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Ban Parties Banned (Sift Talk Post)

The Police at The Grammys 2007

Obama Announces!!! (for real, this time)

theo47 says...

My eyes truly glaze over when people (see above) criticize politicians as a group.
As George Carlin put it:

"You may have noticed that there's one thing I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they "suck". But where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. No, they come from American homes, American families, American schools, American churches, American businesses, and they're elected by American voters. This is the best we can do, folks. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out."

"Paradise by the Dashboard Light"-Meatloaf

The Big Lebowski + "Brass Monkey"

budzos says...

I'm just going to go ahead and say it: The Beastie Boys are one of those bands that everyone pretends to like, because you're just supposed to appreciate their "genius." Meanwhile, they SUCK. Can I vote myself off this planet!?

The Chaucer Pubbe Gagge - Bill Bailey Maketh a Poeme

rembar says...

Ich have nevir heard of thys gentil yclept Bill Bailey, but he is mooste humorous in his tale of dronken revelrie.

"Three fellows wenten into a pubbe,
and gleefully their hands did rubbe,
in expectacion of revelry,
for twas the hour known as happy.

Great bottles of wine did they quaff,
and hadde a really goode laff,
'till drunkenness held full dominion,
for 'twas two for the price of one.

Yet after wine and meade and sack,
man must have a massive snack,
great pasties from Cornwall,
Scottish eggs, round like a ball.

Great hams, quail, duck and geese,
they sucked the bones and drank the grease.
One fellow stood all pale and wan,
for he was a vegiterian.

Yet man knoweth that gluttony stoketh the fire of lechery,
upon three young wenches round and sly the fellows cast a wanton eye,
One did approach with drunken wink,
'allow daaahlin – you fancy a drink?

Soon they court them on their knee – 'twas like some grotesque puppetry,
such was the lewdness and debauchery 'twas like a sketch by Dick Emery,
Except Dick Emery is not yet born,
so that comparison may not be drawn.

But then the fellows began to pale,
for Quale are not the friend of ale,
And in their bellies much confusion,
from their throats, vile extruision!

Stinking foul coruption,
came spewing forth from drooling lips,
the fettid stench did fill the pubbe,
'twas the very arse of Belzibubbe.

Thrown they were, from the Whore and Trumpet,
In the street, no coin, no strumpet,
homeward bound must quickly go,
and to that end, a donkey stole.

Their hands all with vomit greased,
the donkey – was not pleased,
and threw them into a ditch of shite,
they all agreed – "what a brilliant night!"

Portuguese Hitchhiking Ghost (nsfw?)

bnsa says...

MLX, I'm HERE!!!

Ghost? Nah... but a wonderful Viral video! Uses a lot of common themes (lost, dark night, ghost hitch hiker who happens to be a woman who also happens to wear white) She is either trying to get home, relay a message, or just likes to go for rides.

Also, the "one person survived" and "police are baffled" gives credibility (along with any given date - in this case 1983), A+ for special fx of the ghostie affecting the camera. (IRL ghosts cause a white magnetic line that goes from top down when recording.

Not to mention they suck batteries dry almost instantly!) The cut scene from one video to another is the blur and another A+ for the dripping fluid scene at the end. Being Halloween, its a nice scare and feels real enough to be spooky!

- 5 Year Paranormal Investigator & Counting! -

Heroes Theatrical Trailer

Krupo says...

I strongly believe there's someone at NBC HQ getting furious about this - when NBC posts a vid (like this one), they do poorly on the Sift (and, I imagine, in general). "True" viral vids, ones selected by the hardcore fans, on the other hand, do great.

Same is true with other networks - ABC is posting some clips, but their official promos aren't the same thing as classic scenes.

Their heavy handed "official" approach to sharing clips bemoans a complete lack of understanding of what makes online vids so great to begin with. They spend enough money, though, to ensure that they'll eventually catch on - but there'll be a lot of fumbling and bumbling until they do.

I'm sitting back and enjoying the ride (and not posting any more of their official clips b/c IMHO they suck at getting votes).

School Band - Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover - awful :(

Farhad2000 says...

Honestly. It was better with the audio not working.

I used to do concert rigging for parties in my high school. They just committed the biggest and easiest mistake ever.

First they suck, but thats besides the point. You always always do a mic check so as not to get reverb from the mic and amps interacting.

That girl needs to never sing again. Evar.

I love how the entire performance just meltdowns and collapses like a house of cards.

Original Transformers Intro (34 secs)

Amazing soccer tricks by amateur players

conan says...

i like it as long as lehman rocks the way he did!
berlin berlin, wir fahren nach berlin


...i wonder why americans have the greatest basketball players in the world, but at soccer they suck so bad?!

1337 Video Game Rap Video

Tetris played by garage band

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