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Trump posts "60 Minute" interview before it airs

vil says...

Trump should stop eating little children.

It has not been verified but he is 100% doing it.
Very inappropriate.

He has shrunk away from having a policy on anything, now he only has insults, name-calling and baseless accusations to work with.

"Im not going to fact check you" basicaly means he can get away with murder in Times square, what is the point of asking if he can make up anything in response?

Very difficult to get a meaningful interview from someone who lies habitually. Unless you fact-check every single piece of crap that comes out of his mouth you get flooded.

Were doing the most testing. Were doing well we understand the disease. We have the best economy probably ever. I feel masks possibly work. I tell people to wear masks. These are the biggest rallies. We actually have plans. We have come up with many plans.

Sure you do.

This Cyclist Took Back the Bike Lane on the Brooklyn Bridge

eoe says...

Anyone who bikes in NY should know that you're just as likely to get over the Brooklyn Bridge as through the bike lane in Times Square. Basically, you're an idiot if you do it.

Go over the Manhattan Bridge just down the way a bit, and it's got an entirely dedicated bike lane. Granted, people coming/going from Chinatown oftentimes incorrectly take it, but they're few and far between.

Don Lemon is not having it

ChaosEngine says...

Trump is racist...
in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.

Trump’s racism was an established fact before he was even a candidate.

The question is: does it matter? The people who hate him already know this and the people who support him don’t care.

During his campaign he claimed he could murder someone in Times Square and get away with it. I’m starting to worry that WASN’T hyperbole.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Killer Klowns from Outerspace - Official Music Video

U2 ZooTV Outside Broadcast opener

ulysses1904 says...

Same here, this album and tour had an enormous impact on me. I saw them in Boston and Providence at the beginning of this tour and it inspired me to start creating animations and editing videos. I tuned out after Zooropa too, the only songs I listen to since then are Mofo and Elevation.

There's a video on Youtube somewhere that I will have to sift if I can find it, it has a lot more material from this era, like the "Eau de Zoo" perfume commercial you see on the Times Square screen (where Bono says "God bless ya, Zoo products")

poolcleaner said:

I love this era of U2. The end of the Brian Eno production days. To be honest, anything before The Unforgettable Fire and after Zooropa is outside my listening zone. Eno changed the band and that's no embellishment, you can find interviews all about how Brian Eno was uncertain about the collab but Bono was so on fire about him being the producer, he was willing to change the direction of the band simply to have him produce.

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...

Came here to say exactly this.

I'll add that Anwar al-Awlaki wasn't just hiding out in Yemen. The Fort Hood shooter was emailing back and forth with him. The attempted bombings in Times Square and of Northwest Airlines flight 253 were also linked back to him. So yeah, there were absolutely guys in Yemen helping launch attacks on American nationals and American soil.

That all said, blanket bans on everyone from the country period is only A answer and mayhaps not THE answer, baby with the bath water and all. Most of our Islamic allies, and the highest percentage of victims of jihadist terrorism are the moderate muslims in those same countries.

greatgooglymoogly said:

He was on the verge of making a point about the radicalization of US Muslims. Remember Anwar al-Awlaki, US citizen killed by drone? Guess which other country he lived in? The countries on the list, with the exception of Iran, all have weak central governments that are unable to prevent large groups of terrorists operating in their country and spreading radical islamic beliefs. I think Egypt and Saudi Arabia should probably be there too just based on their history, but maybe diplomatic considerations were made. Obviously Trump had no concern over diplomatic relaions with Iran.

Bill Maher: Who Needs Guns?

RedSky says...

Wide gun availability makes terror attacks more likely and more dangerous. We know that gun availability and murder rates by country are practically a linear correlation with the US at the far tail end of developed countries. The same likely holds for terror attacks.

He might have been dissuaded if he had to build a bomb or messed it up like the Times Square bomber. Meanwhile the idea that somebody armed in a crowded nightclub might have been able to stop him shooting into the crowd is ludicrous.

The US has the widest gun availability of any country. Why isn't it the safest?

bobknight33 said:

If guns were banned the Orlando killer would have used a bomb.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

Sagemind says...

Ok, The reality of replacing roads at this point is near impossible. the Gradual replacement makes sense. Consider starting with parking lots.
Parking lots, then the odd connection between parking lots, and then public spaces, (I like the Time Square idea). but the project has huge merit.

Forget about the small time claims, like melting snow. Think of real time uses, like Stadium parking, Shopping Malls, Playgrounds.... Fast food restaurants, Wall Mart Parking lots...

Black Range Rover Runs Over Bikers in NYC

TheDreamingDragon says...

This quote is from the Daily News article:

"The commissioner said police had been monitoring the ride — loosely organized by a group that calls itself Hollywood Stuntz. He said about 1,000 riders caused chaos in Times Square last year when they showed up out of nowhere and disrupted traffic."

And a little Googling produced this video:

Apparently they do this sort of thing a lot...and the fact that the guy with the helmet cam was right there recording it makes me consider that they find it entertaining,and planned for something to happen. The group was heading through the Lincoln tunnel around 10:30 AM when I was taking a bus into NYC,and there were a LOT of them. I wondered why they were out en masse,but it was a nice day for a ride...I'm just glad my family took mass transit into NY that day.

How Turkish protesters deal with teargas

JustSaying says...

Sure, there is no need to speak in terms of civil war. Unless you're one of these guntoting, armed to the teeth nutjobs who think it would be a good idea. You know, the kind of people who buy an *assault rifle* for self defense.
However, no matter how well trained your riot police is, their less than lethal tactics are only useful up to a certain amount of people, they can become rather useless if the crowds get too big to contain or simply too violent themselves. That's when it gets interesting, that is when protest can turn into riots.
When the cops face huge, somewhat peacful crowds, they might enter Tiananmen Square. At what point would american cops or military personnel start thinking that it's unwise or inhuman to start firing into the crowd? Before the first shot? After the second magazine? On day three?
It's not the 1960s anymore but the sixties are not forgotten. Not by those who faced police officers willing to fire into the crowd. You know, black people. The kind of people whose parents and grandparents are still alive to tell them about their fight against oppression. This is still alive in the american concious, it shaped your country and it won't go away soon. Just ask Barak about his birth certificate.
Civil unrest is part of your recent history, the seed is there. Even under a President Stalin all you'd need go from isolated, contained riots to complete and irreversible shitstorm is a Martyr, a Neda Agha Soltan or a Treyvon Martin. No matter what ethnicity (although african american would be nice), that would present a tipping point.
Your police can bring out the tanks on Times Square if they want but if half of NY shows up, these guys inside the tanks might want to get out ASAP.
The Erich Honecker regime of the German Democratic Republic was basically brought down by somewhat peaceful demonstrations of people shouting "I'm mad as hell and I won't take it anymore" in east german accents.
The StaSi, the Ministry of State Security, who was efficient enough to make *every* citizen a potential informant in the eyes of their opposition, ran from the protesters like little girls. They used to imprison and torture people who spoke up.
The east german border used to be the most secure in the entire world. It was protected by minefields and guards who shot and killed anyone who tried to cross it. Before David Hasselhoff even had a chance to put on his illuminated leather jacket the government caved and just fucking opened it. People just strolled through Checkpoint Charlie and bought Bananas as if it was Christmas.
This was the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union. You know, the guys who lost over 20 Million people in WW2 and still kicked the Nazis in the nuts.
Nobody brought a gun. All the east germans had was shitty cars and lots of anger. They tore down not just a dictatorship, they tore down the iron curtain.
And they didn't even have a Nelson Mandela. Or Lech Walesa.
I still stand by my point: strength in numbers, not caliber.

aaronfr said:

Sorry, but Ching is right. There is no need to talk about this in terms of civil war, especially since that isn't even close to what this was showing.

A crowd, in particular because of its size, has its own weaknesses. It is naive to assume that large numbers mean that the police can not control or influence a protest. In fact, that is exactly what riot police train for: leveraging their small numbers and sophisticated weaponry against unprepared and untrained masses in order to achieve their objective. A successful protest and/or revolutionary group must know how to counteract the intimidation and violence of security services and their weaponry.

This is not 1920s India or 1960s USA. Pure nonviolent resistance does not spark moral outrage or wider, sustained support among the public nor does it create shame within the police and army that attack these movements. This is the 21st century, the neoliberal project is much more entrenched and will fight harder to hold on to that power. As I've learned from experience, it is ineffective and irresponsible to participate in peaceful protests and movements without considering the reaction of the state and preparing for it through training and equipment.

Perhaps you've gone out on a march once or sat in a park hearing some people talking about big ideas, but until you spend days, weeks and months actively resisting the powers that be, you don't really understand what happens in the streets.

BjÓ§rk - French Kissing Sand Monsters

catbutt (Member Profile)

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