges. Oranges. Mumerca!

Biden is clearly not too old to kick diaper Donny's ass without breaking a sweat, and is in excellent shape for his age, you can't say that about obese Trump. He is older than I would prefer, that's different from being too old to hold office....isn't he younger than Trump would be in 4 years? So if Biden is too old now, Trump was too old to elect. Do you know that's what you're saying?

bobknight33 said:

You using Snopes as a fact checker is rich.

U.S. President Joe Biden has a speech impediment.

False. No speech impediment just too old.

No speech impediment in 1993. 12 minutes of pure coherent speech .
Maybe as a kid but not by 1993.
2021 Must be to old feeble to speak with out bumbling/ stumbling.

Just admit Biden is too old to be POTUS. Grandpa Joe will be gone soon and the unpopular VP will take over. Yet a bigger joke.

Buttered Side Down: Traffic #Shorts

F1 Double Pitstop

F1 Double Pitstop

Khufu says...

Even this pit crew would need to take a lot more time to drain the air, pull the tires from the rim, re-install, re-inflate and re-balance with weights then re-install on car I'm thinking:)

newtboy said:

So, why do they need my car for a full hour when I need new tires?!

F1 Double Pitstop

Isotope9 says...

The first car had a set of scrubbed tires put on, the 2nd car had new tires put on. All the tires look like the 2nd set when new because the molds that are used to create the tires are chrome plated.

mxxcon said:

Why the new tires of the 2nd car were so shiny, almost like covered in plastic?

F1 Double Pitstop

F1 Double Pitstop

The newest “pentagon confirmed” UFO is Bokeh effect

cloudballoon says...

Never say never. However, if we do already have Alien spacecrafts on Earth, we wouldn't be here sitting on our collective asses (no, I'm not going for the tired anal-probe joke) typing blissful comments on VS. We'd be long exterminated before we even notice them so they can take ownership of all of Earth's resources.

newtboy said:

UFOs are real.
Alien spacecraft on earth are not.
The distances between stars make interstellar travel a pipe dream.

Incoherent Biden

newtboy says...

Highly edited makes it fake....and just dumb. Editing hours of speaking for one minute of stuttering is laughable, especially since you can get the same amount of inability to speak from any two minutes of any Trump speech.

Every time you feel like talking shit about your president, remember, Joe kicked Trump's ass handily without breaking a sweat. Trump pulled out all the stops and spent hundreds of millions he didn't have, Biden, as you loved to say, campaigned from his basement and had millions left over. Even taking it easy, Biden beat Trump like a red headed step child.
Because Trump is a proud unapologetic and constant liar, he's deranged, evil, hyper criminal, mentally unstable, old, feeble, pedophilic, narcissistic, divisive, dumb, treasonous, a repeatedly convicted fraud and thief, likely a pill popper, a rapist dozens of times over by his own admission, 100% disloyal, a child abuser, and cannot string together an entire sentence or pronounce English. His administration had more felons, and committed more felonies than all administrations before him, and more Americans unnecessarily died from his actions and lack thereof than in almost all wars America has fought combined (besides the civil war)
Biden sometimes has temporary trouble speaking smoothly.
Thousands of videos point this out, but you are willfully blind. I'm certain his inability to speak or walk up or down stairs or ramps or to think won't stop you from voting for Trump in 24, ensuring a second Biden term. I think you'll vote Trump even if he's in a prison hospital drooling on himself.

This is the problem with Trump derangement syndrome, it makes you not comprehend that everything you want to complain about from Biden is 10 times worse in Trump. Whatever ridiculousness you spout about Biden's abilities only makes his wiping the floor with Trump without effort all the more sure, Biden is old, stuttering, feeble, weak, and tired....and he kicked Trump's ass in a historic landslide from his basement without even trying, and continues to thoroughly kick his ass in approval ratings. LMFAHS!!

Joe has the cognitive skills to be Potus, always has, and most of America agrees....more than EVER thought Trump was qualified in any way, especially cognitive skills. Remember the redrawn hurricane map he was so demented he thought looked unadulterated with his fat sharpie? Covfefe.

Biden's approval rating has never been as low as Trump's highest point.

So sad, little Bobby. Such kindergarten argument. Your juice box went bad and now you've just got sour grapes. Change your soiled panties, dry your cheeks, wipe that snot off your face, and grow the fuck up, buddy.

A stutter/stammer is not an indicator of mental decline, but Trump shows ALL the signs....did you drink your bleach yet? Why not, if Trump wasn't demented to suggest it?

You think Donny had, and still has the cognitive skills to be president, so your opinion is already clearly invalid. Enjoy the next 15 3/4 years, if that's the best you can come up with against Biden and Harris you're in for a long haul of losing.

Winning....big daddy Biden kicking ass and taking names!! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Highly edited but not faked.

Joe is past his prime for being POTUS,
Joe is just a old man who should be sipping lemonade on the porch with the grand kids.

This vid and many many more point this out.

To think Joe has the cognitive skills to be POTUS at this point of his life is a farce.

More on those pesky vaccine passports among other things

luxintenebris jokingly says...

idk 'bout all that. *,33009,2136864,00.html

especially yattering about exercise in an over-worked, underpaid, non-union, low benefits strata 'essential' working-class society. hell. give 'em a sensible 40hr work week w/fair compensation, twice-yearly dr. check-ups, and 3 weeks vacation - then you could piously grouse about how they ignore being too tired to walk around the block. { f.m. } besides, who points out when that should be YOUR last piña colada for the evening?

yeah, folks should take care, but the bloated calling the bloated is disingenuous. when they operate at 10% - then pull out the soapbox.

paradoxically, why do we need doctors at all when insurance companies know what drugs or procedures anyone should require? have faced that phalanx before. 'y' is cheaper than 'x', for them, but 'x' was their w.m.d. only six months prior. only to find concerns that 'x' and 'y' might have different risks, the pharmacist said, "they are almost identical." silly me. why worry?

it's a highly mucked system. for an average citizen, an illness could affect their entire being. and their loved ones. a bankruptcy hurts far more than the debtor. it's sickening to think that our system inflicts so much pain and alters so much more lives. it is immoral.

just too odd that cavemen felt more of an obligation to provide healthcare than the present system to their members. just being out one hunter (bob's bum toe) they saw the immediate effect on their own personal well-being. they might actually like bob too. wished him better, and for his family too. happy to fund his wellness plan. get him back up, and running to pay off that moss and lizard bacon foot wrap. all of that w/o having to nail a hippy to wood to realize there is a better way.

one would think, the US has the ability to put a 'copter on mars, program it to fly itself, and have it beam back the wright moment of achievement but figuring out how to get bob's toe healthy, w/o it costing him an arm, is too complex.** it's like really bad kafka.

perhaps the odd savior: the more the right disses socialism the better it appears. if the 'traffic cone of treason' loving hockey pucks continue, maybe the best hope of getting a healthier healthcare system (in the way nazis made the world a better place) saner people might use these bad brains' bad example to right the system by going left (the costanza principle: if everything they say is wrong then not following their advice has to be right).

end of rant ( 'thou feel better getting that elephant off my chest...for a bit).

oh! they should get the vaccine(s). after all, how appreciative is it when Hair Furor is the only reason we have it at all? /s

* btw: insurance is happy w/pharmaceutials? kick-backs?
** 'tho bob's toe would feel better if he'd just stop putting his foot in his mouth.

StukaFox said:

You don't want a vaccine? Lovely. We will be canceling your health insurance. Since you've chosen to be a complete cunt, we've chosen not to pay for your utter cuntiness.

I work in health insurance. The three biggest contributors to the price of insurance are:
1: fraud (doctors are notorious for this)
2: general waste (upbilling; unnecessary tests that are only performed to keep the fucking ambulance-chasing lawyers from filing malpractice suits because someone got the shits from an antibiotic)
3: PREVENTABLE HEALTH ISSUES. This includes obesity, smoking, not exercising, not getting annual checkups and atrocious dietary habits as first-order issues. If not corrected, these lead to more expensive and longer term second-order issues: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, vascular disease. These issues start a feedback loop with the second-order effects cause immobility which contributes to increasing first-order effects which amplifies second-order effects -- lather, rinse, repeat.

Now add a good case of Covid to that mix. If you end up on a ventilator for two week, there's a mil-plus in hospital bills: someone has to either pay that (welcome higher insurance rates!) or the hospital has to eat it (welcome even HIGHER insurance rates!) You can bitch all you want about the cost of healthcare in America, but you're paying for every dumb, entitled asshole who spouts shit like MUH FREEDUMS!! when asked to do basic things to protect themselves and others.

tl;dr: your idiot views of what the actual fuck "freedom" is ends at my wallet. Fuck you and get your goddamn vaccine. And put down the Cheetos while you're at it.

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

StukaFox says...

Bob, as much as this'll surprise you, I totally agree with what you're saying. The distribution of the stimulus money to couples making up to $150,000 is friggen ridiculous -- and I'm in that category. I will do what I did with the last two checks: give to local charities helping the homeless and communities of color (as much as I hate that term).

The worst part of this is that it sets up a liquidity trap. The Fed can't reduce buying crap debt (that BBB dogshit is at 4% should terrify anyone who understands how debt and the rating agencies work), nor can they allow rates to rise (thus totally screwing responsible savers). This is the cusp of a financial disaster that blew past 1929 on 9/17/19 and is now approaching the cataclysm of the South Seas Company collapsing. As far as I can see, this is a total melt-up in the markets because there's no stable returns and everyone is now in speculation mode.

Were it my call, I would scale the money along income (or non-income) lines: $10k for the lowest incomes, sliding scale from there. I'd also set up government-backed savings accounts that pay 10% for those people and only those people. I'd also pay off/down student debt along the same income scales.

I do not begrudge the wealthy for their wealth. But capitalism can't be a winner-take-all system. We live in a society, and society will always have winners and losers. The least we can do is ease the burden for those at the bottom by taking some from the top. I'm tired of the homeless camps and mentally-ill people wandering the streets of Seattle. They are the least of us and thus should be the ones who get the most help.

bobknight33 said:

End of the day Americans got $1400 and a tax bill for 1.9 Trillion.

Again, Americans got screwed.

Tazed Repeatedly For Social Distancing

newtboy says...

While I agree, he should get paid handsomely for this abuse, I, for one, am getting pretty tired of paying higher taxes that go to pay for these payouts. I think they should come out of the police (or in this case, park ranger) pension funds, then when they're gone, union coffers, then payroll, equipment funds, and lastly from state government discretionary funding. Not one penny more should be given out until all police funding is exhausted. You would see these incidents drop to zero if that were the case, and these officers wouldn't ever get rehired because they are liabilities to the bank accounts of any force that hires them.

surfingyt said:

time to get paid my man

We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

newtboy says...

I must disagree.

First, it's precession, not procession, paired with the "caster effect" and static friction. It's a self correcting system that only works when in forward motion.
This nonsense with counter rotating wheels countering the gyroscopic effect ignores the fact that only the forward rotating wheels are using friction to direct the path of the bicycle based on their angles. It's not JUST the gyroscopic effect, that only determines the resistance to angular change, it's friction directed by gyroscopic precession and the self correcting caster effect. Come on.

Nobody knows how we ride bikes?! (A different claim from we don't know why they can remain upright when ghost ridden) Nonsense, it's balance plain and simple. If you don't keep the center of gravity exactly above the contact points with the ground, you tilt. When the centrifugal force exceeds static friction of the tires you slide out or when gravity exceeds the opposing centrifugal force caused by turning, you fall. Try turning your bike but staying exactly upright, no lean. Now, when you heal, try leaning without turning, lock the wheel straight, you'll fall again. It's multiple forces in concert.

I think a decent physics teacher would wipe the floor with this. It ignores so much to make these "we just don't know" claims.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

BSR says...

Oh come on. You probably bought yourself some guns and are getting sick and tired of shooting clay pigeons. All that money you've spent on weapons going to waste while you wrestle with the urge to use them for what you really purchased them for.

I get it though. "No gun. No respect." -Grand Canyon

bobknight33 said:

Conservatives are people of lawful respect. Which after last 30 years our patients are wearing thin.

Liberals are bitch moan and fight to get their way.
Liberals are the party of ilk.

The fight is coming if your ilk keeps pushing.


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