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Nicest Dad in the World - Prank your 4 Year Old

rottenseed says...

look at all of you whiny pricks. I wish you really had some data to back up those pussy-child rearing theories. Let's coddle the little fucks so they suck on moms teat until 7 and pretend like we don't know why they're so "different". but we pretend that their kind of different is the special kind of different that makes all of god's children beautiful and unique but it's really another fucked up sheep in the flock of horribly raised shitfucks.

annnnnnnywho...*promote this demonchild

Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (rehearsal footage)

snoozedoctor says...

There you go again. A co-worker and I were discussing these guys today. We were trying to decide what made much of the music of the late 60s and early 70s enduring. You look at this and you're reminded, these are musicians with mastery of their subject. Cover bands can do 80s and 90s, and on, music, but they struggle with this kind of stuff. The good ones come close sometimes, but in the end I always determine they suck in comparison.

A Gay Brigadier General Asks a question

brain says...

I just want to comment on how I hate that the republican party is so intimately tied with judeo-christian beliefs. There is absolutely no reason for it. The republican party has gone too far from its roots. They suck now.

Assassin Bug vs. Bat

CaveBear says...

I caught one of these beetles when I was caving in Belize. They seem to be quite common. You don't want them to bite you because they are known to carry the parasites that cause Chagas disease. I think this is the disease that Darwin contracted during his travels.

I find it ironic that they suck blood from vampire bats - what goes around, comes around.

The Miracle Of Plastic Surgery

Nickel Creek-Speak

Bach on a double neck guitar

arrendek says...

That's a guitar face. Go to your local guitar store. Watch someone practice. You'll see all varieties of guitar faces, but they tend to be more ridiculous the more the person is concentrating. It's why all the pretty boy pop/soft rock guys always look so damn pleasant. It's 'cause they suck.

Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child o' Mine

vsabraxas says...

"I can't believe this isn't on the Sift already....blah blah blah"
Listen: GnR SUCK, they SUCK SUCK SUCK, cock rock & tumble, guiter solo dinosaurs, middle ov the road "Songs that Changed the World" HA HA effing HA.
Good riddance to unspeakably bad rubbish....

Horizon- How to Commit the Perfect Murder

Insane Piano Duet

Creationism Museum

Cars suck, public transport rules, it's obvious

sirex says...

trust me, you can't get there by bike (realistically anyhow). i did try it once, the number of hills and etc are killer and you drop to just a few mph. -- Besides which a lot of the route is on 60 mph roads and many of the corners are blind. One of the local homes used to have a sign outside saying "welcome to death valley" (till the local council told them to remove it) due to the statistics of the last bunch of cyclists that decided to try it. I wouldnt want to do it in summer, let alone in winter in the dark.

I agree, climate change sucks, the bus is meant to give better exercise and etc etc, but we get out way more than before so my exercise is actually higher and enjoyment of life is certainly better due to the freedom to travel when / where you want.

when you have a car busses look like the real answer, but when you fully rely on them day in / day out they suck hard. Still i guess european cars get like 45 miles to the gallon which might be higher than a US car ? (dunno, is it?)

i didnt really want to get into a specific example of someone's daily route and such, but for me it really *is* the best answer, for now anyhow. The point was to say that public transport in the form of busses is lacking and always will be lacking in its current forms.

like i said though, i do agree that a better form of transport than the car is needed, and soon. But busses isn't it. At least for out of city communting.

Metallica Plays Tull - Cross-eyed Mary

Girl You Know its True!

The Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch

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