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Secret Service July 14th

newtboy says...

It wasn’t a democrat.
He wasn’t progressive.
It wasn’t an undocumented immigrant.
It wasn’t an LGBTQ+ person.
It wasn’t an African American.
It wasn’t any of the people he says are “poisoning the blood of America”.
It was a young white male registered Republican conservative gun advocate.

He was also a TERRIBLE shot, kicked off the high school shooting team for missing every target and hitting one wall of the range from the other side of the range. Classmates say he was conservative, a loner, a gun advocate but poor shot, and loved to make terrible insulting far right jokes.
Many have said he was bullied mercilessly daily in high school.
Don’t let the lying right try to paint him as a Democrat like they have already tried to do…claiming with zero evidence that he registered Republican to vote against Trump…classmates say he was staunchly conservative. He is one of theirs, unequivocally, undeniably, 100% red.

Saving A Wild Echidna

Hef says...

This is like the idiots who will "save" a sloth from swimming across a river or lake despite the fact that they were doing just fine.

Echidnas are actually very good swimmers and use their long noses like snorkels, sometimes they'll just hop in the water for a bit of fun.
What if the little echidna's burrow was on the other side?

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

“ my solution would be every able bodied Jewish man and woman join the French (or Polish, Russian, British) army and fucking fight…”

I agree that’s the noble thing to do, but I can’t condemn the ones that choose to seek safety in numbers with Jewish Palestinians as exclusively invasion minded aggressors. My 6 million tag was maybe a bit sharp, but you also know that the Nazi’s took Paris and as much as it sucked to be French or European under Nazi occupation, you also know adding Jewish to that carried a lot of extra consequence and danger to your family.

My POV is agnostic of everything save Isreali people today having a right exist as a nation. Which at this point from my POV leaves 1947 as somewhat academic.

It’s your insistence that Jewish people, and the existence of Israel, have always fundamentally been invaders that I was objecting to as it is so intensely at odds with factual history.

You gave a brief nod on not being a scholar of Palestinian history, but then proceed to just count all Jewish refugees as good as Zionist aggressors from day 1(or close enough), and the local Arab population as nothing but pure, kind caring victims of these invaders.

I will state again, that is ahistorical propaganda and NOT what actually happened. And for my POV, its enough generations back as to be Academic, but for your POV it is fundamental because without being able to writeoff Israel as invaders from day 1, nuance enters the calculus and suddenly the conflict is flooded with shades of grey because lots of parties all contribute to the bloodshed, and many with reasonable motivations from both sides yet too.

Please find me any reputable sources to refute the reality of 1920-1940s Palestine:
-Mass Jewish immigration fleeing European oppression raised tensions between Jewish and Arab Palestinians.(as one must expect)
-Arab palestinians were already chaffing and resisting British colonial rule(as one must expect)
-These tensions led conflict, initially more ‘civil’ with the Arab majority trying to refuse all business, sales and trade with all Jews.
-Escalation followed throughout that time, but in drips and drops and NOT a ‘surprise the Zionist army has arrived’! style of aggression

The violent escalation was a fight here, a beating there. Little individual fights, escalating into deaths. Retaliations slowly grew, with each side exchanging small escalations.

-the culmination of this was eventually all out civil war, and the Jewish side immediately accepting a UN mandated 2 state solution

-this culmination coinciding with the end of WW2 and revelations of the true extent of the holocaust can’t be ignored, it certainly shaped the Jewish mindset in the conflict.

-Their mindset was pretty clearly not inaccurate either, as the immediate response of all neighbouring Arab nations was a declaration of war on the new ‘state’, with bold claims of how quickly the Jews would be swept into the sea. The confidence was so high, a call was sent it for ALL Arab palestinians to abandon and flee the entire region of Palestine to better enable the complete cleansing of the land.

The above is all pretty much inarguably factual, and I’d bargain you could get an Arabic and Israeli scholar together to more or less agree on those facts which is saying alot.

Propaganda from both sides would like to declare that the Arabs harboured deep Nazi sympathies, and thus Israel was pure and true in all it did. Or from the other side, more or less your narrative of Zionist bad guys launching invasion from day 1(ish).

Both though are just sprinklings of half truths, with anti-British resentment naturally breeding some leanings towards the axis, and even genuine Nazi cleanse the Jews believers. And absolutely Zionists featured prominently within the Jewish population. Neither of those partial truths though make the propaganda of either side true, but instead just an incomplete and intentionally biased picture.

Again, please find me sources demonstrating I’m terribly wrong on all that, but the only ones I can find are clearly biased and the accurate accounts paint the picture above, the propaganda very, very clearly copies the real story more or less with just deletions of inconvenient bits

Let's talk about the Trump Georgia indictment contents....

luxintenebris says...

meant to go one and out - although this caught me eye...

" truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can..."


if what has been written here is a 'grasp of reality' your gonna need some rosin.

the fake newsstand is on the other side of the street:

bobknight33 said:

Triggered? Not in the least/

Nutboy. You are triggered Tool. Go sit in you little house and continue to believe that you are a big man.

Truth you truly have no grasp of reality. Yo drink your fake news as fast as you can. Hell you even go out of you way to prove your bigness. No on cares. You just a spect of dust.

I ignore you most day and toy you on other days.
I bet you still think Bidenomics is doing just fine. 3.5% of unemployment is great but thats all you see. Sad little man you are.

I see that we are getting close to a tipping point. It might take another 2 quarters, will see.

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

bcglorf says...

I think you're missing my point.

My point is, I just hopped over to MSNBC, and reading from the top of the page, 18 of the 21 top headlines were about either Trump, Guiliani or Hunter Biden. They are obsessing and distracting their 'blue' base with all the same garbage as Fox, but they are better because they are pointing out the wrongs.

Maybe a better analogy, MSNBC is like Dr. Phil bringing on the worst examples of humanity and letting the audience rage bait and feel superior to the horrible humans on display. Trump has been the perfect recurring guest for a never ending MSNBC parade of horrible behaviour.

I'm not against calling out that behaviour, I'm in favour of it. I'm just calling it rather dishonest to have 99% of your airtime and coverage all focused on nothing else, and then spend the last 1% complaining about the other side obsessing...

newtboy said:

You’ve got to be kidding.
Pointing out fake manufactured crises (that are invariably rooted in xenophobic hatred) and educating is the same thing as manufacturing a fake crisis? 🤦‍♂️

Please point to 5 major manufactured crises the left is trying to play off right now…how about 5 the party has floated in let’s say the last 5 years, since you are attempting to “both sides” the issue.

Reminding your base how unserious and infantile the “other” is is perfectly reasonable when there’s no choice but to deal with the dishonest infants making up fake crises chock full of lies daily. Debunking idiotic nonsense is a public service.
Reminding people that, like in the case of “woke”, the right has decided that “being aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)” is the worst thing possible and have intentionally with malice and forethought abused the term to improperly equate it with anything they irrationally hate, which itself is a racist action….that’s a good thing, a positive for society.

Again, since you are both siding this issue, put up or shut up….please list 5 fake crises the left floated to distract from actual crises in the last 5 years, should be a no brainer, right? (Accusations that end in convictions don’t count, those aren’t fake)

It’s really more like the house is on fire, the guy in the red shirt holding a lit flare with singed clothes and eyebrows says throw this gasoline on it, the guy in the blue shirt is trying to offer a hose but the guy in the red shirt is standing on it and poking holes in the hose while shouting “Don’t take that, that hose is full of fire!” You say neither put out the fire, so both are equally as useless. 🤦‍♂️

Republicans are simply not interested in feasible solutions, Democrats are (with a very few notable exceptions, most of whom switched parties like Kristen Senema or Tricia Cotham, or are utterly despised and should be tossed out of the party like Manchin).

The Republican Party platform in the last presidential election simply didn’t exist, they had NONE AT ALL. Verbally it was nothing but “we hate the left unconditionally”, literally, in writing they had nada, nothing, zip.
Conversely, the left actually has consistently had a written public party platform with positive goals for the nation and a roadmap to reach them.

5 Crises Republicans Made up to Distract You

bcglorf says...

I feel like this video is deeply guilty of being exactly what it is warning against. The criticisms are all inarguably valid, but as much as the GOP is particularly egregious right now, they aren't the only ones using cheap distractions.

More importantly, the video itself is very much MSNBC's favorite brand of the exact same distract your base approach. The video itself is focused on how wrong the GOP is for focusing on these none issues. It's still lasering focus on the non-issues.

Reminding your base why you need to hate and fear the 'other' is the bread and butter distraction approach both FOX and MSNBC are using to poison the nation. BOTH of them are happily embracing the narratives on fake crises and attempting to ensure attention is dominated by them. When one side picks up a new outrage for their base to focus on, the other side happily joins in to be outraged by the outrage.

Let's pretend your house is on fire. Your friend with a red shirt thinks you should throw gas on it, and your blue shirt friend points out that diesel is better because it's less flammable. This video is a guy explaining at length why tossing gas on is a bad idea, and don't listen to red shirt guy. It's a waste of time to entertain either of them though, what you really need to do is find people willing to help fight the fire. 99% of politicians(red or blue) are not your allies here.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

That's a sick equivocation. Moreover, dont you realize, YOU are the groomer in this situation?

There's one side saying

"This is the person type you must be attracted to if you are like this. This is the only type you can be. Any thing other than the prescribed way of doing things and it's sick and you're a pervert."

Another side is saying
"Be who you want to be, do what you want to do. It's okay if you feel X way about Y."

Dont you get it, it's not adults trying to push kids to do anything. The kids are the ones saying it. Seriously, you think I'm trying to call kids by the wrong name intentionally? THEY come up to me and Chris will say "actually call me Christy" "Ohhhkay Christy, have a seat and dont come up to my desk like that."

The KIDS are the ones who seem to not give a fuck about who goes in what bathrooms, but there are people "directing" (grooming?) their behavior saying "you must go to this one if X condition is met"

What state was it they were even doing genital exams to make sure only boys went to the boys and girls went to girls.

Which side here^ is saying "just let them play" and which side wants to actually ask a child to physically expose themselves because of their dogmatic religious ideas about sex and gender?

I am proud to be on the side NOT asking children to expose themselves. Who's in charge of the lawmaking body for that school in Ohio, Let me know and I'll register to vote with the other side.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


Bipartisan hearing. Mostly Trump republicans testifying. All corroborated with indisputable evidence despite the ever increasing attempts at obstruction, the intentional destruction of evidence under subpoena, the number of officials pleading the fifth making them undeniably guilty in the court of public opinion and offering no defense in the court of law . That’s why you’re told “do not watch, it’s just a show, don’t, whatever you do, learn some facts about the attempted coup and fraud Trump and his administration was personally involved in planning and directing”.

Investigations are generally one sided, especially since the “other side” here is firm that there’s “no crime to investigate, it was a picnic and normal discourse, not a failed coup, not attempted election fraud on unheard of levels from within the government, Trump is perfect, investigation over”.
Do you think Capone was allowed to be part of the police force investigating him?
How about El Chapo…was he on his own investigatory committee? We’re the officials he was known to have paid off? 🤦‍♂️

Only no insurrectionist MAGAs because the accused doesn’t get to be part of the investigation, and the non complicit Republicans mostly refused to cross Trump with 2 notable exceptions….two life long multi generational actual Republicans, not the new anti America, anti democracy, anti sanity Q brand MAGAts.

Even intentionally ignorant, head in the sand idiots like you can see this simple fact.

bobknight33 said:

1 sided hearing,
Judge and jury all the same.

Idiots like you can even seen this simple fact.

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

bobknight33 says...

Why be upset about this? Both sides are corrupt. All know this.
Both sides act self righteous till a vote is placed. This shit happens all to often. The "other side" often puts to vote just to get the hatch video compilation . Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rubs will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.

Biden and the June job reports

Spacedog79 says...

It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Well, Trump’s “side”, (the side against America and democracy) is still fighting hard to not give any testimony, evidence, or in many cases even show up, leaving you with one “side”….but Rejoice!
You will….eventually….get that “other side”….the “alternative facts”…because we now know there is a DOJ criminal investigation of Trump’s Jan 6 actions right now.
When it concludes, then you’ll get the trial(s), and that’s when you get to hear the other side under oath (anything they say not under oath can be ignored)….but only if they don’t all plead the fifth, which is likely….guaranteed if they do he and you will complain you still don’t get to hear his side.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

For your edification…..

This is Miller, telling Trumpists one thing on far right media, that Trump staged 20000 national guard troops that were never requested…and the complete opposite under oath, that he never requested any national guard or police even as everyone who spoke to him begged him to deploy the guard….that’s another reason you aren’t hearing the fantasy side of the argument….Trump’s people aren’t prepared to be caught lying to congress, and they know pretty well that congress has documentation and records that might prove they lied, so they’re being more honest than they are normally. This is why you have everything wrong and backwards, the people you listen to are prepared to outright lie to you every single day. They told you more than once directly and publicly that they have no obligation to tell the truth to the American people if they aren’t under oath.

I’m telling you the facts, the cold, hard, uncomfortable facts. The “other side” is just making it up as they go.

BTW, convicted and disgraced Steve Bannon just called for 4000 shock troops to deconstruct the government brick by brick, and for killing Biden’s entire administration in the crib, a clear unambiguous call for violent murderous insurrection against the US….again. Not sure how that’s not a direct death threat against the president on air….expect Bannon to go away longer than the 2 years he’s facing.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

They’re still waiting for that “other side”…the “counterpoint of view”.
Still not even the secret service has accepted the invitation to come testify under oath, big surprise…and I think you know how Trump’s inner circle is fighting to keep silent, claiming privilege, defying subpoenas, hiding documents, destroying evidence, or showing up and pleading the fifth. If you want their side, tell THEM.

It’s true it’s not allowed…but not true the committee won’t allow it, they welcome it, in many cases they insist on it. There’s another party that wants their silence. Guess who. Hint, they complain their side isn’t being heard or represented.

bobknight33 said:


Those other investigations had the other side to counter.

There is not 1 counter point of view - It is not allowed on this Bull Shit Jan 6 smear job.

Biden and the June job reports

newtboy says...

Plenty of WOW guys and gals, all of which were Trumpist heroes above reproach to your ilk before they testified. Here’s a small sample….

See…he, Trump, IS guilty guy, that’s why all the testimony and evidence points that way.

Trump and Giuliani and other conspirators refuse to testify….and you whine it’s unfair you don’t hear their “side”.
Edit: Bannon was just convicted on two counts for refusing to testify or turn over documents, more coming. Up to two years in club fed.
Hmmmmm….I wonder why we only get “one side”. Couldn’t be because the “other side” won’t even show up, no, must be because they won’t allow them to speak…yeah yeah, that’s it. 🤦‍♂️

One side boycotted the investigation outright. Now you whine you aren’t represented.

Too bad you are too thick to grasp this isn’t a trial with cross examination, but I know the feigned ignorance is just a blanket you clutch and suck. It’s a bipartisan investigative committee hearing.

bobknight33 said:

This is your WOW guy . See he ( trump) is guilty guy.
One side no cross.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You so narrow minded. It is truly sad.

Those other investigations had the other side to counter.

There is not 1 counter point of view - It is not allowed on this Bull Shit Jan 6 smear job.

The Jan 6 just a want to paint a false one sided narrative.

newtboy said:

So, explain why you spent dozens of not hundreds of hours watching “hearings”which were one sided, no counter argument, and no evidence, purely partisan, purely political smears surrounding Clinton’s emails and Benghazi ?….and where’s the outrage over the secret service doing what she was ACCUSED of but it was proven repeatedly she never did, intentionally erasing thousands of government owned emails concerning evidence surrounding an attack against Americans that the president intentionally orchestrated?


Such a silly, infantile, intentionally blind, hypocritical, totally transparent person you are.

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