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Russian Hotties Going All The Way

Feel Free to Say WTF

daxgaz says...

Well, all the gross stuff is uninteresting to me, but it's not in this video. I have been to plenty of strip clubs and they tend to all do the same thing, so that gets boring. Most of the strippers (not all, but most) are also completely untalented and rely solely on being naked for entertainment. At least in this video there was an effort to do something different. I have seen some burlesque revival stuff that is pretty interesting and artistic. Also, a lot of the fire performance crowd integrate some eroticism in to their acts and i find those very interesting. My up-vote is for this video, not for the artist as a whole (i don't really know much about her).

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^daxgaz:
i find most art and stage shows incredibly dull. this was not. Call me perv if you like, but the nude female form is beautiful to watch. They had some interesting dance stuff going on and interesting concepts.

I won't call you a perv, but I will point out that there used to be these things called strip clubs. Where you'd go, and watch all the naked dancing female forms you'd like, without the defecation, drinking of urine, and hissy-fits on stage, and has the basic premise of what you just watched.

Christian Movie: How the Atheist Stole Christmas

Seth MacFarlane Slams The ADL For Not Doing Their Job!

hpqp says...

Not all muslims are islamists, but Islam is a political religion of conquer, and as constitutionally "right" as this CC is, I can understand the underlying unease of many: it absolutely will be seen as another shining foothold of Islam in Satan's western underbelly.
It speaks miles that the american muslim community, most probably 99.9% progressive and moderate, have not spoken up against planning such an ostentatious tattoo right next to the yet-unhealed scar the doctrine it praises caused.

On a side note, gay stripper clubs should be obligatorily adjacent to every house of (monotheistic) worship, as well as family planning centers and abortion clinics.

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^hpqp:
How unsurprising: the hick-town strippers have more intelligence and ethical insight than the local pastor... but it's the Manichean idiot who gets the followers <IMG class=smiley src="">

You mean the old crack, ummm, stripper? Well... can't say one way or another... However, it all depends on what the strip club attacts and how it positively/negatively effects the town... and old crack men are a def negative...

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

Bloocut says...

>> ^hpqp:

How unsurprising: the hick-town strippers have more intelligence and ethical insight than the local pastor... but it's the Manichean idiot who gets the followers

Ahhh, but he only gets followers once on Sunday and these lot-lizard beauties have their congregation 7 nights a week!

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

hpqp says...

How unsurprising: the hick-town strippers have more intelligence and ethical insight than the local pastor... but it's the Manichean idiot who gets the followers

Al Franken on Nation's Budget

WKUK - Courtroom Stripper

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'wkuk, courtroom, stripper, whitest, kids, you, know, sugar, ponyberry' to 'wkuk, courtroom, stripper, whitest kids u know, sugar, ponyberry' - edited by kronosposeidon

Bristol Palin's emmy worthy performance

Giant spider crab sheds its shell

Rue McClanahan Hollywood After Dark

garmachi says...

>> ^spawnflagger:

>> ^garmachi:
So far the view-to-vote ratio is 17.5 to 1. Y'all are a bunch of closeted pervs. Upvote already!

she just doesn't have it. some women should never be strippers, and this is why. also the MST3K voice-over made this video bonerproof.

Worthy of a terrible?

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