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All Your History - MMO Part 4: End Game Content

Yogi says...

>> ^Asmo:

I don't get this fascination with 'beating' WoW, if a game makes money and returns on investment, and it's players enjoy it, isn't that the definition of success? I personally hate EVE gameplay but people enjoy it and the company makes money. So it doesn't kill wow, it's an entirely diff game and appeals to diff people...

Also I don't agree that you "kill" a game that has reached the amazing success WoW has. There's no such thing as a WoW Killer...there's just the next logical step in gaming. Which I believe now is SW:TOR with it's fully voiced quests and all that jazz, it makes me feel like I'm playing a single player game. That's all I've ever wanted when soloing in a MMO.

Obama the Transformer

Social Notworking

Wonder Object

Intervention 2012 on The Daily Show

This Is A Star Wars Geek Who Loves His Christmas Gift

Mystery Message Left in 24 Major US Cities, 4 S. Amer Cities

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (Preview Trailer)

JiggaJonson says...

>> ^Yogi:

I cancelled my account last week...this won't bring me back to the game. I'm off to try SW:TOR and if that isn't great well I guess I'll have to play something else. I liked WoW a lot which is why I played it for 6 years...that's enough for one game I think.

You poor thing. Come, rejoin society.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (Preview Trailer)

RFlagg says...

Yeah, I don't know why people are reacting badly to this. The Panderen have been part of the brewfest and we've known they exist, so no surprise they finally made them playable.
I personally don't know if it will bring me back. If Star Wars: The Old Republic sucks, then I may come back after this comes out... and I activated a free account to play with off and on for now since my regular account is deactivated.
I look forward to Diablo III more at the moment, thanks to SW:TOR, but if it wasn't for that, I would probably be more excited. I do PVE only, I don't do dungeons and certainly never raids, and hate PVP, so some of the other upcoming games are of little interest to me. WoW is the only MMO that has any appeal to solo PVE players, the others seem to favor PVP or dungeons and raids with groups (I guess one would say I should look at Elder Scrolls or Dragon Age, but I like how WoW plays more). I really wish they were releasing information on Titan this year though... even a tease would do for now, but they said they aren't ready to do anything about that yet.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria (Preview Trailer)

Yogi says...

I cancelled my account last week...this won't bring me back to the game. I'm off to try SW:TOR and if that isn't great well I guess I'll have to play something else. I liked WoW a lot which is why I played it for 6 years...that's enough for one game I think.

Some Guy Must Have Felt This Way

TDS: Transformer

Fuck You, George Lucas!

quantumushroom says...

As Red Letter Media pointed out, the original SW was "Art from Adversity." This is the "Art of Profit-Squeezing".

Luc-a$$ put that "No" in there as a "Fk You" to the audience for mocking it in Sith, just like he place-matted Jar Jar in both follow-up prequels because the audience (rightfully) rejected him. It's entirely possible, the man is as arrogant as he is greedy.

>> ^ObsidianStorm:

As previously mentioned, the primary problem is that there is no way to get the film you saw on screen in 1977 (no 'episode IV'...) on DVD or Blu-ray. Anything that you would watch anyway...
I just find it interesting... Lucas set out to make a film called Star Wars in the mid 70's but didn't have the budget or technology to make the film in his head, so he was forced to make compromises, take shortcuts and eliminate scenes he had originally intended to see in his film.
As a result, he created a masterpiece of sci-fi fantasy, which just happened to be BETTER than the film he had envisioned.
What we've seen over the last twenty years or so is Lucas trying to realize that inferior (but original) vision.
I just find it ironic...

Fuck You, George Lucas!

VidRoth says...

Wow. Oddly enough, this killed my nerd rage. I've been boiling since Greedo, worse and worse and worse... but now, I just no longer feel any urge to watch SW anymore. Not even the untouched originals. It's just empty there now. Kind of peaceful, really. Saves me a good amount of $$.

Hyper WTF is Star Wars : The Old Republic?

Yogi says...

>> ^Drax:

I've been beta testing SW:ToR and it's turned WoW into a memory for me now at this point. That's all I can say though really.

Which means it's lightyears ahead? I've been leveling through Cataclysm several times and the writing for the quests is great...just hilarious and engaging at times. However it is still just writing in my me that's the biggest leap forward in engaging the audience...voices. I can't remember the last time I had the sound on in WoW...there's nothing interesting.

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