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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans just killed their chances of even holding seats in November by twice voting against a national right to contraception, because their plan is to ban contraception. This is hugely unpopular, and they just went all in on it publicly. It’s going to be really hard to pretend this isn’t their plan for 2025 when they already tipped their hand today.
For decades they claimed abortion should be a states rights issue, and now that there’s no national right, they are clear they intend to ban it nation wide. Contraception is exactly the same thing, they are already banning contraception in red states and talking about a national ban behind closed doors. Todays votes to preserve their ability to ban contraception nationwide prove it.

Polls are showing fully 1/3 of Republicans don’t support convicted felon Trump to be president, say he’s the wrong candidate…that was before his convictions and before telling the nation to prepare for no contraception and an outright ban on recreational sex…unbiased non partisan polls of Americans done from Canada.

18-37 year old Republican voters are worse, 47% say he shouldn’t be on the ballot.

Hannity tried to feed him answers in a kid glove softball interview and he still couldn’t answer questions, or did answer them by saying “yes, I’m not joking, I do plan to be a dictator for at least a day (then we’ll see if I like it) and I do seriously plan retribution against my political enemies.” (which include my own supporters if they ever question my plans).

Starting next month convicted felon Trump won’t be able to campaign outside his state (Florida?) without getting prior permission from his probation officer! But he’s still the best you’ve got!

Those numbers are going to get worse as reality sinks in that he’s a felon, with all the restrictions and conditions of a felon, and is not only not the best but likely the worst possible candidate, and a loser, who can’t vote, travel between states, leave the country, has to report to his probation officer (if he’s not in prison), etc, and all the bluster about how he can run the country from prison is suddenly reality and they see that’s insanity, and only an actual cultist would be so delusional as to think they couldn’t find a better conservative candidate (Haley likely would have beaten Biden)…too bad for them those cultists have total control of the party. 😂

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump’s bond is totally junk.
The bond company submitted more (improper) paperwork, including the signature page from the E G Carroll bond from a completely different company. They do not have the liquidity to post a bond 1/10 the size they have posted. Be ready for Donny to go to prison.

He also violated the gag order repeatedly and a motion for criminal contempt has been filed, and will likely be granted.

And again, Sleepy Don couldn’t stay awake at his own criminal trial to protect himself, do you really think he can stay awake to protect America, who in his mind is second seat to him at best?

Meanwhile, the MAGA Kansas AG is outraged that Biden is funding the program and paying for them to remove lead pipes because blanket poisoning citizens and giving children brain damage is a state rights issue to Trumpists.

Meanwhile Huckabee Sanders has been referred for prosecution for stealing $20k for a Paris vacation and lying about where the money went and creating fake government records to hide the theft.
Her response to being referred for prosecution on multiple felonies:a video stating “come and take it” using stolen copy-written music already under a cease and decist order. The criminality is no longer hidden or disputed, it’s celebrated.

How’s your Trump Media stock doing? Might hit 20 today! Did you go “all in”!? 😂

Still waiting.

Bonus- OAN has admitted they lied about the 2020 election and Smartmatic and settled the lawsuit over the big lie. Another big “L” for team Traitor.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….the Supreme Court ruled that Texas illegally stringing up razor wire in the Rio Grande to try to create its own border policy, foreign policy, covid policy, and immigration policy was definitely illegal, not a states rights policy. None of those are states business.

Because Abbot’s blatantly illegal policy led to multiple deaths, don’t be surprised if he gets charged with murder….he should, he is an murderer four times over, 3 of them children, and any Texas police officer that went along with his blatantly illegal order is an accomplice.

PS- still waiting. 😂

PPS- Why do you think it might be that Trump campaign events are now being held in high school auditoriums with 700 seat maximum capacity (one large section of which was reserved for press and empty) and why are they emptying out during his speeches?
Is it so they can go on cable news and claim they sold out the venue (by buying the unsold seats themselves) and have honest people say they couldn’t get in?
Are they leaving because the cognitive decline (and the stench) is impossible to ignore in person…especially in small venues? 😂

Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

Tragically it's all more complicated than anyone can really state, right? I mean, if you had a 30 book(10k pages a book) series solely on the conditions in the region of Palestine between 1930 and today you'd still have so much material to cut, you could limit all 30 books to only 1 sides POV.

The closest I see to shortcutting things, is trying view what is likely to happen in the future, and from that maybe what one might try and do.

The trouble being there's so little one can do. The reality is that Israeli military strength compared to Palestine is completely and entirely one sided, and thus Israel can and will do whatever it wishes to militarily. It's all their choice, period. In fairness to Israel, you have to note that Hamas as stated in their own charter, given that same power would've already cleansed the entirety of Israel and have created their own single state 'final' solution.

It's also not actually about Palestine vs. Israel, which should be obvious given the fact of Israel's military dominance. Israel IS really facing existentially threats of it's own, just not directly from Palestine, and instead from ALL of it's neighbours. That state of constantly requiring Israel to be capable of winning an existential war since it's inception has kept things in a perpetual state of near-war, and more often proxy-war with the Palestiniances as the pawns of alternately Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others depending which time and region we choose to look at.

Predictively, that gives us that Isreal can not, under any circumstances, accept conditions to exist where any party(in particular Iran as the main backer) views the "Al Aqsa Flood operation" as a success. That means Israel will do whatever they deem necessary to ensure that happens and Iran in particular views that operation as a mistake. Nothing the UN or any of the rest of us say or do can change that.

newtboy said:

A reasoned and relatively factual position. Congratulations, but….
In my and many expert’s opinions the deadly indiscriminate pressure is exactly what pushes desperate and grieving innocent civilian Palestinians into Hamas’s arms. You would create two terrorists for every one caught with the inhumane treatment of the civilian population…and commit a serious war crime in the process.

Israel should abandon all expansionist settlements from the last 30 years and free the Palestinian citizens from the oppressive genocidal apartheid they’ve forced on the population for decades. That would end the conflict tomorrow, instead Israel has telegraphed its intent to take over Gaza militarily and occupy it again…and America stands by their side, but not all Americans.

If America had spent 10% of what we spend supplying Israel with weapons they use on civilians instead on building infrastructure, schools, hospitals, roads in Gaza, the Palestinians would not rightly see us as racist enemies, and might have the resources and inclination to oust Hamas. But we don’t.

Palestine gets no aid. You can’t withhold something that never existed. The reason Hamas gets any support is they do supply Gaza with food and medicine while Israel and America just embargo entire populations because a terrorist group lives in the country. Think if the world did the same, bombing cities flat and starving America because the Boogaloo Boys live in America.

Hamas is not Palestine, they’re the warlord gang that took over from the intentionally weakened Palestinian parliament and the only group supporting Palestinian civilians (while also using them as shields and cannon fodder).

Hamas fucked around, but Israel is making innocent Palestinian civilians “find out”. That’s a serious war crime that should put every Israeli soldier in prison, and get Netanyahu executed.

Has Woke Culture Has Gone Too Far

newtboy says...

Dishonest drivel by ridiculous ignorami who talk like snobby arrogant 12 year olds with a chip on their shoulders.

Really….he claims indoor plumbing is a major climate change driver, or a symbol of “wokeness”? Wtf is he talking about? More proof that he’s simply rambling nonsense to a crowd or braying morons in suits applauding every insult of the left, not making any valid points.

If enough people press that button to do everything to save their child at all costs without a thought to consequences, every child in the next generation has 5 times the likelihood of not surviving his first year, button or no, and the next 10 times the death rate, and the next 25times….and if everyone pushes that button, it guarantees a near 100% infant death rate this century. There are many ways to improve infant mortality rates without adding to greenhouse emissions….the best being STOP HAVING CHILDREN YOU CANNOT SUPPORT or FEED.

Undeveloped India is going to largely dissolve before they advance technologically. Over 2/3 of the water in that region comes from glaciers….glaciers in many cases expected to be gone completely by 2030. That’s almost 2 billion people suddenly with no water source. There is no technological way to replace that amount of water, never mind the money and energy. Therefore the India and China emission issues he claims are upcoming will likely largely solve themselves as they will be the spearhead of the first major wave of our extinction.

BTW, the comatose (the un-woke) admitted they actually want to ban women in red states from traveling legally because they could get in a car and drive/move to a state where abortion is legal….and they know their HUGELY unpopular plan to make an anti abortion federal law (funny it’s no longer a states rights thing) is a non starter.
So much for freedom.
They also are moving to ban contraception, sodomy, homosexuality, literally any sex that doesn’t lead to unwanted children except heterosexual sex with pre-pubescent girls….they’re in favor of THAT, and have written multiple bills attempting to legalizing it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another in the never ending stream of Republican vote frauds.

Funny how many 100% pro life no-exception Republicans have erased their abortion position from their websites and campaigns and now claim to be totally pro choice despite decades of anti abortion legislation and positions. ROEVEMBER is going to be a hoot. Thanks Graham for publicly tipping your hand before the election and putting forth a national federal abortion ban bill so no one could honestly say Republicans don’t plan to ban abortion nationally, can’t sit on the “states rights” lie they’ve used for decades to fight against and erode a federal right….not that anyone was fooled for a second, but now the lie that they won’t outlaw abortion nationally, and won’t ban contraception nationally, and won’t outlaw gay marriage nationally, and won’t outlaw interracial marriage nationally are all dead by their own hands.

BTW- Kemp was caught on tape saying if the legislature is willing (if there’s enough Republicans elected) he’s on board with banning chemical contraception and will try. He’s not the only Republican governor saying it. I wonder….who’s going to pay for these hundreds of thousands of unwanted children? Do red states have a surplus to spend opening state orphanages? You people like to bemoan single parent households and parentless children, saying it’s creating criminals, and then you legislate away rights and self autonomy to create hundreds of thousands more unwanted children every single year. Just asinine.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahahahaha!! Trump is threatening to sue CNN for saying he’s a big liar spreading his big lie. His claim….it’s his “belief”, so when he says it he’s not lying…not that it’s true, not that he can prove it, just that he believes the lie and that magically makes it not a lie.
He will never sue because 1) he has no case at all 2) he’s terrified of discovery and they would gain access to all the Jan 6 documentation he’s hidden from the committee, and 3) it’s a slapp lawsuit, which he would lose badly and be forced to pay millions in restitution and punitive damages for a frivolous lawsuit designed to silence critics….to anyone he sues.

Derp! What a sad, powerless little bully, enraged that no one takes his threats seriously anymore.

Also, his Saudi Arabia PR golf tournament is losing him so much Republican support. The FBI has said definitively that the Saudi government was directly involved in 9/11…not just the 15/19 terrorists being Saudis, but Saudi intelligence agents supplied them with funding, lodging, and “travel assistance”.
Trump was well aware of this, but chose to keep it secret to protect the crown prince and billions in arms sales. Biden declassified this information and stopped protecting those that attacked America.
Birds of a feather….no wonder Trump likes the terroristic draconian Saudis. I wonder how 9/11 Rudy feels about it.

Side note, the sedition caucus voted against helping victims of human trafficking. Their press conference celebrating protecting perpetrators of human trafficking was disrupted when Gaetz was asked if he’s a pedophile and instead of answering “no” he and the rest literally ran away in fear.

Second side note- Republican senator Mike Braun has said the quiet part out loud and proclaimed the right’s next move is to make interracial marriage a state right, not federally guaranteed, so states whose legislature is controlled by Republicans who are against it can ban it, just like abortion. I’m sure you won’t admit you see that as racist, but everyone else does.
Next comes voting rights for non whites and women, they need to be barefoot in the field, or barefoot, pregnant, and always silent and submissive anyway, right?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

What did I tell you!?! States rights! Suckers! Bwaaaahahahahaha!

“I am outraged by yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing Texas’s ban on most abortion services to remain in place,” Newsom said. “But if states can now shield their laws from review by the federal courts that compare assault weapons to Swiss Army knives, then California will use that authority to protect people’s lives, where Texas used it to put women in harm’s way.” Newsom said he will work with his staff, the Legislature and California Attorney General Rob Bonta to craft a bill that would let citizens sue anyone who “manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts” in California. They could seek damages of at least $10,000 per violation plus costs and attorney’s fees, Newsom said.

Read more at:

I told you this would happen.

BTW, the Presidential coup Plan PowerPoint handed over by Meadows pretty much obliterated the lies that 1) it wasn’t an attempted coup 2) it wasn’t expected 3) it wasn’t planned 4) it wasn’t Trump supporters being violent and 5) the white house wasn’t directly involved.
Contemporaneous records of the planning, including texts to organizers and militias claiming that the national guard is poised to protect Trump rioters from arrest or attack….as if any non cultist needed more evidence beyond the live broadcast of the coup attempt, but now there’s publicly available physical documentation/evidence directly from the highest levels in Trump’s cabinet of their own direct involvement in the planning to overturn the certified election by fraud and force.….which I’m certain you will dismiss as fake news with no hint of evidence because your little brain can’t handle facts.

the PowerPoint laid out a plan to effectively use the military to steal the election outright, undeniably. That’s treason.

The plan was to use the military, specifically the national guard, declare a state of emergency, throw out most of the ballots from the 2020 election, and then have the national guard run by people that Trump handpicked himself count only the paper ballots that they deemed to be legitimate. essentially giving them a free ride to throw out any ballots that were for Biden. Only count the ones for Trump and boom, Donald Trump gets all the electoral votes. That's how the coup was supposed to happen. So again, these lawmakers were briefed on this two days before the capital riot. So they knew exactly what Donald Trump was trying to do, what his administration, what his friends, what his allies had suggested to him. There is no indication at all that one of these lawmakers alerted the department of justice, the FBI, local authorities, anyone, they had this information and they did nothing with it.

Any official who knew and didn’t report to the FBI or DOJ should be removed immediately, get the firing squad, and their entire estate (and their spouses estate, and minor children’s estates) seized. That’s a lot of Republicans.

Also, Fox hosts, the same ones who now claim Jan 6 was a peaceful picnic, families calmly touring congress, and it was BLM and ANTIFA and the FBI that perpetrated the violence that didn’t happen, were all frantically trying to reach the president to stop the attack on January 6, outraged he wouldn’t tell his supporters to stop attacking America, explaining how not acting to stop the coup was destroying his legacy and theirs.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You're almost right, some few unprofessional doctors say let >75% get it and build herd immunity. They're nuts, that's a guarantee of 10-12 million dead Americans at current reported death rates, and >triple that when you realize that without ICU care the death rate rises to 15%, near 45 million dead, and we are already at and over capacity.
Some doctors (likely many of the same irresponsible unprofessional morons) suggested taking Hydroxychloroquine was a good idea, until professionals proved them 100% wrong.

~4% REPORTED deaths, but we now know if someone gets it, recovers but with devastating lung and brain damage and dies a few weeks later of lung failure they don't count that as an official covid related death even when the death certificate does, so it's definitely higher than 4%, as if that's not high enough.
And what's the percentage that have lifelong debilitating effects like either permanently destroyed lungs or severe brain damage to name two?

Opening while cases are still rising, in direct contradiction to the CDC AND Whitehouse guidelines, guarantees another shutdown for longer, and the loss of far more mom and pop shops in the long run, so absolutely yes it's worth it.

Easy to say others should go back to work when you work from home.
Edit: in places where it CAN be done safely, including a minimum of guaranteed social distancing, masks, and sanitation at all times, I'm all for returning, but many if not most stores/shops can't, especially with the anti-maskers throwing fits. Our local stores limit customer numbers and some will act as personal shoppers for anti maskers and serve them curbside. We have had 200 cases county wide so far in the highest risk state, so it's working here so far.

Only kids under 10 are lower risk, kids over 10 are the same risk factor as everyone else, and under 10 can still bring it home to those more at risk. Restarting schools in states at high risk, nearly all states right now, is a guarantee of a longer, more deadly, more costly second wave.

bobknight33 said:

First of al not ALL agree to stay shut down or to mask up.

% of deaths to infected is small. Is It worth shutting down and loosing mom and pop shops and much more worth it?

I say mask up and go to work.

Kids are the safest demographic.

Liberal Democrat wants To have Confirmation Brett Kavanaugh

newtboy says...

This is why I cannot understand most "conservatives" wanting to ban abortion, or at least wanting to make it a state by state right, eradicating it outright or regulating it to death in most red states.

As a group, they complain that minority populations are growing much faster than white populations (making whites a minority), but then create policies that can only exacerbate that disparity (because as you hinted, white girls are more likely to be able to afford to travel out of state to get an abortion). They complain about a prevalence of single parent households, and create policies that can only create exponentially more. They complain about uneducated baby factories living off the state but want many pregnant teens to have no choice but to leave school and become an uneducated baby factory living off the state.
WTF people?

Mordhaus said:

I'm a rare conservative leaning person who would prefer a slightly more middle ground nominee, simply because I am almost certain that Kavanaugh will tilt the court enough that it does away with roe v wade. I support abortion. Making it illegal throughout half of the nation simply is going to fuck over poor people. People with money will fly out to a state that supports it.

McCain defending Obama 2008

moonsammy says...

I find it interesting that you capitalize that word. I might say I tend to hold liberal policy positions, but I wouldn't use Liberal in the manner you used Conservative. Little "c" conservative isn't a party, it's supposed to describe a general approach to policy, and historically was associated with Republicans and specific policy positions. They were for states' rights, balanced budget / reducing debt, personal property rights, fair trade, etc. The current Republican party has abandoned all of this, but its members still refer to themselves as "conservatives" somehow. Maybe that capitalization is what I had been missing - they're Conservatives now, not conservatives. They can define that proper noun form of the word in whatever way they want.

bobknight33 said:


Jeff Sessions Tells Prosecutors:Prosecute Drugs More Harshly

RFlagg says...

For a party that says it is all about state rights over a large federal government... they sure seem to love to contradict themselves. "Know how you made weed legal? Yeah, we're undoing that, state rights don't apply... but if you want to make it so that family that has a kid with bone cancer can't afford their insurance or treatment, then fill free to let that kid die, we're not going to force you to keep pre-existing conditions covered affordably... if they wanted that kid to live, they should have had better jobs... and certainly don't have to make men pay for pre-natal care, but make sure those women pay for men's Viagra, because men have to get their fuck on, any women who does is just a whore." And they are also the "moral" party... Christ...

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...

Trying split up addressing your points and enoch's here, forgive me if things bleed over between a bit.

Large terrorist networks like Al Qaida were and still are using your definitions against your country. They operated with impunity and effectively as their own autonomous state within the borders of Afghanistan and Pakistan. The question is whether acts of war launched from that region then are classed as an act of the Afghan or Pakistani state. If they are, then Afghanistan and Pakistan are to be held to account as states launching the act of war. If they are not, then they have for intents and purposes yielded the sovereignty of that territory to a new independent state waging it's own independent war.

The jihadists are trying to hard to live in an international loophole where they are operating with the autonomy of a state right up until another nation state wants to wage war back against them and then suddenly they are just citizens of the larger state they are technically within the borders of.

When the Bush admin pushed back hard, the Afghanistan government refused(more on this in my reply to Enoch) while the Pakistani government extremely begrudgingly agreed to at least pretend they weren't friendly with them in back channels anymore. Thus act of war met with war in Afghanistan, and yes, I would insist a war that Afghanistan initiated and NOT GW.

As for Saudi Arabia, they are more responsible for Jihadi ideology and funding than any other state, and yes the west largely has ignored it so long as they sold their oil and then used the money to buy back top of the line American made military hardware. I have to say I think it's a bit shortsighted to have made Saudi Arabia number 3 on the global military budget charts... You won't find my hypocritically trying to defend them, they are the ones sending most of the money into Pakistan's mountains to build the madrasa's that don't seem to teach anything after how to fire and assemble your AK.

newtboy said:

When asked about the innocent 8 year old girl shot through the neck, you replied 'they advocate killing children, killing them (and their children) lowers the overall body count' but really it increases it, because every child that's collateral damage creates 100+ more violent enemies bent on revenge.

Again, context, bombing a nation we are at war with is 100% a different thing from targeted assassination by multiple drone strike or assassination squad on a group. I see that's how you insist on seeing things, but it's not reality. You can't declare war on a group, it's a total intentional misapplication of the term.

If we only targeted known (not suspected) fighters and killers and didn't bomb weddings to get one guy, ok, but we attack large groups and then attack the first responders coming to their aid, then claim they are all terrorists because one of them might be one....creating more terrorists by murdering innocents and then washing our hands smugly. Can you admit that?

By your standard for designating proper targets, we should have bombed the royal family in Saudi Arabia long long ago, but that's not on the table because.....oil and cash.

Eroding Electoral Confidence | Full Frontal with Samantha Be

bobknight33 says...

First of all passing law to allow pedophiles and perverts in opposite sex bathrooms is wrong.
I'm not rooting for a team. Democrats are just worst. buy an ultra small margin.. They approve low moral standards.

Both are woefully disgusting and hence the ultra low approval ratings and Trump getting in.

I would much rather see more States stand up for States rights and actually limit the FEDs power to 1/2 or more of its current size.

Even better is for News to actually report truth and for the people to stop watching stupid mindless shows ( ie 99% of them) and tune to to what the heck is going on and VOTE. The people represent the "4th" branch of government in a sense. We need to kick out the Harry Reid's and john McCain's of government. They are the truly rich 1% and they did not build shit, they just bought and sold favors at the peoples expense.

With respect to chaos does nto matter where he lives on tihs issue. He was given a video of what is going on and still stood on the side of perverts.

With respect to Trump. Who knows what will unfold. But I do see a bright man who built an empire. That takes skill and ability. Hopefully he will use it to the betterment of the world.

Clinton is and utter disaster of a pick. Corrupt to the core.

The POTUS selection was a no brainier.

Bernie and my pick Cruz would have been an choice. True opposites. One one cheated and one was bullied.

No I am not a republican.. The Bushes were the final straw.

Sadly are only 2 teams and we must pick... Jill Stine No

enoch said:

you realize chaos is from new zealand right?
so while the democratic party may be a disgrace,unless the party is GLOBAL,it certainly is not HIS party.

i truly do not understand your (or anybodies for that matter) continued loyalty to this broken,dysfunctional and utterly corrupt two party dictatorship.

i have no issue with you pointing out the rot that has been bleeding out the democratic parties metaphorical ass.during this election cycle the DNC was caught with their hand in the cookie jar.they were exposed as the rotten and corrupt institution we all had suspected,but couldn't prove,rigging the primaries,changing the rules of application to keep people off the primary ballot (laurence lessig),and crushing one of the most promising,and politically energized campaigns by bernie sanders.(who,just like ron paul,raised his war chest on small donations).

hell,even the recent jill stein voter recount exposed even MORE DNC voter manipulations and fraud!

but are you SERIOUSLY going to sit there,and with a straight face,attempt to make the case the republicans are better?

that they are NOT just as vile,rapacious and corrupt as the democrats?

you think the democrats are the ONLY half of this two party duopoly that engages in voter fraud?
or crushes any politician that does not tow the party line?
see:ron paul

can you REALLY,without any sense of irony or sarcasm,tell me that the republican party represents YOU?

the one thing that has given me hope during this past presidential election is that my fellow americans seem to finally be getting it,finally understanding that neither the democratic party nor the republican party represent "we the people".

they represent:wall street,big banks,the military industrial complex and multi-national corporations.

and of course....their own continued power and political domination.

binary politics does not work anymore.
this false left/right dichotomy does not work anymore.
this "lesser of two evils" is no longer acceptable..any...more.

but i gather it still works for you bob.
what a waste..
you seem a decent sort,but to continue to identify with a party that has thrown you overboard decades just sad.

and i guess you will be just like those obama voters who became disturbingly silent while obama:expanded executive powers,NDAA of 2012,zero indictments to the criminals on wall street,prosecuting more whistleblowers than any other president combined,obamacare(the biggest gimme to the health insurance industry and big pharma),assasination programs,kill lists,expanding military operations into 6 other sovereign countries,regime change in libya...

those little pussies became good little apologists,and it appears YOU ...
will become a good little pussy and do your partisan duty,and turn into a dutiful little apologist for trump and the inevitable atrocities that are most certainly heading our way.

you know,i do not always agree with chaos,but at least he has BALLS.he stands for something.
you are just rooting for a certain team,might as well be rooting for the packers.
it is just so tired and WEAK...

eh..maybe you are just messing with chaos,but if that is the case,could you bring a little more flair and energy?
your technique is a tad..stale.

so step it up BOB!
your putting the audience to sleep.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Republicans: Do Your Job

kceaton1 says...

Warning, this is long. It's a general reply to bob, but really it's a rant about the reality of this country, origins, issue, and where we are headed... Like they say in Horace and Pete, at this point we just might deserve a president like Trump (especially because we are stupid enough to vote for HIM, and for so many Senators AND Congressmen like him or even far worse)...

Reply to bob at the top...

I hate to tell you, but "SHALL", according to the times in which the founding fathers wrote this IS indeed the utmost highest form of that period meaning that you "HAVE TO" do something.

Go ahead and let your own party change what grammar and vocabulary meant from that period--or simply not have enough brains to know what it really means (though most of us know by now their assistants have let them know what it means, they just refuse to believe reality and instead insert their own collective psychotic delusion).

Typically when it says SHALL (BTW, NOT doing that job should be getting them in HUGE amounts of trouble as well), they should be doing everything they can TO nominate a new judge into the open position in their next open session (not a session one year away, so Trump or Hillary has to do it).

If they want to complain about the nominee they CAN, just while they are under scrutiny to go up for the vote. But, they simply are NOT supposed to do nothing and furthermore say they WON'T do anything...

I'll have to look up what the penalty is for not doing this, but it could be a full "boot" from their job. Simply what has been referred to by Republicans in the past as Impeachment. But, then the Senate has to start that (I'm not sure if anyone else can; hence, this is why I said I'd try to see if there is anything else that can be done)

I believe they can also do it at the state level... BUT ALL of this requires for our government officials to do their fucking jobs! PLUS, the citizens that voted them in to give a shit!

We REALLY, REALLY, do not deserve a country like is BARELY alive and well. We are just a few presidential terms away (plus senators and congressmen) before we grind to a complete halt.

Then we can finally watch everything implode on CNN and FOX while REAL extremists take over and then the real fun starts. True extremists taking control with minimal bloodshed and shouting matches, civil war with outcomes that grant us either the NEO-United States (the U.S.A. V:2.0, which might be good), to the Neo-Confederacy (since that is what it all amounts to on the FAR right's spectrum). OR we simply just dissolve and become something entirely new.

Hey, bob did you know that your party used to be JUST like the Democrats of Lincoln's age. The Republican's were more like the Democrat's of our age. Weird right. THAT conservative party died out with Teddy Roosevelt's Bull Moose party; then all of the citizens decided that they simply liked the name "Republican" more (since they'd always voted for that name,'d be weird to change it). That is where the Republican's became a FAR different party than they had been (though they still had a few more GREAT leaders before their schism drove them all, sadly, into madness ). The "Democrat's", they thought slavery was just peachy at first, and now they vote for gay-rights. NEITHER party remembers it's roots and the citizens of the United States have had their idiotic teachers and parents tell them all sorts of stories about how great either party WAS, but never telling them what they are like NOW. We all need to vote for our president, nowadays, without even LOOKING at their part's affiliation. It doesn't do any of us any good. Because none of them have ANY real lineage or links to the old presidents of these United States--they're full of shit.

Just remember, Republicans and their party were formed basically to try and abolish slavery--now they are more likely to put it back into action; a complete reversal of their direction, progressive and liberal!

Democrats tried to keep things the same as it was and to even expand slavery--now they want to allow marijuana to be legal, allow gays to have rights, and essentially pick up many progressive and liberal causes... They too have utterly reversed the direction they were at and taking during Abraham Lincoln's time. Conservative on many topics and wanting to expand the states' rights and abilities. Now they are the ones that would abolish slavery and even have Lincoln on their ticket if he ran...

Our parties in these United States are abysmal, a joke, a farce, and shouldn't even be used... The Founding Fathers would be dismayed over so many issues it wouldn't be even funny. They would more than likely throw OUT the Constitution and start a new draft, simply due to the amount of changes we've made in the WRONG direction and the fact that they weren't able to see the future far enough ahead to imagine gigantic empires made only of Business (with a mere handful of people, not hundreds, thousands, and many more like it was in their times) and how News would become so powerful it is essentially as powerful as the president of the United States--and if watched by enough people it is even FAR more powerful than him/her (like in Russia; The Internet being the ONE thing the Founding Fathers would pat our country on the back over and it's what can restore balance to the people who watch or only can gain information from these entities; a new type of "University" where anything can be shared; truth and facts obtained at every man's fingertips nearly instantly at any point on this planet; it IS the world's greatest WONDER ever made).

Lastly, they would absolutely abhor our parties and how they are used--internally and externally (how our all the issues interconnect together; all politicians that receive outside money, they would likely want to have them all impeached, same with those that USE the media; they would HATE parties--but they know they'll always exist, you just have to get rid of the things that LET parties abuse we the people and also the government, and those things are: money and media...).


bobknight33 said:

She is full of shit.

Republicans are doing their job.
The President needs to submit a nominee to the senate decide whether or not to allow the nominee to become a Supreme Court Justice.

There no rule saying they HAVE TO appoint an OBAMA pick. They don't have to do jack.

Republicans are not bowing to extremest they are stopping extremest from derailing the country.

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