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Eyelid Cyst Surgery!

Issykitty says...

OMG... one of my siblings had this when he was young (cyst below the eye) that got to the size of a big marble before he had it surgically removed. This was gross, but also fascinating to watch.

Best WoW Freakout Ever

longde says...

I think this situation had been brewing for a while, and finally came to a head right before the sibling activiated the camera. I also think it within the realm of reason that the freakout kid has a history of bad tantrums, so that the sibling had a good idea what was coming.

He just never counted on a remote to the ass.....ewwww. Seriously, I hope this kid gets the help he needs; I hope the parents get the parenting classes they need.

Family: We Want Little Hitler Back

snoozn says...

This lovely family was in the news a while back when their local shop refused to make a "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" cake for them:
The parents are just horrible on several levels: obviously extreme racist bigots, willing to saddle their kids with a lifetime of pain/teasing/unwanted attention. I don't know just how many parts evil and how many parts stupid.

Even with all that, I doubt it's best for the kids to adopted out to some family they don't even know. Of course if there is some other kind of abuse going on, that changes things. Unfortunately, kids grow up in racist homes all the time and a great many kids grow up with values I don't agree with. Sometimes, the world just is what it is, and you have to hope that little Adolf and his siblings will eventually mature better than their parents and escape this sad and murky existence.

Ideas for Kids Star Wars Party! (Kids Talk Post)

NeuralNoise says...

If there are any siblings, make them kiss each other! Classic SW

They could duel and whoever shoots first, is Han Solo!

"The jar-jar binks award for most annoying kid"!

Do you have a big dog? if you don´t, rent one and have Chewie rides.

I like the vader-choke idea, but add some invisible string.

Gungan Breath-holding contest on a bucket!

(what a fun party...)

Jim Carrey - Overly Confident Gay Man

Beggar Robot

Camels biting and kicking each other!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'must be siblings, camels, they fight and fight and fight and fight and fight' to 'must be siblings, camels, they fight, they bite, they fight and bite and fight' - edited by calvados

Do You Remember The BoardGame MouseTrap? - AVGN Does!

Arg says...

Maybe our household wasn't normal but my three siblings and I would play this game properly. And, yes, when the first two players get to the final-loop part of the game it can take a few turns before someone lands on the cheese whilst the other player lands on the crank. But that gives the other players a chance to catch up. There are only six squares in that final-loop part of the game, so by the time three or four players get there you get to set off the trap quite often.

Part of the appeal was the fact that the trap wouldn't always work. Sometimes the ball would get stuck at the bottom of the rickety stairs, or the spring-loaded "helping hand" wouldn't fire when the ball hit it, or the man on the diving board would jump into the pool only for the cage to stubbornly sway at the top of the pole without dropping. If the trap fails to work then you gain a reprieve, the trap is reset, and the next player takes their turn.

So when you finally get to turn the crank to set off the trap there's a sense of anticipation with one player rooting for the trap to work and the other hoping that it jams up somewhere. And then there's all the oohs and aahs and cheers in reaction depending on who you're rooting for.

Great game, I loved it.

Dita von Teese on the Sharon Osbourne Show

WKUK - Brothers in Arms

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'whitest kids u know, siblings, squabble, fight, dont tell' to 'whitest kids u know, siblings, squabble, fight, dont tell, wkuk' - edited by Zonbie

Angry cat: Om Nom Nom NOM

ElJardinero says...

Lots of cats do this.

In my experience cats that are brought up with siblings are more likely to do this. It's just some auto "it's my food back off" thingy.

I've even heard them do it when nobody's around (being somewhere else in the house and hearing it).

Chasing A Tornado - And It Starts To Form Right Above Them

kronosposeidon says...

^I don't know about that. I grew up in the eastern part of Tornado Alley - Omaha, Nebraska - and if I saw a funnel cloud like that forming that close to me I would probably need a change of underwear. And I've seen funnel clouds before too.

I still remember the Omaha tornado of 1975 when I was a kid. It was the third costliest tornado in U.S. history, with estimated damages at the time around $1.1 billion, which would be about $3.5 billion today. We had friends who stayed with us for a little while after it struck, because the tornado ripped the roof off their apartment building. But my siblings and I had fun playing with their kids, so we didn't mind.

Three-Year-Old Smoking A Cigarette!

mizila says...

This reminds me of this guy who trained me at work a couple years ago. He told me his parents weren't around, and he and his couple of siblings lived with their blind grandmother who they pretty much had to take care of. He said she was a smoker and a drunk, and since she was blind she had the grand kids light cigarettes for her, ash them for her, and pour her drinks and hand them to her. He claimed that in his earliest memories he was smoking and drinking. He kicked the habits before most of us ever started and has been clean since.

nadabu (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Just because we lack proof of the non- existence doesn't mean the opposite is automatically true. As my little sister often says to me "Just because you can't see something, doesnt mean it's not real." to which i retort, "But that doesn't mean that it IS real either!"

I admit that I would have to concede some kind of faith to definitively say that god does not exist. I would say that the idea is EXTREMELY unlikely (since we're speaking in specifics)

What exactly is the difference between the practical and scientific knowledge? (according to you)

Allow me to borrow a few words from Richard Dawkins, (paraphrased) I assume that when you say god that you mean the judeo christian god and not say any of these :
You could have picked any of these gods, and lets see here,
Further information: Australian Aboriginal mythology

* Adnoartina - the lizard guard of Uluru
* Altjira - God of Dreams
* Anjea - Fertility goddess
* Bagadjimbiri - Two brothers and creator gods
* Baiame - God of rain
* Bamapana - A trickster god who causes discord
* Banaitja - A creator god
* Bobbi-Bobbi - Supernatural being who lived in the heavens in the Dreamtime
* Bunjil - The supreme god, represented as an eagle
* Daramulum - Son of Baiame
* Dilga - Goddess of fertility and growth
* Djanggawul - Three siblings, two female and one male, who created the landscape of Australia
* Eingana - Creator goddess
* Galeru - A rainbow snake who swallowed the Djanggawul
* Gnowee - A solar goddess
* Julana - A lecherous spirit who surprises women
* Julunggul - A rainbow snake goddess
* Karora - A creator god
* Kidili - Ancient moon-man
* Kunapipi - Mother goddess (patron deity of heroes)
* Mangar-kunjer-kunja - Lizard god who created humans
* Numakulla - Two sky gods who created all life on Earth
* Pundjel - Creator god
* Ulanji - Snake-ancestor of the Binbinga
* Wala
* Wawalag - Sisters who were daughters of Djanggawul
* Wuriupranili - A solar goddess
* Yurlungur - Mythological copper snake

Do you believe in these gods as well? Do you concede faith to them because their existence can't be disproven?

Give it up, if you were born and raised in Africa you'd be worshiping Jengu (water/river spirit). All I'm asking for is a re-evaluation of your opinions with what fits with the facts.

If your doctor came into the surgery room with all sorts of unproven ideas about how to operate on you, you'd understandably feel uncomfortable. AND THATS A GOOD THING!! The demand for solid evidence has given us clean water, a healthy abundant food supply, modern medicine, and brought an end to witch hunts! Well...Almost.

More people that are willing to re-evaluate their opinions (something encouraged by a scientific approach) means less crazy ideas running rampant and more sensible honest people.

In reply to this comment by nadabu:
Oh, good, it seems we're more on the same page than i thought. If we lack proof of God's non-existence, then it seems to me quite wrong to limit the options for theists like myself are not limited to liar, ignoramus or (self-)deceived. So, may we now consider the option of faith? Faith being neither pretense, ignorance nor deception, but rather a sincere belief (possibly of varying degree) in that which is clearly unproven in any scientific sense and yet also admittedly impossible to disprove.

It seems to me that limiting what we "know" (in the practical sense, not the scientific sense) to that which can be scientifically proven is absurdly, paralyzingly impractical. We constantly live "by faith" in all sorts of little and big things. All humans regularly act as though "[we] know more about something than [we] possibly could". Why then, when it comes to the issue of theism, should my faith merit your derision? My theism didn't come from proof, and i'm not ever going to prove it. I believe one day God will force the matter, but i sure as hell can't do it for you. If you want to know what and why i believe about God and how that works in my life, i can talk about that.

In reply to this comment by JiggaJonson:
The burden of proof lays in your hands not mine. Trying to disprove the existence of god would be like trying to disprove the existance of unicorns or dragons. We have stories about dragons and unicorns but maybe even those are bad analogies. Perhaps Bigfoot or Loch Ness would be better examples(since people actually do seem to believe said things are real) despite a lack of credible evidence.

Maybe you could answer a question for me and then i'll be able to help you.

Find something we can both agree isn't real, and then tell me how to disprove it's existence.

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

JAPR says...

1. I was raised Mormon, but got fed up with it by junior high and officially dropped it when I moved out for college.

2. I grew up on the West, but not quite the West Coast (hooray Nevada and Idaho).

3. Speaking of Idaho, I don't like potatoes as much as people assume I would.

4. The only non-Republican in my immediate family, but I wouldn't consider myself a Democrat, either. Rather, I decline from choosing a party and prefer to focus on who would be a better candidate overall, as best as I can tell.

5. I used to sing in choir all the way from sixth grade up until the end of Freshman year in college.

6. I actually missed a chance to sing at Carnegie hall with the choir here because I quit it, as well as the opportunity to go to Europe.

7. My sort-of-secret dream is to become a musician, but I'm nowhere close to good enough for that yet.

8. I play guitar and sing, and while my guitaring is starting to get decent, the lack of formal practice with singing since quitting choir has caused my technical abilities in singing to go down.

9. I own a DS and play Pokemon sometimes. Because that game series never really stopped rocking.

10. My favorite video game ever is Chrono Trigger.

11. I am a cat-lover, but am fine with dogs as well.

12. I prefer physical CDs to digital purchases, and currently own over 120 CDs, which I didn't really start purchasing until about three years ago.

13. I only buy CDs without checking them out by downloading first if it's one of my favorite artists and I'm convinced that it's going to be good.

14. I study Japanese, and recently received a rating of "Advanced-low" on the ACTFL Proficiency scale, mostly due to not having devoted any time to studying vocabulary this past semester.

15. My goal is to achieve "Advanced-high" by the end of the year and "Superior" by the time I graduate.

16. My parents see me as a bad influence on my siblings.

17. I drink a lot, and good Belgian ale and German hefeweizen.

18. I don't really smoke, though I have tried it a few times.

19. JAPR are actually my initials.

20. The "A," which is the name I go by, was my Great-Grandfather's middle name, which he went by as well.

21. I have yet to own a car.

22. I spend more money on guitar equipment and CDs than I do on books for classes.

23. I am a habitual procrastinator.

24. I love VideoSift even when it is exactly what I should avoid when I have a deadline for a paper.

25. I still have absolutely no clue what I want to do with my life.

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