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OverLord (Member Profile)

Brothers Convince Little Sister of Zombie Apocalypse

Abby and Sarah - I'm Yours (Jason Mraz)

conservatives will basically believe any meme they see

Fairbs says...

I don't get a lot of phoney baloney stuff from my lib / dem / progressive friends, but I sure do get a lot from my Republican Mom and some from my R sister. My Mom doesn't have the skills to prove or disprove the stuff, but she sure is good at spreading it around.

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, but "believing shit you see on the internet" is not a phenomenon unique to conservatives.

Just limited to Trump and based on my own social media group:
No, Trump's cousin's obituary did not ask people not to vote for him.
No, Trump didn't say republicans are the "dumbest group of voters."
And no, Cruz and Rubio didn't tweet that they would support Hillary over Trump.

And that's just related to Trump and just in the last week.

Don't even get me started on naturopaths/anti-vaxxer morons (although I will categorically state that doctors are not being murdered because they found "cancer enzymes" in vaccines)

The world would be a better place if everyone stopped to take 5 seconds to google whatever nonsense they're about to share. In fact, I think there should a feature on facebook/twitter that does this automatically.

John Oliver: Border Wall

bobknight33 says...

Yep great healthcare, My sister went from 500/month to 1500/ month. She ended up on Medicaid. So much for looking out for those with preconditions.

My brothers went from 300 to 520 month. I work for a company which got a set aside from the mandate so I am untouched but my out of pocket went from 1200 to 5800.

Employment at 5% but when counting everyone who stopped looking then we are at 11%

Fucking great improvements.

iaui said:

Nothing except jobs and lives. An economy on the upswing. A little bit better healthcare (though still very bad except for the rich.) Yep, nothing to show for it.

Meet Canada’s Strongest Arm Wrestling Family

artician says...

That's a *woman*! Rock on, sister!

Crazy about the arm snap. I'd never arm wrestle again after that. You could hear it in the video (though I couldn't spot where it broke).

edit- Also, I'm super tickled that it's matriarchal thing for them. Fucking awesome.

Triumph And Fake Fox News Girls At Republican Rallys

vil says...

Ahh is this like an argument, or are you two just insulting each other?

Its really difficult to "believe" in something if you dont know what the hell it is or is trying to be. It is better to discover and know than to believe. I dont have a horse in this race as I am not american (my sister is and she just de-registered from the republicans), but seriously why are there no "normal" people running for political jobs anymore? You know, credible people with a plan, not psychopats, not avatars of agressive womanhood, latino-ism, socialism or stupidity?

Are there only dumb fanboys at these rallies so stupidity is expected, and has to be promoted in order to appeal? Are facts and program and sanity important to any degree at all?

Is Trump the bigger bum than Sanders, just with a rich dad?

Bernie's New Ad. This is powerful stuff for the Heartland

bobknight33 says...

He honeymooned in Russia.

Bernie Sanders is a Communist Sympathizer.

Bernie Sanders is the first Democrat who is honest about being a socialist. After all, with their policies demanding more and more government intrusion into our business and personal lives, they could only hide the truth of what they actually believe for that much longer. However, since socialism has failed everywhere it’s been tried, Bernie even admitted that the word socialism has become somewhat of a hindrance. Of course, you could point out all the despotic Socialist regimes, and you’d be making a good point. However, Bernie would still disagree with you! Not because he doesn’t think the mass murder and famine were a bad thing, but a good one. That’s right. An interview with Bernie emerged where he praised Fidel Castro’s regime. If you think his rape fantasy essay was shocking, or his folk album was hard to stomach, just wait until you hear his opinion on Communist Dictators A lot of people don’t know this, but Bernie actually hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor of Burlington. According to reporter Trevor Louden, Bernie hung the Soviet flag in his office to honor the Soviet sister city of Yaroslavl. You know, singing praises to the opposing side while you’re at war might seem treasonous to some, but if you’re a mayor of a major city, it’s perfectly acceptable and everyone will forget about it. No need to mention that the USSR was responsible for what some believe to be the biggest genocide in history. You’d be crazy to call Bernie a Communist. He only proudly hung their flag in his office.

Bernie Sanders did not only vacation in the Soviet Union, he honeymooned there. He described it as “strange honeymoon”. Once again, Sanders used the excuse that he did so in his town’s sister city of Yaroslavl. You have to wonder how much bad the Soviet Union could have done that Sanders was willing to overlook . Perhaps if Bernie loves Yaroslavl so much, he could do everyone a favor and move there.

dannym3141 said:

Source on this please?

eric3579 (Member Profile)

No one in the world is like Donald Trump? Don't Youbetcha!

Lawdeedaw says...

Considering that Bernie Sanders might win, I don't share so much pessimism. But of course if Palin's twin sister (Hillary Clinton) wins...yeah, I am with you.

ChaosEngine said:

Part of me wants this to happen.

Seriously, the world is already pretty fucked with climate change etc. It's probably too late to steer around the iceberg, so fuck it, full steam ahead and let's sink the whole fucking thing and get it over with.

It's not even 9am here and I'm at work.... too early to start drinking?

Patton Oswalt explains My Little Pony

Mordhaus says...

My wife and I chose to not have kids, which doesn't matter to my family because they are dead, but her family thinks we are being selfish to not give them more grandkids (her sister had one).

one of the many faces of racism in america

6 phrases with racist origins you may have been unaware

Lawdeedaw says...

I find her racism towards country folks annoying. She says "hey stranger, long time no see" like a cowboy is having sex with his sister...huck huck dumb country boy. Sure do gots a pretty mouth.

But as this adds something to the debate (mostly that MTV is dead for a reason and this talentless woman is not its savior...) I will upvote it.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

Babymech (Member Profile)

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