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Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

dannym3141 says...

Yep can't agree more, this does nothing but piss me off. Why would someone do this to someone else? It makes no sense. I was a very, very trusting, nice, polite and kind child. Being treated like this by people really fucked my life up - not only being emotionally and sometimes physically abused by my sibling but also eventually by a step parent. It turned me from an incredibly intelligent and gifted child into someone who suffers severely from cynicism, mistrust, apathy towards life and eventually severe bouts of depression.

I'm not saying that's what's happening here, nor that it's indicative of anything. I'm saying this sort of behaviour CAN ruin a large portion of a person's life, it absolutely disgusts me.

It's so unfair and so unnecessary, and the kid is so upset and so trusting... it reminds me so much of things that were done to me and makes me want to weep. That's why i'm so judgemental of it. It's too close to the nerve for me, and i know what this sort of shit can do to someone.

I remember when i was 7 or 8, i had a sister who was around 15 or 16. One day she was in my front garden talking to her friends and a few of mine. I went outside to join in. As soon as i got into the garden i heard her talking about how strong she was in that childish way. To prove it, as soon as i got close, she offered me a hug, then when i walked into it thinking "how lucky i am to have a sunny day, good friends, and a nice sister", she grabbed me around the neck and literally choked me. I wasn't even crying because i couldn't breath at all. I was screaming as best i could for her to let go, struggling, i couldn't even draw in a single breath so all my calls for help were limited by the breath that i had in my lungs to begin with.

She threw me to the floor and burst out laughing at me, calling me a girl and a baby and all the rest. In front of my friends. For those 30 seconds, i was scared for my life and it seemed like it went on for hours. Even recanting this story has made me cry for the last 10 minutes. I cry because i remember how innocent i was, how trusting i was, how fascinated by everything i was, how easily things came to me..... and the person i became now because of evil shits like this.

But that was many many years and a catalogue of abuse, and this is just a video of a twattish prank. However i'll leave it, because i feel better for writing it, and maybe in a roundabout way it'll make an impact on someone else.

Girl vs. Closet

Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

lucky760 says...

It's a rare thing in this day and age for a younger sibling to begrudgingly follow his older sibling's orders with little hesitation. This is a fantastic way to demolish that precious trust and fill with disrespect those who look up to you.

I applaud the young lad and am sickened by the other. For shame.

Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

Jacob, Get Off The Xbox 360

Glenn Beck Has A Brief Moment Of "Self-Awareness"

Nithern says...

Actually, marriage, like any other word in the English language, is largely how it's define. In the USA, the term is a contract.

If you define marriage as between a man and woman, that's one defination.
If you define marriage as the process to procreation, that's another defination.
if you define marriage as between two adults, that's a third.

What alot of you get hung up on, is that 'marriage', is not only a religious concept and meaning. There's a financial and legal defination.

The financial defination, usually means, things are joined shared in terms of expenses and financial gain. In addition, if a spouce passes away, the other, gains full ownership of assets and expenses.

Legal defination, is that, a spouse can make decisions for their spouce, in the even their loved one is unable to make decisions (i.e. in a coma, serving on active duty, in prison, etc). This applies to issues in which legal definations are needed as the result of issues that arise from local, county, state, and federal laws and regulation.

So in the end, if you oppose gay marriage, not from a religious point of view, you would need to define exactly what is the financial and legal documentations and rights of the people. I have yet, to hear one arguement that is non-religious in nature, that holds weight, in why two homosexual people can not marry. Even the one on procreation. Since, the couple can still adopt, or maybe one or both have children from a previous relationship. Still, they could hire a surrogate mother to carry a child to term (and be paid for it too).

Now, some argue, that if gay marriage was allowed. Marrying one's dog/cat, or sibling, or underage person, or, taking a 2nd or 8th wife, is equally 'ok'.

Marrying one's pet: This is not allowed under contract law of the USA, on the grounds that a pet (i.e. a dog) can not communicate understanding of the legal issues of being married. Notice your dog doesnt get Visa/Mastercard applications in the mail? There's a reason for it.

Marrying one's silbing/underage person: Contract law can only 'stick' if A) The person is 18 or above, or B) Has a parent's permission (inwhich case, the parent is held libable for any damages). Except for a few states, most states in the US prohibit this.

Marrying multiple people: Besides the fact that this would just be a legal nightmare to navigate through. One would have to make the arguement, that those in previous but current marriage contracts, agree, to the terms of the new marriage. Unless one is a Mormon, I doubt anyone would really pursue this for legimate reasons.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Throbbin says...

1. I am arrogant.
2. I can make anyone laugh IRL. Anyone.
3. I wet the bed until I was 11.
4. I almost drowned in Hudson Bay when I was 3. My mother tells me she's never seen anyone run as fast as my father did that day.
5. I am supposed to have an older sister named Stephanie. She died 3 hours after birth.
6. After Stephanie, my parents tried to conceive for over 3 years, gave up, adopted my older sister, then found out they were pregnant a week later.
7. I have 13 siblings (most are adopted or fostered, 3 half-siblings, including 1 I've never met). I have no full siblings.
8. I am not fluent in my native tongue, and this has been a source of shame for me my entire life.
9. My wife is teaching me more of my native tongue living in southern Canada than I ever learned back home.
10. I tested (twice) in the 97th percentile for IQ in all of Canada. I took "enrichment" classes until high school, when we moved back north (no enrichment classes there).
11. I used to play D&D and Magic the Gathering, but was always on at least 1 sports team throughout school.
12. I had my first child when I was far too young.
13. I am overweight (but losing weight).
14. My wife tells me my best feature is my forehead (I'm not kidding).
15. I am going into Law School next year.
16. I smoke.
17. I take a certain pleasure in making people look like fools if I think they feel superior to me.
18. I am very self-conscious and I may try too hard.
19. My Inuktitut name is Nuliajuk, after my grandfather.
20. I make friends easily but rarely maintain relationships. I only have 5 'buddies'.
21. I have a very high tolerance for cold. My skin gets cold, but I don't feel cold.
22. People have guessed I am: Native American, Mexican, Phillipino, Samoan, Hawaaiin, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.
23. I have very little cartilage in my nose.
24. I procrastinate (thanks videosift).
25. I have abnormally strong legs. (I once maxed out a leg-press machine with 1 leg).

Daily Telegraph writer mauled by a lion

kronosposeidon says...

I know the lion was just playing, but it was still a frickin' LION! What the hell are people thinking? Would you "play" with a bear, or an elephant? It's called wild life for a reason. Also, everyone knows that play can turn ugly some times. If you've never gotten into a fight with a sibling or another kid when you were playing during your childhood, chances are you don't exist. This guy's lucky to walk out with just a few scratches.

I have to wonder what kind of mindset a person must have to think he can walk into a cage with a lion and presume that they're equals. "I can use my brains to control this situation," I suppose. Maybe. Maybe not. Luck would have a lot to do with the outcome. And I'd rather risk my life savings on a roll of the dice than risk being viciously mauled to death by a lion when the interaction was totally voluntary. The reporter's a dolt for going in that cage, and the lion's handler is a dolt for allowing him to enter.

This is just so stupid that it's blowing my mind.


25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

xxovercastxx says...

  1. When I was 4 or 5 I fell on a log that contained a bees nest and was stung over 30 times. I'm not afraid of bees anymore.
  2. I wish I had gotten to meet my maternal grandfather and I wish I had known my paternal grandfather better before he died.
  3. I seem to be immune to poison ivy and poison sumac.
  4. The only time I feel comfortable in my surroundings is when I'm out in the woods.
  5. I have always felt like an outcast, even among other outcasts.
  6. I have struggled with depression and anxiety at various times throughout my life.
  7. I think people try too hard to avoid death and that it hurts the species as a whole.
  8. I wish I didn't have to work so I could focus on hobbies and things that actually matter.
  9. In contrast to almost all my friends, I don't seem to have any phobias.
  10. I am a skeptic. I don't believe claims that aren't supported with evidence.
  11. I can make rational decisions about very emotional topics without those emotions clouding my judgment.
  12. What I think and what I feel are often at odds with each other.
  13. I really struggle to connect with people.
  14. I find humor in everything, even the most horrible things. It's my coping mechanism.
  15. I'm completely open to questions and encourage people to ask me whatever they want, especially since I'm usually at a loss for words.
  16. I spend a lot of time reading wikipedia.
  17. I really want to design and create a videogame.
  18. I have no patience for stupid people.
  19. I've never even been tempted to try drugs, cigarettes or alcohol. I just don't see the point.
  20. I think all drugs should be legalized. If you're dumb enough to smoke crack, you're supposed to die. Bring back natural selection!
  21. I have the full gamut of almost-siblings: a step-sister, a half-sister and an adopted sister.
  22. I think I've wasted most of my life.
  23. I take pride and joy in deflating big heads.
  24. I don't really like being the center of attention.
  25. I never did manage to learn to swim. Through great effort I can stay afloat for a minute or so, but that's it.

    How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids?

    entr0py says...

    >> ^maximillian:
    Idiot indeed. If you believe in the Bible then the answer is simple.... Adam and Eve had more children not recorded in the Bible. So Cain and Abel had children with their sisters.
    This sorry excuse for a religious leader should know this.

    If you believe in the bible the answer is obviously something that wasn't in the bible? . . . So pretty much the opposite of every other situation, where believers tend to go with something in the bible, and non-believers would go with something not in the bible.

    Honestly, I think you just want to believe that because you find the idea of sibling incest a bit less abhorrent then parent-child incest. And you're right.

    >> ^Kraz:
    (Genesis 5:4) The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters.

    Seth was fathered after the whole fratricide incident. So unless seth's younger siblings were also time travelers that part doesn't help.

    Richard Dawkins: Why are there still chimpanzees?

    entr0py says...

    You'd think this would all be very obvious from the word DESCENDED alone. No one thinks that people are sometimes descended from their siblings or cousins.

    . . . wait, no, I guess a few people really are descended from their siblings and cousins. Maybe they're the same ones that are having trouble with this.

    28 Yr Old Babysitter Falls In Love w/ 14 Yr Old Boy

    moodonia says...

    14 year old has siblings, I guess that explains the babysitter.

    I dont think adults doing kids is ever acceptable, however much the kid wants it (ridiculous even typing that), he might be totally into getting it on, but I don't for a second think he is ready to have a 28 year old professing her love for him. Lots of 28 year old guys arent ready for that!

    C4 in the U.K. did a documentary about this topic, boys who were "initiated" by older women, moms friends or whatever, and as grown ups they all said it messed them up for years.

    I dont buy the sexual peak theory anymore either, I've heard lots of docs and sex therapists rubbishing the idea in the last couple of years. Apparently it stems from the Kinsey report which was measuring orgasm frequency, and teenage boys do like beating that meat and they tied in a sexist angle that it wasnt acceptable for women to orgasm outside of a marriage. Or something.

    Alanis - Too Hot

    Young Turks Watches The Sex Tape Teacher Gave to Class

    Best WoW Freakout Ever: The Aftermath

    grinter says...

    In the olden days, people without tech savvy used to film their televisions so that they could post the videos on youtube.
    In modern times, the the younger siblings of those people film youtube videos shown on their computer monitors and then repost these videos to youtube.

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