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Butters' Dad is not Happy!

rottenseed says...

He reminds me of my dad and his stupid reasoning and antics. Like hiding my skateboard and/or bike to make me think that somebody stole it because it left was outside for 20 minutes. The only one I had to worry about taking my shit was him.

Or him getting mad about me leaving a couple of cookies left in the container. But he never had a minimum number of cookies for me to leave that was acceptable. For example if there were 8 cookies left, and I wanted 3, he'd yell that I only left 5 in the bag. If there were 3 and I only wanted 1, I'd be yelled at for leaving 2. And why was I only allowed to have one open box of cereal at a time? Can't switch off days?

Well I showed him because now I leave my car windows down with keys in the ignition, keep empty bags of cookies in the pantry for weeks, and open many boxes of cereals at a time only to have most of it go bad!

Ok, well I gotta go see my therapist, bye...

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

curiousity says...

>> ^peggedbea:
im a single mom with 2 kids, i work 30 hours a week, middle of the night on the weekends, as a CT tech. ive been a sideline parttime indepedent contracting massage therapist for several years. i always enjoyed it, but never put much of an effort into making a career out of it. i saw an ad in the paper about 1 month ago to lease a space in a salon. so i did. my overhead is low, about $80 a week. and it cost me about $250 to get a few things i needed for my room. massage is a low overhead field. and the best marketing you can do is free. the most complicated thing im trying learn is about sales tax and how to pay it, supposedly the state is sending me a packet. if it takes off, i can quit my regular job and make $60,000 a yr working 15 hours a week, if it doesnt, its a fairly cheap hobby that i love and keeps me busy now that both of the kids are in school. i just finished up my 3rd week at the salon, and made enough to cover my kids montesorri school, overhead on the business, a week of gas, and a little bit more. not too bad. good luck with your side project!

That is fantastic peggedbea! That sounds great.

Don't forget to visit a tax specialist to take full tax advantages for both federal and state taxes. (i.e. car expenses, rent "storage" for massage equipment in home for equipment payable to you from your business, etc)

I think that only working 15 hours a week and earning 60k might be a little unrealistic, at least at first. Like for a personal trainer, it is hard to make sure all of your slots are full and then some people will not show up for their appointments, etc. You may end up sitting around waiting for clients to show up. Please understand, I am not trying to discourage you! I think that there are some requirements that need to be met to reach that number.

Lastly, but probably most important is marketing. It's been said that it doesn't matter what you are selling, but how you market it. I think that is an overstatement, but marketing is tremendously important. Luckily, this is one of my interests. I really enjoy reading marketing books. This is probably due to my interest in psychology. My marketing will focus mainly on online presences and physical guerrilla marketing. It won't quite be free, but definitely low cost. Remember marketing should be ongoing. I have several friends that work in the escrow industry and continuous marketing is very important. It doesn't have to be expensive, just at least a steady trickle of marketing.

Krupo (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

1) my son has seen your tooth before while we were sifting together as a family, he absolutely loved it.
2) yay! im not even too worried about turning a profit because a whole lot of things i have to buy anyway (shoes, scrubs, gas, pretty lady things, cell phone, internet access) are now a business expense and therefore deductible on my taxes. hooray!
3) i was surprised at how easy it was to get a sales tax permit. now if they would just send me the packet so i know where to pay it.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
For the most part (dunno your local laws - I'm an internet stranger masquerading as a Ranch Tooth just sharing general knowledge, not specific tax rules/advice),
1. remember to charge and collect the tax
2. then remember to submit it to the right government authority!

That should hopefully keep you out of trouble.

Keep all your receipts if you're allowed to deduct the taxes you pay on supplies.

In reply to this comment by peggedbea:
im a single mom with 2 kids, i work 30 hours a week, middle of the night on the weekends, as a CT tech. ive been a sideline parttime indepedent contracting massage therapist for several years. i always enjoyed it, but never put much of an effort into making a career out of it. i saw an ad in the paper about 1 month ago to lease a space in a salon. so i did. my overhead is low, about $80 a week. and it cost me about $250 to get a few things i needed for my room. massage is a low overhead field. and the best marketing you can do is free. the most complicated thing im trying learn is about sales tax and how to pay it, supposedly the state is sending me a packet. if it takes off, i can quit my regular job and make $60,000 a yr working 15 hours a week, if it doesnt, its a fairly cheap hobby that i love and keeps me busy now that both of the kids are in school. i just finished up my 3rd week at the salon, and made enough to cover my kids montesorri school, overhead on the business, a week of gas, and a little bit more. not too bad. good luck with your side project!

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

peggedbea says...

im a single mom with 2 kids, i work 30 hours a week, middle of the night on the weekends, as a CT tech. ive been a sideline parttime indepedent contracting massage therapist for several years. i always enjoyed it, but never put much of an effort into making a career out of it. i saw an ad in the paper about 1 month ago to lease a space in a salon. so i did. my overhead is low, about $80 a week. and it cost me about $250 to get a few things i needed for my room. massage is a low overhead field. and the best marketing you can do is free. the most complicated thing im trying learn is about sales tax and how to pay it, supposedly the state is sending me a packet. if it takes off, i can quit my regular job and make $60,000 a yr working 15 hours a week, if it doesnt, its a fairly cheap hobby that i love and keeps me busy now that both of the kids are in school. i just finished up my 3rd week at the salon, and made enough to cover my kids montesorri school, overhead on the business, a week of gas, and a little bit more. not too bad. good luck with your side project!

Intervention with a Video Game Addict

BoneyD says...

I do not believe this is real.

This cannot be how interventions are handled, at least not by actual therapists. Using emotional blackmail to force the acceptance of some guy's treatment plan? Give. me. a. break.

Donnie Darko - Every Living Creature On Earth Dies Alone

westy says...

If my therapist ( if i had one) brought god in to a sessoin i would tell her to fuck off and ask for her to be sacked. like if you went to a therapist and thay started bringing postman pat into something.

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'because, im, a massage, therapist, boobs, cancer, prevention, self care, neato' to 'because, im, a massage, therapist, boobs, bewbs, cancer, prevention, self care, neato' - edited by calvados

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

peggedbea says...

>> ^spoco2:

Also I find it funny that you list light therapy in your list of bogus treatments when in some cases it has been clearly shown to be of great benefit. (jaundiced babies comes to mind immediately)

shit my kids have been singing about light bulbs all day...i meant crystal therapy! not light therapy, my son was a jaundice baby im ok with lights. but crystals are stupid.

also, the wikipedia page someone posted above on lymphedema has a section about manual lymph drainage, its pretty good.

im having some other discussions somewhere about why there isnt more emperical studies done about the benefits of massage. i think its a combination of it being a less profitable modality than drugs, i believe the education requirements to become a massage therapist are vastly insufficient, and we are mostly independent and self employed.... it is widely utilized by physical therapists. and you do learn massage in nursing school. and it is more frequently being prescribed by physicians.... and alot of it seems like common sense... massage feels good. noone really argues that.

rychan (Member Profile)

peggedbea says...

i completely agree. toxin cleansing is not always a good idea. they sell detox suppliments at health food stores. this is why i mentioned the contraindications part in the first comment. these are 1) over priced and can either be dangerous, or completely ineffective and crap.

i would love to see some studies about message therapy. its probaby difficult because the vast majority of massage therapists are independent and self employed, the vast majority are undereducated, and medical science has been resistant to embrace it as something that can legitmately improve your wellbeing, i suspect because it is not profitable to them, because therapists are independent and self employed.

i do not think enough education is required to become a massage therapist, as for myself, i already had a degree in radiological technology before i went to massage school and had spent 7 years studying the body from a medical/ scientific perspective. i think higher standards of training would improve the legitimacy of the field and the quality of care. but, i stand by my assertion that massage is rooted in phsyiology and when properly applied can greatly improve well being and prevent a plethora of illnesses. i will defend it to the death!

In reply to this comment by rychan:
>> ^peggedbea:
anyhow, its always good to flush your body of toxins

I upvoted your commented. But I don't agree that it's necessarily good to have a medical intervention to "flush your body of toxins" rather than letting the natural processes play out. I'm not about to go on dialysis to help flush out my toxins when I'm perfectly healthy. I realize that's an exaggerated parallel and that this massage is probably harmless, but I'd like to see some peer-reviewed studies on the matter. You've made an appeal that massage therapy is not junk science, and controlled, randomized, double blind, peer-reviewed trials are the way to prove that.

I realize that the "blind" part of such trials would be difficult in this case, but you can still have it single blind with a proxy intervention that is known to be worthless. Say you're treating them with magnets but actually do nothing.

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

peggedbea says...

manual lymph drainage is, as well as massage therapy, is considered more "alternative medicine" or "complimentary medicine" which is growing more widely accepted by western medicine... im also trained as a mammography tech and my hospital hosts monthly "complimentary medicine" seminars for employees. there are of course contraindications, such as chemo or if youre on a heavy dose of antibiotics, massage therapist are trained to know such contraindications and how to safely deal with them and this video assumes you are a healthy human being.

there is alot of nonsense spewed under the title of alternative medicine; light therapy, color therapy, rieki, quantum touch, etc. it gives us all a bad name as far im concerned. massage theory (minus all the vibrational medicince nonsense) is rooted in an understanding of physiology. im concerned with how the muscles, and all the cells and systems within your body function and work together. manual lymph drainage is alot of common sense. though i cant find any sort of major medical literature about it online. chiropractors will attest to it. however, many people consider them questionable medical professionals as well. i know several oncologists and oncology nurses who believe in its benefits. and cancer treatment centers who will prescribe it.

anyhow, its always good to flush your body of toxins, and lymphnodes are where toxins live.

massage has also proven to reduce scar tissue and improve muscle tone and circulation, breast massage is great post cosmetic breast surgery.

oh, furthermore, my current theory for why the mainstream medical community is reluctant to fully embrace massage therapy is because of all the nonsense "bodywork" junk that is not rooted in the science of physiology. and for a long time it has been more profitable to prescribe medication and treat the symptom rather than to prescribe prevention and treat the human.... thats slowly changing.

>> ^spoco2:
I'm upvoting because it has caused me to look up lymphatic drainage.
And it would seem to be something that is always talked about with the terms "which is believed by proponents" and "according to proponents".
So, therefore does not seem to have core medical backup with it.
Also, it seems that it may actually be dangerous in cases where a patient has cancer as you may be pushing the cancer cells through the body rather than them possibly being killed off by the lymph nodes. And also, it would seem, if you're getting chemo, it might be a bad idea as it pushes it through too quickly.
Or something.
I tend to like seeing a real medical practitioner come out with 'yeah, it works' or 'as far as has been ascertained it's at least harmless'.
So... yeah.
Plus it looks like she's trying to twist her boob off.
Oh... and they are spectacular.

im learning lymphatic breast massage this week!

MrFisk (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Except for high school biology, me too.

In reply to this comment by MrFisk:
I've only been on the receiving end of a scalpel.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
*law would be cool. A *health or *medical channel would be cool too, because that's another one that's long overdue. However I'd like some type of health professional to be in charge of it, such as a doctor, physician's assitant, nurse, etc. Even a physical or occupational therapist. You got any medical experience, Fisky? Ever empty a bedpan? Or skin a deer? It's all good.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

I've only been on the receiving end of a scalpel.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
*law would be cool. A *health or *medical channel would be cool too, because that's another one that's long overdue. However I'd like some type of health professional to be in charge of it, such as a doctor, physician's assitant, nurse, etc. Even a physical or occupational therapist. You got any medical experience, Fisky? Ever empty a bedpan? Or skin a deer? It's all good.

I am Diamond, hear me Channel (Eia Talk Post)

mauz15 says...

*law it would be a false dilemma to try to pick between either law or crime. What determines if an act is a crime? law right?

>> ^kronosposeidon:
law would be cool. A health or medical channel would be cool too, because that's another one that's long overdue. However I'd like some type of health professional to be in charge of it, such as a doctor, physician's assitant, nurse, etc. Even a physical or occupational therapist. You got any medical experience, Fisky? Ever empty a bedpan? Or skin a deer? It's all good.

I want to make a medical channel. (Optometry student)

Care to give me 49 stars?

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