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DAIRY IS F**KING SCARY! The industry explained in 5 minutes

newtboy says...

My point. Honesty would go a long way, much farther than exaggeration to make a point. Things are bad enough without any need for exaggeration clouding the waters. The video strongly implied that this is how all milk is produced, while, as you indicated, as much as 50% is not produced using these methods. Those 50% should be mentioned, IMO, and applauded for taking the extra time and effort to give their animals a better, at least comfortable if not free, life.

Your stats sound like a reason to buy milk...from local smaller producers. Otherwise only the giant factory farms that are invariably the worst at care for the animals will be left. A better solution in my eyes is to support those doing it 'right'.

Your stats are confusing. In one paragraph, you say that 50% of milk is made by 'smaller' (<500 cow-'good') farms, then you have other statistics about tiny (<100 cow) farms. If under 500 cow farms are USUALLY the "good" kind, why mention the under 100 cow stat, unless it's just to show how few there are in what's likely the 'best' category? (or is it to include my family's farm techniques in the equation, since we've discussed it before? you know, we had 200+- head on 300 acres when we had them, free we (well, they, I moved to California) have about 100+- angora goats) Again, the second set of stats would also seem to me to be a good argument for supporting local, small farmers that take much better care of their animals (and produce a better product), rather than a good reason to boycott farm products altogether....but that's just me.

EDIT: Can we agree that the tactic of, without warning, showing horrid animal abuse to people who love animals is not a good way to get them on your side?

eoe said:

It's not all dairy farms, but it's most. See or page 7 of (note my requirement of .edu not some blowhard blogger).

The number of dairy farms with fewer than 500 cows (your "good places") has decreased significantly and the number with more than 500 has increased majorly. And those farms with more than 500 account for 50% of the milk made.

So, yeah. There are some good farms out there. But the number is shrinking and they're unable to compete with the large factory farms.

Also, from one of the docs cited above:
In 2000, about 71.1 percent of production came from
operations of 100 or more cows, up from 55.2 percent
in 1993. Production from the smallest herds, not a
large share to begin with, fell by about half—from 4.1
to 2 percent


Rather than refute any of the other claims above, I'll just leave it at this. I have vegan exhaustion. My point is that these aren't just made up vegan facts from PETA, these are studies by the USDA.

How Gun Control Made Australia Safer Than America

newtboy says...

WHAT?!? I went to your link. Overall rape rate is 5% higher in Australia VS US, not 300%...and for VIOLENT rape, America has 1300% the amount Australia has. It makes no sense that they list 3 times the number of VICTIMS in Australia but 13 times the number of RAPES in America...hmmmm. Are we just raping the same people over and over?
Burglaries you have right.
Property crimes are listed as America has 13% MORE than Australia...again I don't get the 'victim' stat when compared to the number of crimes stat.
Robberies, 79% MORE in America.
Car thefts...OK, right on that one too.
But then murder...America by over 570% Gun murder (our strong suit), 15900% over Australia.

But you can use statistics to prove anything...47% of all people know that.

greatgooglymoogly said:

I would feel so safe in Australia. Except for twice as many assault victims as us, three times the rape victims, twice the burglaries, 40% more property crime victims, twice the robbery victims, 63% more car thefts. Yea, except for that I'd feel pretty safe.

this is what a fascist sounds like

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Funny that you mention it. (I'm baaaack.)

Notice how the first words from the host are a smug, preemptive remark about the recently departed officer who *ahem* "was by-the-way African American".

Then immediately they show two older black mans to confirm the FauxNews Agenda (you know, like the Gay or Black Agenda but for real)

Black Lives Matter is calling attention to the exact "hypocrisy" you're "pointing out" with your - OMG. BLACK ON BLACK CRIME STATS ARE AN ACTUAL CONCERN OF MINE BUT NOT THE BLACK COMMUNITY FOR SOME REASON - Bullshit.

Because what you'd said before {Republi-tards figured out that being Politically Correct is the only way for them to be politically popular, that is} is something along like lines of..

Black are sub-human and incapable of anything but savagery, so of course they'd killed each other.

So EITHER.. you're feinting concern for Black on Black Crime

OR.. {Ahem. this one} implying that black people are too shitty, stupid and fuck up to even approach the civil Republican Bastion society Right-Wing Talk Radio has sculpted in your mind.

p.s.- I know I'm yellin' at crazy person, guys. And sure.. that makes me crazy too.

But he's just such a relentlessly ignorant c__tbag. .. I mean. FauxNewsTalkRadio.. is.. bag.. of c..stuff

bobknight33 said:

Black lives don't matter unless its political.

this is what a fascist sounds like

bobknight33 says...

Criminal are shooting citizens every day. You only get bent when the criminal is as you say is a cop.

To use Chicago as an example:

In Chicago a person is shot every 3 hours and murdered every 17 hours. Where is the outrage? National news coverage? CNN, MSNBC, FOX? Where is Al Sharpton, Obama, Rahm Emanuel.

2015 Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 377
Shot & Wounded: 2136
Total Shot: 2513
Total Homicides: 426

If political leaders cared this would stop.

So I state again . No one cares unless it has a political spin.

Babymech said:

1) Bullshit. Sorry, but it had to be said - when a criminal shoots a citizen, people do fucking care. Stop saying they don't, because it's disgusting and it's bullshit.

2) It's not a question of justice, it's a question of accountability. The next time a (black/white/whatever) criminal shoots a citizen, that's a tragedy that we need to address, but it's not blood on my hands - it's the fault of the criminal. Whenever a police officer gets away with unjustified use of force against a citizen, that's on the police and it's on us. Because we gave the police that power, we paid for their training, we bought their equipment - we have to be the ones to hold them accountable. They're our employees.

To put it in terms a conservative can understand, anger and responsibility - I'm angry whenever I hear of a criminal murdering citizens. I'm responsible whenever the police murder citizens.

How to Block a Facebook User who have already Blocked you

Sagemind says...

Feels like a self post to me.
kajermail, are you the same person as DEEPANJAN BISWAS?

No self posting is allowed on Video Sift. Of course, you already knew this, since it told you when you registered for this site.

As your stats show, you've never made profile views, voted on videos and post the same day as you registered, It's a pretty good chance this is your video.

If not, plead your case. Otherwise, your account will be suspended.


Is Poverty Necessary?

BicycleRepairMan says...

Actually, it probably wont.. All the stats point in the same direction: reducing childhood/maternal mortality, eradicating poverty and educating people seems to have an interesting side effect: People have less kids. Typically a poor, uneducated population with 10-15% child mortality theres 5-6 kids per woman, whilst rich, educated populations CM less thand 0.2% or so, 1-2 kids per woman. So the population growth slow down or stops as countries move from developing to developed.

KrazyKat42 said:

The next problem will be birth control. Sorry but it's true.

Stephen Colberts Heartfelt Thank You To Jon Stewart

Beached Limo vs. Train

hazmat22 says...

I counted maybe 14 cars that went past the crossing, plus the 2 engines, that could be 800' it took it to stop. If he had applied the emergency brakes he still wouldn't have been able to stop in time and probably would have caused damaged to either the wheels, track or both. He was going relatively slowly (it was a populated area with crossings) to stop that quickly with 10k ton behind..

I wonder if they have training and stats on how everyone in their right mind would be long gone from a vehicle that's been stuck any length of time.

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

newtboy says...

Assumptions based on history are not stats....but are far closer to the truth than the minimal, hidden, often not kept at all stats about police misconduct.
Even just minimal searching will show you that the police themselves lobby (successfully) to not have to keep those records, or share them when they do voluntarily keep them, so your request for statistical citation can't be obliged. This is clearly and unashamedly by design. They don't get the shield of 'you can't prove that with data' when they hide and erase the data themselves. Sorry.

Daldain said:

Citation needed for those daily stats please. Extrapolation are not stats, assumptions are not stats (or truth).

police officer body slams teen in cuffs

Daldain says...

Citation needed for those daily stats please. Extrapolation are not stats, assumptions are not stats (or truth).

newtboy said:

Closer to the truth would be to assume this (or some other physical abuse) happens at least 3-5 times a day in every major metropolitan area, not once per day in all the US. 9 out of 10 aren't caught on camera...and 9 out of 10 of those that are caught on camera are erased by the perpetrators themselves (the cops). It's only when a private citizen records them and doesn't get arrested themselves (and have the recording destroyed) that we see these videos , and that's multiple times a day (yes, we've seen exactly that happen repeatedly, destruction of video, often recorded by another, unseen citizen that comes to light after the cops lie about the incident.).

daily show-republicans and their gay marriage freak out

Lawdeedaw says...

Ah Asmo, this is humorous. Not in a way that has me thinking less of you, but due to the fact that even the smartest people make the most indefensible arguments. Stewart always has a joke when Republicans (and sometimes Democrats) do the same thing Chaos just did and which you defended--which is to ignore the "implied" in a statement. Usually Republicans use hate speech or such, but they just don't say the hate literally (Often when Obama's policies were compared to Nazi Germany's policies, for example.)

I.e, "Hey, I'm not saying Obama is like Hitler, but look at the smoke stacks coming from the White House?! They look like Jew smoke to you?!"

Another, but this one in more relation to our conversation.

I.e., Hey Lawdeedaw, when you have dick in your mouth does it taste good? WOAH, I DIDN'T SAY YOU SUCK DICK! YOU IMPLIED THAT! I just asked, you know, when dick is in your mouth...

See how utterly indefensible that above statement is? Or why Stewart gets so pissed, rightly so, when people make that argument? People can hide behind the most obvious statements and it's bullshit. Or people can be ignorant of the statements you make, and it's just as bullshit.

If you can't see the sense that makes, don't respond to this post please. I don't argue with ideology that blinds people to clear points and I have agreed with my fair share of points over the years when I have been I expect it returned in kind.

Second, you do have a point about me being judgmental. I am jaded because every marriage I observed growing up was toxic. "Dad can't divorce mom, even tho she abuses us kids." Was a wonderful house I lived in. My wife was beaten for years by her husband, until she took poverty and destitution over that, and then met me. The list goes on and on, yada yada, no more need to explain my own life history because it isn't necessarily what happens in all of America. So I look at the worst aspects of marriage. Aspects that are as universal as the fact that we eat, breathe, shit and die.

Of course I also use history and stats to back up my judgment. So; marriage is a civil contract based on liberty and property (At least the part of marriage that matters to the government insofar as the rights they give you.) If the world's population of homosexuals is around 2.5% or so, depending on the estimates, then cheating (seeking out more than one relationship at a time) is much more naturally inherent to humans than sexual orientation by far. This is also natural in regards to the homosexual relationships as well. Cheating causes so much grief, repercussions, and yet it is only one bad aspect of being tied into a contract that many societies make difficult to break either through legal means or cultural taboos. Furthermore, abuse, divorce, long-term separation for business matters, much of these things kind of lend credence to the fact that marriage is created by society and has nothing to do with the "apparent" definitions we apply to it.

And Asmo, naughty naughty Asmo, you implied something...I am in no way shape or form telling other people what "their relationship is about." Just because I say something is inconvenient for damn near everyone (For some it is not) doesn't really mean much of anything. Shoes are inconvenient because you have to tie their laces. Is that me telling you how to shoe? No. How about kids? Kids are a hell of an inconvenience, but if you said I was degrading parenthood, especially my own, I would tell you to fuck yourself with that bold-faced lie.

If you are focused on the "property" aspect of that comment, well, you have an issue with my definition of the government's hand in marriage.

Asmo said:

The key word is "implied". You're making a judgement based on what you have read in to his comments, not what was said...

And yes, polygamists have a choice. A gay man could be a polygamist as well, but he's always going to be gay. That should not be seen as criticism of polygamists (as long as everyone can legally consent, I don't see why the state should step in), but someone else made the slippery slope argument as in, if we allow same sex marriage, we open the flood gates. He is pointing out why that is a fallacious argument to withhold the right of SSM, not that we should extend the right to gays/lesbians only and not go further. You're shooting the guy pointing out what a ridiculous argument it is rather than the person promoting said argument, and then flailing at anyone who doesn't agree with you...

re. the second paragraph quoted below, that is your opinion of marriage and you are entitled to it, but the mistake you are making (the same that most conservatives who don't want gays to be able to get hitched let alone polygamists) is believing that your view is the last word on the situation. Ultimately, the right to be able to marry (in which ever configuration suits you, again, as long as everyone is legally consenting) should be up to you, and how others choose to define their love is none of your damn business. Once you start trying to define and dictate to others what their relationship is (or is not), how are you any different to the judgemental assholes you apparently abhor?

Greek/Euro Crisis Explained

radx says...

Greece accumulated debt in a foreign currency (Euro). Had they been using a free-floating currency with Greece as the sovereign issuer, it would have been much less of a problem. But that's a different discussion.

You brought up retirement benefits. These benefits have been a major talking point over here in mercantilistic Germany. Unfortunatly, a lot of inaccuracies crept into the debate over time. A closer look reveals that it's not as black and white as it is made out to be. One point at a time...

The effective retirement age, if we look at OECD stats, is basically the same for men in Greece and Germany. The age of 56 is often thrown around as the expected average retirement age for workers in Greece, but that's only for the totally messed up public sector. The average for the private sector is significantly higher, as the OECD numbers indicate.

Yet the size of retirement benefits is even more controversial. There are, in fact, some very dubious practices going on in Greece, which result in rediculous retirement benefits for a select group of people, even at very young ages. Decades of nepotism, that's what it produces. But even so, pension expenditure as a % of GDP was not significantly higher in Greece before the GFC than in Germany. When Greek GDP collapsed, expenditures as a % increased, naturally. Some have gotten absurd benefits, but the majority got a pittance. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Greece doesn't have a social safety net, unlike Germany. There is no welfare. Many people have to take early retirement at reduced benefits to have any income at all.
So I'll say it's bad in Germany. Last decade's changes to our retirement system have a metric fuckton of people (~40% of workers) heading straight into poverty when they retire. It's social security for them, and nothing else. Still, it's bliss compared to what the plebs in Greece now ended up with.

However, even all those beautiful OECD stats have to be taken with a grain of salt. Germany has a working bureaucracy. Everything is documented. Greece is a mess. Therefore, all comparisons are guesstimates at best.

Finally, as long as the Greek economy produces enough goods and services, it is for them to decide how to distribute their wealth. If they want a lavish retirement system, so be it. Our governments opted to create a true underclass of the working poor, and gutted a retirement system that made it through two world wars unscathed. If German retirees want to bitch about their benefits, it should be aimed squarely at our governments and their intentional deconstruction of our social welfare state.

bcglorf said:

So, Greece borrowed more money than they could pay off and had a bad economy.

In the Eurozone though, Greeks were retiring earlier and with better benefits than the Germans, for a long time too. It is kind of hard to blame Germany for being reluctant to keep lending money to Greece when Germans are working till much older and getting much less in return.

Curious Koala Wanders Into Hospital Emergency Dept.

Your Kid's Not Susceptible to Child Abduction... Right?

noims says...

A few things struck me as odd about that video, and then that stat at the end: 700 abductions a day seems way over the top. How many of them are by family members, false/mistaken reports, runaways? I had the impression it was more like 100 per year (I looked this kind of stuff up when my kid was born almost a year ago).

I'd be interested in seeing how many kids did and didn't go with him rather than the sample that showed his point (I know the yahoo article say 3 for 3, but I'm wary given the numbers above). Having their mothers right there talking to the guy probably made a difference too.

Generally untrustworthy video in my opinion, but it does show that kids - like everyone - easily forget what they've been trained to do in extraordinary circumstances. The trick is to make the decision come naturally using their own judgment rather than training (and no, I don't know how to do that).

Today on C.G.W.-Cop Goes Into GTA Mode And Runs Down Suspect

lantern53 says...

10 people killed versus one cop killed.

I imagine you would prefer those stats to be reversed, considering your animus toward cops.

The reason that stat is correct is because cops are called into dangerous situations with dangerous people, the cops have training and the responsibility to use deadly force.

If the cop does something wrong, he has to answer to his local prosecutor up to and including the attorney general of the United States and the resources of the entire Dept of Justice...which, by the way, was used on Darren Wilson, and Darren Wilson was found to have acted correctly.

You would prefer the criminal get the upper hand, which puts you well out of the mainstream of normal people.

Why is that?

You really need to use some critical thinking instead of just taking a statistic and trying to draw a conclusion from it. Especially when that conclusion is so blatantly specious.

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