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GEICO Commercial - Therapist Sarge

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'GEICO, Commercial, Therapist Sarge, R Lee Ermey' to 'GEICO, Commercial, Therapist Sarge, R Lee Ermey, jack wagon' - edited by Stingray

first person view of what it's like to have schizophrenia.

brycewi19 says...

>> ^Don_Juan:

As a psychotherapist, I have made several dents in schizophrenia patients. Milton Erickson's success in denting a schizophrenia patient was to sit beside him on a park bench, mimicking the patient's every move and sound, until the patient was dented.

Great work! Truly, no sarcasm.

I must say, that that method takes a lot of patience, commitment, and attention to detail. I applaud any therapist willing to do this long term with his/her patient.

Prank causes mom to lose her mind!

Portugal decriminalises drugs. Crime/Usage falls.

NetRunner says...

>> ^entr0py:
Anyone else think the decrease in usage is simply due to real drug treatment programs being FAR more effective at reducing recidivism than simple imprisonment?

Yes. The first time I heard the anecdote about Portugal's "legalization" having reduced usage, it sounded like some sort of libertarian misrepresentation of facts. Sure enough, it absolutely was. No legalization, just decriminalization, and the state "punishes" some drug users with a trip to talk to a therapist, and provides drug addiciton treatment for those who want it.

So basically, compulsory socialized medicine reduced usage.

I'll gladly credit decriminalization with the other positive effects, and I'm definitely on the legalize/decriminalize bandwagon, let's just not go nuts and start pretending that the best way to reduce the commission of illegal acts is to legalize it.


Horrible Parenting 101

Sir Patrick Stewart Knighted - June 2, 2010

AeroMechanical says...

Picard had to have a special chair installed on his bridge so that his therapist could sit next to him at all times.

>> ^Yogi:

I don't understand the arguments between who is the best Captain in Star Trek. One was a Shakespearean can't compete with that don't even bother trying!

GOP:Banning Mechanical Restraints on Kids "Gubmint Takeover"

bananafone says...

>> ^Nithern:
Yes, all these Republicans are 'for the children' when it suits their political agenda. Now, given the 28 million children, under the age of 19, do not have any health insurance or coverage of any type. Why, are these same Republicans, against health care for children? OR The care takers (whether they be parents or legal guardians) who make sure they get to school, stay out of trouble & drugs, grow up healthy?
If they are so 'concern' for the welfare of those in their state, why not the actual health and ability to seek care from medical doctors? Dentists? Therapists?
After all, how many people, suffering from say, depression, have access to firearms? But not a medical doctor who could diagnois their mental health?
I think these are fair and reasonable questions to ask these Republicans, who seem 'so' 'concern' for the 'welfare of children'.

I think you only watched the first one. The rest went on to say that this bill would be a terrible thing. Can I hit them now?

GOP:Banning Mechanical Restraints on Kids "Gubmint Takeover"

Nithern says...

Yes, all these Republicans are 'for the children' when it suits their political agenda. Now, given the 28 million children, under the age of 19, do not have any health insurance or coverage of any type. Why, are these same Republicans, against health care for children? *OR* The care takers (whether they be parents or legal guardians) who make sure they get to school, stay out of trouble & drugs, grow up healthy?

If they are so 'concern' for the welfare of those in their state, why not the actual health and ability to seek care from medical doctors? Dentists? Therapists?

After all, how many people, suffering from say, depression, have access to firearms? But not a medical doctor who could diagnois their mental health?

I think these are fair and reasonable questions to ask these Republicans, who seem 'so' 'concern' for the 'welfare of children'.

Chiropractic/bullshit vs. Science Based Medicine/reality

xxovercastxx says...

Personally, I would never suggest anyone go to a chiro who does manual manipulation. Mine does all adjustments by machine and there's no popping involved.

For treatment of my neck injuries, I saw both the chiropractor and a sports medicine doctor and physical therapist. Being put in traction by the PT was far more strenuous than anything my chiropractor has ever done.

>> ^kagenin:
I'm currently training to be a massage therapist, and chiropractic adjustments are outside the scope of my future practice. I can stretch someone's arm through a reasonable range of motions, but ultimately, I'm not aiming to make a joint produce a loud POP that is associated with chiropractic work.
I release trigger points. That can be painful, but there's a mountain of scientific data backing up trigger point therapy. Trigger points were first described, and their existence proven, back in the 1950s. "Knots" in muscular fiber fall into a state of constant contraction. Electrically, they behave differently from normal muscle tissue. I'd say a lot of people should probably be going to a massage therapist for chronic muscle and joint pain more than they should go to a chiropractor.

Chiropractic/bullshit vs. Science Based Medicine/reality

kagenin says...

>> ^fjules:
What the hell is chiropractic?

Chiropractic work involves joint manipulation, often to noisy results. A "Spinal Adjustment" accounts for a majority of Chiropractic practice visits. In California, at least, a Chiropractor needs just about as much training as a doctor in any other field to obtain a licence.

I'm currently training to be a massage therapist, and chiropractic adjustments are outside the scope of my future practice. I can stretch someone's arm through a reasonable range of motions, but ultimately, I'm not aiming to make a joint produce a loud *POP* that is associated with chiropractic work.

I release trigger points. That can be painful, but there's a mountain of scientific data backing up trigger point therapy. Trigger points were first described, and their existence proven, back in the 1950s. "Knots" in muscular fiber fall into a state of constant contraction. Electrically, they behave differently from normal muscle tissue. I'd say a lot of people should probably be going to a massage therapist for chronic muscle and joint pain more than they should go to a chiropractor.

TDS: Anchor Management

littledragon_79 says...

I love the whole "both sides of the story" thing. Like all issues only have 2 sides. It does make it easy I suppose to have, say, side 1 be the correct side and side 2 is the socialist, commie, grandma-killing side. Or the two sides are crazy, racist, teabagger vs. the correct side. I wonder what a therapist would say about the MSM's seeming tendency for black and white thinking?

TDS: Stewart Skullf#@ks Blogosphere (2/4/10)

brycewi19 says...

>> ^Crake:
I thought that segment was weird when i saw it. Combined with the therapist-thing before that, it felt like the writers had been replaced by temps or something.

I'd agree with the therapist bit. That was just terrible.

But I thought they stepped it up on this one!

TDS: Stewart Skullf#@ks Blogosphere (2/4/10)

Actually Ironic

lucky760 says...


- An old man turned 98. He won the lottery and died the next day of a shock-induced heart attack.
- It's a black fly in your Chardonnay going to celebrate your apartment fumigation.
- It's a death row pardon 2 minutes too late because the Governor was busy watching Dead Man Walking.
- It's like rain at a dehydration victim's funeral.
- It's a free ride to your bankruptcy trial.
- It's good advice to never listen to me.
- his plane crashed down he thought "Now I'll never make it to that Fear of Flying seminar."
- It's like rain flooding an umbrella factory.
- It's a free ride to an over-priced car dealership.
- It's the good advice from the guy who just got you fired.
- Traffic jam when you're already late to receive an award for reducing automobile congestion.
- A "No Smoking" sign on your cigarette break at the RJ Reynolds tobacco company.
- It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife from a soup kitchen.
- It's like meeting the man of my dreams and then meeting his beautiful wife who's also my relationship therapist.
- It's like rain on your wedding day to the Egyptian sun god Ra.
- It's a free ride when you've already paid for a stolen car.
- It's good advice someone advised you not to take.
- I have a funny way of defining rhetorical devices that I use in songs.
- I have a funny way of getting things wrong.

the story of your decade in 3 paragraphs or less (History Talk Post)

peggedbea says...

i'll start.

10 years ago i was turning 17, drunk at inflatablevagina's house party off of hot damn and jager, i attempted to go on a cow hunt in the pasture behind her house with all my drunk boyfriends, we got scared, did a group piss around a tree, didnt find any cows. insulted her frankenstein-like boyfriend. got in a fist fight with a marine.

a few months later we (inflatablevagina and i) got kicked out of our first apartment for hosting a brothel, i ran away to denver with another friend, lived in a car for a while, spent a year drunk and stoned on a mountain top and traveling around the west having an existential crisis. somehow woke up one morning and realized i had somehow become the host house for interstate traveling ravers seeking parties in the rockies, hazy memories of debauchery flooded back into my brain, promptly moved back to texas, met a beautiful crazy man, had his baby, married him. had another one of his babies, he quit taking his meds and went really really really fucking crazy, left him for good, bought a house, took 8 years worth of xrays. had some personal trauma. had some personal triumph. embraced a broken heart, lived in poverty, got disowned at least 5 times, read alot of books. battled alcoholism internally and externally, philosophized with friends, experienced loss. experienced joy, became subject to gravity, reveled in inertia, lost momentum, was ruled entirely by emotion and impulse, embraced metaphor, was misunderstood, reunited, gave back, took, volunteered my time, attempted to mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally available, acted irrationally, behaved selfishly, felt whole sometimes, self-taught, fell in love, stepped in infatuation, gave birth. was a mommy. was a wife. was a tattoo supply delivery girl, was a barista. was a pizza maker. was an xray tech. was a massage therapist. was an insomniac. took in my crazy teenage cousin, dated an old friend, reconciled some family shit. lost my mind, traveled alot, lived simply and briefly caught a hold on inner peace, lost it, went crazy, quit taking xrays, went back to school, embraced the amazingness of unemployment. learned to bake, invented some recipes, had some ideas. ate some cookies. raised some amazing babies. raised some cool ass quirky talented kids, paid alot of bills. abandoned all laws of grammar. flirted with internet addiction, smoked 99999999 packs of cigarettes. and several hundreds bowls, made a sift talk post.

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