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30 Rock - Wear A Bra

Lindsay Lohan Attacked By PETA Protesters (from X17online)

NordlichReiter says...

Those guards suck really bad.

They aren't wearing suits, they don't have their armor on, and they suck at escorts. The first thing to do is keep your client moving, as fast as possible.

Instead they fucked around trying to grab the person who did it.

When are these fuckers going to high real escorts, and not some lame as gangsters.

How To Escort: Single Guard

You have two places you can stand when escorting a client. In the front, or in the back.

I prefer to stand just back about 2 feet, behind and to the left of the client. This way if something happens you can proceed to hand the client off to the car, or into a building.

Two Guards:

One in front, one in the back. The more clients you have the more guards you need.

What to do if attacked by a mob?
Escort them to safety, if there is an attack you defend the client only when escape is not viable.

Proper Way to Defend?
Open handed strikes, to the side of the perp's head, stun them enough to make a dash to safer climes.

NEVER EVER STOP TO FIGHT! Always clear the client out of the area, do not ever try to arrest, or hold a perpetrator.

Tales Of Mere Existence "A Position Of Power"

Phonecall that got Jonathan Ross& Russell Brand suspended

gorillaman says...

I was considering posting this but decided it wasn't really worth it.

The whole episode is stupid; these guys didn't do anything especially wrong, but they didn't make a good radio program either. Another irrelevant controversy springs up because the jealous British public want their periodic pound of celebrity flesh. The fact that the PM commented on it just proves that he's nowhere near competent to lead a country. I'd really love to drive a railroad spike into that man's face.

Kick them off the radio because they suck at it, not because leaving a couple of unfunny answer-machine messages is suddenly serious enough to take away a person's career.

Stealth Cat

aspartam says...

^you bet, that would have been hilarious.

Probably one of the only cat videos I've voted for. Usually they suck and you guys are a bunch of softies for voting them up, but this one is amazing. Kudos to the stealth cat.

On second thought, could this have been done through editing? Seems pretty simple to do a screen swipe and resume video later in time when the cat isn't moving, giving the appearance of continuity, even if it skips forward in time. Sorry, maybe I'm looking too much into it. I'll just let go and enjoy it now.

Tips and tricks for Mario YOU never knew about!

Sum 41 - Mr. Amsterdam (live)

Man pays for dinner in pennies... my hero.

9058 says...

Yeah pennies really need to be discontinued I mean even when the dollar didnt blow they sucked. Businesses could even use it as a opportunity to pull people in by saying "We round down to the nearest Nickel" therefore people feel like they are always saving.

Richard Dawkins - "Hate mail" from god´s children (58 sec)

gwiz665 says...

Alright, I'm pretty drunk so I think I can pull of this one... to all "believers"

You suck, you beliefs suck and you are wrong. Everything that you believe about supernatural things are wrong and we are stupider for having lived in the same age as you have, because you are so incredibly stupid. You parents are most likely wrong about the same thing too, and for that they suck. (Don't get me wrong, they DID raise you, and you are wrong so: YAY, great job, suckers.) If anything is considered supernatural, it is probably wrong; "God knows" that most of it has been proved wrong, by, you know, evidence and some such that you don't believe. That doesn't make them wrong, that makes YOU wrong.

I'm assuming that you are a fool above, but that is because I'm assuming that you are religious! If you're not, good for you, you taken the first (if not even a few) step(s) into a larger and more complete universe. If you are religious, take this advice: The almighty being came to me in a dream and said to me, that all religions were wrong and that believing in a wrong religion were... like... totally way more worse than not believing in a religion at all.

There! That's all the proof you need, you <expletives deleted> person. It's personal evidence, like the ones you guys pride yourselves by, you know, in the bible.

By being religious, you are making the intellectual version of this! Deal with it, you ignorant ass.

Buy a Yugo for 3990!!!

nibiyabi says...

The Yugo was produced in the US from 1985 to 1991. In 2007 USD, this is the breakdown by year depending on when this commercial aired:

1985: $7866.49
1986: $7593.14
1987: $7451.56
1988: $7192.63
1989: $6909.34
1990: $6592.88
1991: $6255.11

No matter how you slice it, that's a damn cheap car. No wonder they sucked.

Librarian with "McCain=Bush" Sign Charged with Tresspassing

I don't understand self link (Geek Talk Post)

deathcow says...

so what was the risk again of self posts, if they suck, the community will reject them, if they are awesome, we are all the better for it, and how many times could someone really keep the self-awesomeness going? seems low risk to allow this.

I'll take a potato chip...AND EAT IT!

acl123 says...

Hey this series kicked ass. Well worth watching from start to finish... the quality is very high - one of the best series I've seen in a long long time. Just don't watch it if you're a psychotic. Also don't watch the movies, they sucked. And don't watch the dubbed versions... you're missing out.

You Suck At Photoshop - Vol 8

MarineGunrock says...

Hmm. Apparantly videos that suck are now worth 80 votes. </sarcasm>

Seriously, what YDJ said. If you think they suck so bad, don't even watch them.
And if they do indeed suck so bad, why the hell did this get so many votes?

Open Letter To China and the United States (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

Xenophobic?? Big word used subjectively by someone who thinks they know when to apply it's meaning, and implying incorrectly here, that I don't love Chinese folks.....No fissionchip, that word you toss about smugly in an attempt to conveniently label, does not apply here.

I hate seeing "MADE IN CHINA" on anyting....the stuff of any value made by Chinese, has no such stamp or injection-molded raised letters.....
The power to exercise one's freedom of choice with regards to where they place their investments, be they small or large, is a manipulated confabulation. The availability of goods and services to Americans, the result of feeding the corporate beast is the reason why availability of quality merchandise and service is the exception, rather than the rule.

Your phrase, "Global economic development" with regards to what I am talking about, borders on oxi-moronic. Development for whom, and to what end??

We have the power, as the people who slave for shit-tickets, to demand more from ourselves, and our herders. They suck, and we don't. Always remember that, the measure of a man is not how much monopoly money is represented in a has NO value. Especially if the Fed printed it......

If I had my way, we'd start reshaping government, by actively disrupting the economy.

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