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Hyper WTF is Star Wars : The Old Republic?

Bill Maher Overtime 7/15/11 -- questions from audience

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

Shepppard says...

>> ^Xax:

>> ^Shepppard:
... a fully voiced MMo with a potentially (and being as it's Bioware, I'd say I'm more prone to say likey) epic storyline that varies from class to class...
Pretty sure that's innovative.

I'm pretty sure that hiring more people to speak the lines isn't innovative in the least. It's cool for sure. We'll see how the epic personal storyline part turns out. As far as the actual gameplay, I haven't seen anything impressive or new or interesting.
I'm much more interested in Guild Wars 2... if you want to see innovation in MMOs, that's where it's at.

They've brought the radial chat wheel to an MMo, and added in the option to have multiple people in a storyline conversation.

I'm interested as to how that'll work, because I like being the good guy and the friend I generally play games with tends to be a dick. So I'm curious as to how the good-cop bad-cop thing is going to play out. However, I think you're dismissing a fully voiced MMo a little too hastily. Adding voices into a game adds in a completely new level of depth, instead of just skipping through quest text you actually progress and converse with the world around you.

I'm curious as to what you see in GW2 as innovative, as far as I can tell the only semi new thing is dynamic combat, and dynamic quests to a point. The ability to dodge attacks or hide behind a shield is interesting, but I'm not commenting more until I've seen balancing addressed. Age of Conan already partially touched on that with its shielding and dodging mechanics (you get 3 shields and 3 places to put them, front, and sides. The more shields per side, the less damage you take when hit from there, but it opens up a weakness on an unshielded side. And sidestepping gave buffs towards attacking or defending depending on which way you went.)

Dynamic quests as it was described to me sounds like Besieged from FFXI, Open Quests from WAR, and Rifts.. from Rift. You're sitting in town, or out in a forest. Suddenly, the enemy is upon us and there's a call to arms. You spend the next however many minutes slaughtering mobs and trying to save NPCs. If there's more types of quests then that, that's a horse of a different colour, but if that's it then that's also not innovative.

Not having traditional "Tank" or "Healer" roles is also going to be in SW:TOR, and is in FFXIV to a point.

And although FFXI has covered this, too, the party system in SW:TOR (with NPC's, not players) means that you never have to actively look for a party, you'll be able to have one of your own to continue to tackle content.

The way it goes now is basically, there IS next to no room for innovation, most of the stuff has been tried, and unless it's in WoW then it's likely flopped. The game that realized this and embraced that is Rift, which seemingly took the "best of" a lot of MMo's out there and refined it into their own.

So don't take this post the wrong way, I'm actively looking for your input on the subject, but why do you feel Guild Wars 2 is innovative?

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ant says...

>> ^kceaton1:

>> ^ant:
>> ^kceaton1:
Epic. I was crying with laughter by the end of this episode, pure quality.

Was the whole episode about SPR movie?

No. The rest of the sketches were of great quality, on par with the best of the last star wars parody.

Which season and episode is it? I enjoyed their SW episodes a lot. However, I don't watch their series and just watch their funny clips like shown on VS and other places. I don't like their raunchy/dirty ones though.

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