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surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

unfortunately they all have front mounted discharge valves, allowing spit and phlegm to spray out at face level when you breath hard, cough, or sneeze, almost like there's no mask at all. These masks are useless to stop the spread and should be labeled clearly indicating that. It's similar to the idiots who wear mesh masks pretend they're functional.
For a mask to work against covid spreading, it must filter exhalation of all droplets, those with exhaust ports do nothing.

surfingyt said:

There are training masks already people use for that exact purpose.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Try it. If she takes the kid and bolts, it's legal. Even if you manage to get a court order before she leaves state, chances are you won't get equal custody unless she's a documented certifiable nutjob. I say this because you live in a fault state which are invariably the same states backwards enough to automatically give women custody and force fathers to prove the mother is unstable and dangerous, and even then you'll share with her as primary without documented abuse.

So you've been together 20 years and share nothing. What a way to live.

Shared assets when not married aren't divided by the courts. If you want their help, gotta be married or sign an ownership contract with every purchase.

I can find no instance where I said my brother "won". He got custody, that's different from "winning". Be real. If you're going to quote me, please don't make up the quotes. Spending over $100000 on a two week marriage isn't winning by my definition.

That link is off topic. Find a study of similar jobs with similar hours worked and compare salaries, not a study that says average women work X ammount less so overall earning should be X amount less but instead it's X-1 less, so women are overpaid. That's not what their study showed, they're extrapolating there, and ignoring that the lower hours are usually not their choice, but their superiors orders to avoid paying overtime and full benefits to women. Also, they said Married men managers without kids also earn more for each hour at work: they earn $38.40 per hour while married women without kids earn only $28.70. That means that for each hour spent at their jobs, male married managers without kids earn about 34% more than women. 34% more for each hour. Did you read it? Mic drop.

See, more insulting dismissiveness...those women couldn't possibly be more competent or harder workers, they must be succeeding because of preferential treatment. In case you missed it, that's incredibly misogynistic.

What?! Prove it.....with data not an anecdote.

So....You wouldn't marry a crazy person only because of what divorce would cost. Yeah....right.

" I wouldn't even consider marrying anyone that has any adverse indicators" sounds like personal issues to me, they aren't good enough to marry....because of divorce....Again ignoring the prenup that dictates divorce splits.

Lol. Such utter bullshit. Maybe if they have an impairment and no lawyer, and can prove it in court, not because they say so.

Ashley Maddison.

Wedding rings are aphrodisiacs. It's why I don't wear one, hit on repeatedly wearing it, never once without it. My experience differs from your assumptions and statistics, same with my friends. I'm 5'9", so not tall cute and photogenic....but two out of three ain't bad.

Bob said it, you agreed with him and more.

An uncodified partnership is one of convenience or even imaginary. Nothing to stop either of you walking tomorrow if you meet your new soul mate. That's not a stable partnership. It may be exactly what you want. It seems you made up your mind that marriage=bad for men long ago, in which case you should not partake. I hope your path leads to at least half the happiness mine has.


Alan Watts - The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

vil says...

IDK seems like mostly crap, actually.
Smallpox and vitamins? Seriously?
Most other examples and allegories are similarly silly.

If we cant tell what is virtuous unless we stop looking how does Watts know what is virtuous? Is he not the one pulling a fish out of water to save it from drowning? How can he tell? How can anyone? Whatever. We cant lose if we stop running, right?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So now it’s one hour. Consistency, bob. You lack it.

Yes...but 5 second clips out of context are all you’ve been fed for the last 5 years....just as your statement about Biden tripping suggests, because it is a non story on real news, mentioned but not dissected to imply he’s on deaths door. Trump made his ramp crawl a story by denying it and claiming he ran down the ramp unassisted, without the denial it would have been a nothing burger....Thanks to Trump's dumb denial it became a story about his health AND his lack of honesty.

Don’t make up lies, Bob. I’ve never “secretly agreed” Biden isn’t presidential, I’ve said he’s not the best Democrats had to offer. You are the one who is consistently inconsistent between your private conversations and public ones, that’s why I won’t talk to you in private anymore. In private, you can occasionally be rational and honest, but then publicly you are bat shit crazy and contradict your private positions. That’s not me, it’s you, buddy.

No sir, Trump and right wing media are far more likely to be outright lying to you than telling the truth, something like 90% lies 5% misdirection and 5% truth...main stream media is closer to 90% truth, 5% misdirection and 5% lies or mistakes they retract when caught. It’s nothing similar. Right wing media excuses this by saying they are 90% opinion and only 5-10% news, and they have no obligation to tell the truth on their opinion programs. Indeed, they've successfully argued in court that no reasonable person could possibly think they were ever telling the truth so they aren't responsible for their lies. Main stream media doesn’t do that, they are maybe 20% opinion shows that actually do care if they’re correct and voluntarily correct themselves often and 80% actual news that follow ethical guidelines absolutely missing on right wing media.

For instance, you don’t see footage from clan rallies presented as Trump rallies on CNN, but Fox OANN and Newsmax all replayed year old riots in the Midwest labeled as Portland burning all summer, photoshopping armed ANTIFA into the fake pictures to scare you into voting out of fear of the terrifying black man, and lied to you claiming ANTIFA, the anarchist movement, is somehow part of the Democratic Party of big government and also in cahoots with BLM so much your ilk use ANTIFA and BLM as interchangeable terms....and you believe every word without question.
You don't see main stream media pretending there was massive election fraud based on nothing but the word of consummate liars, actually accusing American companies of being foreign entities run by America's long dead enemies in efforts to invalidate an election. You don't see them pretending a DOJ rule that denies a prosecutor the ability to press charges against the president explained as proof and official verification of his innocence on main stream media.
The right spread the absolute lies about vote fraud for so long they are being sued for billions and have convinced their viewers a dictator dead for a decade personally stole the election from their guy (who received 8 million fewer votes, and who’s never won an election by getting more votes).
If right wing media were held to the same standards as real news media not one right wing outlet would still exist.

bobknight33 said:

Limit of all news media to 1 hr / day and ban it from social media.

5 second clip out of context pushed with a slanted bent does nothing but divide people.

Biden tripping on AF1 Stairs, should be a non story Same with Trumps Walking slowly down a ramp should also be a non story. Both sides push the 5 second clip bent on hell to ding / impune the POTUS.

Media is the problem of the day. If reported news fairly then America becomes stronger and united.

Biden as you secretly agree is not presidential. Joe just is not up to the task. This is sad. Sad for Americans. It makes America weaker on the global stage. People surrounding him pushing "this is what is needed" and going with it.

All that yo say below about trump and his media is the same for Biden and his media lapdogs, and that IS the problem.

Have a great day,

David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything

bcglorf says...

I know you're joking, but you aren't wrong.

As a Canadian I am pretty sick of hearing some of the very snide attitudes up here about look at us and how we afford public healthcare at similar taxation to the US. How dumb are you guys to be spending so much money on evil killing machines. snicker snicker

The thing of it is though, we spend as good as nothing on military spending by comparison, and yeah, by saving that money we get to cheap out on taxes and still afford the public health program we have. However, we 100% are earning that luxury on the backs of US taxpayers funding a military that protects BOTH our country and theirs.

We are getting a free ride and mocking the driver for spending so much on their car that we absolutely rely upon because our car is missing two wheels and the engine needs to be rebuilt and we're too cheap to be bothered.

newtboy said:

Sure, but we got TANKS! We got so many tanks some never get used and go directly into mothballed fleets parked in the desert. What kind of excessive tank force does Canada have? *mic drop

Uber driver speaks out after passenger mask confrontation

newtboy says...

One arrested for assault with a caustic chemical, assault and battery, and violation of the health and safety code, one expected to turn herself in on similar charges.... sounds like maybe no charges for the girl in the middle.

Update: second girl arrested for violating covid mandates, battery on a transit employee, conspiracy to commit a crime and the big one, first degree robbery! That charge alone could be 9 years upstate because robbing a taxi/uber/lyft/bus driver is a special circumstance in California that adds 3 years.

Biden Has A Lot To Boast About In New Covid Relief Bill

luxintenebris jokingly says...

it's a phenomenon.

like not being able to detect their own scent.

similar to what Rodney Dangerfield used to say...

"i don't like loaning friends money. it's not good for them. gives them amnesia!"

same with the change of parties. prompts a men-in-black photo shoot.

newtboy said:

You loved it when Trump printed trillions for bailouts and handouts.

A New View of the Moon

blacklotus90 says...

I had this experience up in Burlington, VT once - a bunch of home hobbyist astronomers had set up their telescopes on the street and were inviting people to take a look at astronomical bodies (moon included). The feeling of being able to see that level of detail with your own eyes is indescribable and it definitely reignited a sense of awe and wonder at space. Loads of towns around the world have similar groups that do public viewings - highly recommend it if you ever have a chance.

Zombie Deer

newtboy says...

Testing showed it could be transmitted to some monkeys, but we already have Kuru (CJD) and mad cow. Essentially the same thing, and the prions are similarly indestructible.
I is quite horrific.

eric3579 said:

That would be quite the horrible thing to get if it ever makes the jump to us monkeys.

Zombie Deer

Something went terribly wrong with this ship's controls

viewer_999 says...

I'm less shocked by the accident than the ship itself. Look at that thing! Anyone know a ballpark pricetag?

Edit: Found a site mentioning it, but it has no price listing. Similar yachts are in the $65M+ range. What the hell planet am I from.

EPIC Canyon Mini Jet Boating - New Zealand

newtboy says...

There was a lot of discussion about that in the YouTube comments. What made sense was one commenter who said when he had run into similar situations out kayaking he had plenty of warning because of the motor noise and it was simple to pull over until the jet boat passed. He wasn’t so sure about how electric boats would announce themselves.

00Scud00 said:

That could have turned out badly if there had been any paddlers in the canyon.

Getting the most out of factory downtime

Escape from Lockdown!

vil says...

Eerie (and nostalgic for me, visiting all my favourite places). Had a similar trip through Český Krumlov a couple of months ago, not a tourist soul in sight. Ethereal solitude indeed. Very much a perfect one day trip to London minus a pub.

Pickup Truck Flies Off Overpass

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